View Full Version : omg omg omg please click herre... i need help fast!

04-24-2004, 04:12 PM
Ok herre's tha issue..
<i am so sorry for posting it in tha dog section.. but that is wherre everyone seemed to be>

i found mii dog out on tha deck playing with a little animal.. i looked.. and found a little baby.. Something.. i dunno what it is... it has fur, and a long nose.. mii sister thinks it's a mole.. but we're not sure.. there is NO way i am putting it back out there alone bcuz it's eyes are not even opened yet and i am an all animal lover and would never want anything to happen to him.. i have a camera with me now.. digital.. i am going to take some picturres.. and maybe uLL know what it is.. it is SO SMALL... i dont know what to feed it, how to, or anything.. PLEASE help me!!
thank you so much.. i am taking pix now :-D

guster girl
04-24-2004, 04:16 PM
call a rehabilitator. call the vet. they will be able to help you or at least point you in the right direction. i would think not to touch it too much with your bare hands, maybe wear gloves. Keep it in an animal carrier or a box or basket of some kind, and, keep it warm. I wouldn't try to feed it or water it until you've gotten advice from a vet.

04-24-2004, 04:42 PM
My cat has brought moles in the house before, I just take them back outside and turn them loose. They just scamper off on their own. They like burrowing under ground. Most of them live underground. I think they eat worms, vegetation, etc. If you ever notice lines of dirt in your yard or close to your garden that looks like raised dirt, then you probably do have moles around your home. Like Guster Girl said, don't touch it with your bare hands.

They have barely detectable eyes, and long tapering nose. They look like they have long fingers on their feet, they use for digging. They are really odd looking.

These guys love my garden.


04-24-2004, 04:59 PM
yeah... but shes a REALLY lil girl... smaller than half tha size of mii hand... REALLY tiny.. almost newborn. i tried to look for tha mommie or another mole.. and i can't find any.. ive never seen any b4 either.. i tried to take pictures n OMG i never knew that a baby THAT small can FIDGET THAT MUCH! I know that these r bad pix.. but theyLL show u juss how TINY tha baby is... here gooes.. well.. next post.

04-24-2004, 05:11 PM
here:: this is him in mii hand

04-24-2004, 05:12 PM
If you want to read about these little critters go here (http://www.rcogopherbait.com/moleology.html)

This has some info on them, there are other sources too.

04-24-2004, 05:16 PM
looks like a mole or a wood shrew. a vet or reablitator is its only chance and not much of one.

04-24-2004, 05:16 PM
this is him again... u can see his LONG nose!! so tiny!! i no.. the pix aren't that great.. but... i guess itLL do.. he wouldnt stop moving!!

04-24-2004, 05:24 PM
Yeah, it looks like a baby mole. I think they get put out of their nest pretty young. I usually just turn them lose somewhere the cat is not likely to go.

We have a lot of these guys here. So Stubby my black cat brings them in quite a lot. I get those kind of gifts from him. I don't want him to kill them, so I just take them back out like I said and turn them lose in a safer area. Away from my house.

04-24-2004, 06:22 PM
Did you put it back yet? It's not going to "open its eyes" wide like a pup or a kitten will, it's a mole, their eyes pretty much look shut their whole lives, as they live underground.

04-24-2004, 06:51 PM
Yes, you do need to go ahead and put it back. These guys usually live underground. So the best thing to do is just turn it loose. It should be okay.

04-25-2004, 11:37 AM
sOrry guys... i juss couldn't put him outside in tha cold.. i mean.. he's so tiny!! n when i put him in mii hands n in tha towel he juss LOVED tha warmth... i felt so bad for him.. so i brought him to this place that i know of. It is a animal rescue place, and people bring in animals that are hurt or orphaned all tha time. The animals that they help, they put back into the wild again, where they were found.. and sometimes they keep them there if they have to. I brought a bunny there once that had a broken leg and was gonna die.. and i brought a newborn mouse there that i found while walking down tha street.. i no that it is better to let nature take it's course.. but seeing the helpless animals... i juss need to help them.. i felt SO bad for tha lil guy.. n didn't want to put him out into the cold to be eaten by the snakes that i find all tha time out there (ughh). so.. now he's at tha rescue center and i am going to call today to see how they are doing. My sister wanted to name the mole Pinnochio (sp?) bcuz it has a long nose :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ... i didn't quite adore that name.. but i guess that's tha name she's stickin with, so i guess it'll hafta do..

please pray for pinnochio (:-D)

thank you for all of your help :-D

guster girl
04-25-2004, 12:42 PM
I think you did the right thing. :) I like the name, and, I think you spelled it correctly. Let us know when you find out how he is and how old they think he is.

04-25-2004, 12:51 PM
Sweetie, you did do a good thing. I am very proud of you. At least he/she will be able to go back into the wild where it belongs.

I think that name really suit the little mole perfectly.

Good Job, Puppylover_4_ever! That was a sweet thing you done for Pinnochio.

Thanks for the update.:)


04-25-2004, 03:49 PM
He sure is an adorable little thing!

04-25-2004, 05:11 PM
You should be proud of yourself:) Now, just maybe, Pinnochio will have a chance to heal and go back to the wild, healthy and whole again. I'm so glad you had a wildlife rescue group to bring him to! I will be saying a special prayer for precious little Pinnochio...I love his name:) {{{HUGS}}}

04-25-2004, 07:38 PM
What a cute little creature! I've seen a mole only once and it was on a camping trip. It was starnosed mole, with a darling fringe of little fingerlike things coming off it's nose. Pinnochio should be fine. ;)