View Full Version : You have to come and read about my sister's stray.

04-24-2004, 07:49 PM
I'll try and make this as short as I can.
About 2 months ago my sister took in an injured stray male tuxie cat that had an abscess on his right leg. She wanted to bring him to the vet, the hubby said, "NO WAY" cause they already have 2 cats and didn't want a third. To make a long story short, a friend of a friend took the cat. BTW his abscess broke and healed up nicely. After 2 weeks of the woman having the cat, she brought it back to my sister as she could not take his crying all the time. She lives in an apartment and couldn't let him outside and she doesn't believe in neutering. We will just leave it at that.
Anyways, last wednesday morning, my sis let the cat out and he didn't come back until friday night with a collar and an I.D. capsule. She thought oh-boy, now she will find out where he comes from. She opened the capsule and took out the piece of paper and this is what it had written on it:
If this cat belongs to you, please note that we took your responsibility to get your cat neutered yesterday. ( 22/04). Please note that it is irresponsible to let your cat out without any I.D. or being spayed! In this animal mating season, we don't want any unwanted litters abandoned or euthanized in any shelters anymore.
What do you think of this guys and gals?
I forgot to mention that my sister had put posters around the area he was found and no one has come forward. Also my sisters hubby has come to terms with having a third cat, even before this happened. He has named him Tux. The uncanny part of it, is that they were planning on bringing him to the vets to-day.
Gee sorry guys, this is longer than I thought it would be, but just had to share this story with you.

04-24-2004, 08:01 PM
:) Well, your sister had to take a gentle chiding for letting the un-neutered stray out - but now she can keep a neutered and vaccinated cat, right? I think the people that had it done were being responsible and caring. Is your sister upset or glad or what? I am confused:confused: Since nobody answered the posters that she put up, hubby agrees to keep the cat - she can now have the cat, right?? Did I misunderstand anything??

04-24-2004, 08:04 PM
If this cat belongs to you, please note that we took your responsibility to get your cat neutered yesterday. ( 22/04). Please note that it is irresponsible to let your cat out without any I.D. or being spayed! In this animal mating season, we don't want any unwanted litters abandoned or euthanized in any shelters anymore.

I say RIGHT ON!!!! At least someone had the common sense to have him neutered and get him the shots he needs.

I hope he has a wonderful home with your Sis and her hubby!

04-24-2004, 08:16 PM
wow..they did what I wish I had the nerve to do! I say thank you to the kind and generous stranger that halted the feline population.

04-24-2004, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
wow..they did what I wish I had the nerve to do! I say thank you to the kind and generous stranger that halted the feline population.
And your sister is lucky they didn't take him to a shelter to be rehomed.

04-24-2004, 09:19 PM
I will add more to the story so you will understand it better.
Please understand that this was a stray cat that she took in to care for the abscess he had. He went crazy when she tried to keep him in, so she had to let him out so he wouldn't harm her cats at the time as he would attack them, not viciously, but enough to make her worry for her cats.
She figured maybe he wanted to get back home, but he would come back at night. She made a shelter for him. My sister kept pleading with the hubby to keep him to no avail. When no one claimed him after about three weeks, she found another home for him. That didn't work out, the woman brought him back last Tuesday. She kept him in the basement that night and talked with hubby again and he agreed to give it a try. Wednesday morning, she put her cats in a room and let the cat out of the basement. Right away he went to the door crying like mad to go out. So she let him out as she figured once they brought him to the vet to be fixed he would settle down and they didn't see him until last night. They were going to bring him to the vet to-day to get him checked out, vaccinated and neutered. He will now remain an inside cat and will be slowly introduced to her two cats.
I guess next time I shouldn't shorten a story.

04-24-2004, 09:38 PM
Not to be rude, but I don't think those added details change things too much. There are really no circumstances in which it's okay to let outside an unneutered animal that you've taken in.

I think it's great that someone was willing to step up to the plate and get this animal the care it needed. I think using your husband as an excuse is a bit weak.

04-24-2004, 09:53 PM
First off it wasn't my husband it was my sister's husband and it was not an excuse. She had to think about her own two cats also who were her first priority. My sister tried to help this cat as it was injured, tried to find out where he came from, cause he was friendly towards her so she figured he had to belong to someone.
When no one came forward, she found another home for him, didn't work out, decided to keep him as she had became attached to him and was going to bring him to the vet to-day.
Gee I'm sorry now I told this story.
Bye bye.

04-24-2004, 10:02 PM
Glad he is neutered and up to date on shots now. Hope he gets along with her other two cats okay. Fingers crossed.

