View Full Version : Have you ever wondered?

04-22-2004, 03:50 PM
What our pets think of us while we're taking pictures of them?
If they're wondering what in the heck we're doing?
It'd be really interesting to know.

With so many of us that take tons of pictures of our babies... I thought i'd make a thread to see if anyone else wondered about this as well.

It seems as if Simba and Nala enjoy to be photographed.. they always look at the camera, and normally lay/sit right down when i'm setting up a photoshoot.

04-22-2004, 03:51 PM
Since I've really started photographing Duke(digital camera) I've found he's gotten a lot better at posing. Plus, he's had lessons from your two :) I really don't know what they're thinking. Probably "better just do as mom says"

04-22-2004, 03:52 PM
I can't say Lolly overly enjoys photoshoots :rolleyes: She's much happier when we're outdoors taking pictures because she can watch birds or run around in between shots. So she basically probably thinks I'm some kind of idiot running around with a "flashy box" all the time.

Reece doesn't mind pictures at all. In fact, I'm very convinced that he almost knows what it is because he loves to strike a pose when I point the camera at him.

The cats ... well, they're cats .. they're happy as long as I'm dangling toys and distracting them while I take the pic .. otherwise they'll just go to sleep and make for very boring pics!

04-22-2004, 03:57 PM
Well I do know that Nicki gets jealous when I take the cat's pictures. I usually take one of her and she knows whether or not I was pretending (sometimes I don't like either the pose, the lighting, or the horrendoues mess around her.) Pouncer knows what I'm doing and often poses for me. Allen just is Allen. I don't know if he notices or cares.

BTW: Are you going to be a photographer when you "grow up" - you have a great eye.

04-22-2004, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by catnapper

BTW: Are you going to be a photographer when you "grow up" - you have a great eye.

Thanks! I hope so. ;)

04-22-2004, 04:08 PM
My cats hate it! Especially when I'm trying to get a good picture of them sleeping and I accidentally wake them up- boy do I get some nasty looks!!!

Pumpkin is the hardest to take pictures of. As soon as she sees the camera, she looks the other way (ah... my orangie princess.....):o

Rio and Me
04-22-2004, 04:14 PM
Rio thinks if i sit still the first time it'll be done quicker and i'll get my treat quicker,lol

I had a pony (jilly) who was a happy girl allways had her ears forward except as soon as you put a camara to her her ears went back and she looked angry, i think i have 1 pic with her ears forwards and the rest are back and grumpy looking, it made me laugh as soon as the camara was away the ears flipped forwards,lol