04-24-2004, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by rg_girlca

Gee I'm sorry now I told this story.
Bye bye.
Oh Lorraine, don't be sorry! It was just a confusing story:D Really it has a very good outcome!! The people that had the neutering done did the right thing and it is ironic that they had it done ONE DAY before your sister was going to have it done anyway!! So now, I am guessing sister and hubby now have Tux right??? It has a happy ending and guess nobody will ever know who these people are. Right? Right!:p

04-24-2004, 10:22 PM
I agree with Debbie, this story had a wonderful ending. Makes you feel good just knowing there are people out there like that. So thanks for telling it, Lorraine.

I love stories with happy endings! Thanks for the wonderful story.


04-25-2004, 12:11 AM
I'm so glad that this story had a happy ending and now Tux is finally in his loving forever home.:)

04-25-2004, 04:35 AM
please don't be sorry you told this story, because I was so happy to read about it, and such a happy ending for this Tux, I commend your sister for doing the best she could and trying to help this poor cat, she could have easily turned a blind eye, as so many do, GOOD ON HER!!, and the most important part of this story is that TUX now has a good loving home,and that is what matters, nothing else IMO.

04-25-2004, 01:23 PM
That is what , in The Jewish religon , they call a Mitzvah , or a Blessing. Those were Good People , who did that favor , for you. Please pass a favor on , to the next Person!

04-25-2004, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by rg_girlca
Gee I'm sorry now I told this story.
Bye bye.

Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sorry that some people seem to feel the need to make their point with a sledge hammer. Obviously, the people who had him neutered and wrote the note, are these kind of people. While I admire them for trying to educate others, there is really no need to be so accusatory and judgemental.

Sounds like it all worked out to everyone's satisfaction.

04-25-2004, 03:27 PM
OK.... so apparently if anyone stumbles along a stray and is kind in ANY way, they are obligated to follow through to the greatest extent of the PT law!!! Not everyone in this world is as financially secure as some of the others! DUH!!! SO, I guess Lorraine's sister should have just walked past this cat and ignored him, if she wasn't able to immediately get him vetted and castrated! You know, I think that God has placed all of us here to each do our own part, within our own means ..... she took this cat in and kept him safe, the next samaritan had him neutered, and the next will find a home for him. The final analysis is that this cat is being provided and cared for ... just as God would have it!

04-25-2004, 03:38 PM
I think your sister did what she thought it was the best for this stray cat - and that is much more than most people would have done!

And when she got him back from that woman, she was considering getting him neutered the next days, right? So you can say, somebody was just a bit faster...


leslie flenner
04-25-2004, 05:43 PM
I have heard of these capsules but have never seen them! Wish I was rich enough to scoop up all the unnuetered cats and take care of them.. but I can't. It was a good samaritin. The capsule notes are preprinted from what I understand. Couple months ago, QueenScoopalot and I were trapping a pregnant female in a stray cat rampant neighborhood (Roxbury) and a tenant from the house where we'd placed the trap came out and BOASTED that his male cat was likely the father!! He went on to say that he doesn't "believe in taking away his 'manhood'" IF you can believe it! If I could afford it, I'd steal his cat and return him with one of those capsule notes!
Don't be sorry for posting at ALL! You're sister was doing the best she could in the circumstances she was in- as do we all!! Bless her and I hope Tuxie acclimates well!!! (Consider it a good thing she didn't have to pay for the vet costs!-heehee!)

04-25-2004, 06:51 PM
I agree... this was story with a great outcome. Nobody should feel guilty, as your sister did as much as she could do in her power! If she feels bad, then she might be able to try and locate the people who generously took him to the vets. Yes, their methods were a bit brusque, but I think what they did was commendable! Perhaps your sister can make a donation in Tux's name and she can explain (or not) what had happened. I sure hope she "shared" the letter with her clueless friend.

And be happy that you are a new Aunt! :D

04-25-2004, 09:35 PM
Kimlovescats your words sum up exactly how I feel.

04-25-2004, 11:54 PM
Thank you to those for your kind words and understanding and a special thank you to Kim.

Leslie: The capsules are very small, with a little piece of paper about the size that you get inside a fortune cookie, where you can write the cats name, address and phone number. This person wrote so small that you practically needed a magnifying glass to read the message.
The woman who took the cat, had him just over two weeks. She was suppose to bring him to the vet to get checked out and vaccinated but for some unknown reason she didn't and the idiot doesn't belive in having a cat fixed. My sister only found this out, when the woman brought him back on Tuesday night.

Kirsten: Yes they were going to bring him to the vets on saturday cause my sister works during the day and her hubby works a shift where he only gets home around 11:30 at night.

Catnapper: She doesn't feel bad about it, she was more shocked by it, cause when she let him out wednesday morning, this person must have taken him that day, made arrangements for him at the vets for thursday and released him on friday. So they must live close by. When he didn't come back wednesday night until friday, my sister thought that maybe he found his way back home and YES my sister is trying to find out who this person is, so she can reimburse them and explain the situation in regards to Tux.

Also a little update to let you know that Tux is doing well and has settle down some. She plans on introducing her two cats to him in a few days, with Tux in a cat carrier.