View Full Version : Julie and her new walking jacket.

04-22-2004, 11:43 AM
I have been working with her to get her used to having it on and going ouside. She doesn't seem to fight having it on, however she tends to slink rather than really walk in it. It will take time I'm sure.
She is usually pretty good for about 5 or 10 min then she wants to go inside.
I have noticed when I let Buddy out she runs to the door and meows to go out....she only goes out with her jacket or not at all. She did happen to slide out the other night and went out to investigate. We nipped that in the bud real quick. We live near a busy street and I am not taking any chances with her getting too far from me.

I don't have any pics of her in her jacket yet...but I will get some soon. (I don't have a digital cam so I have to have pics put on disc to post them. )

Thanks to Eddie and Edwina and the posts of them in their jackets. That is how I learned of the walking jacket. She fights a collar, but she tolerates the jacket pretty well. Hers is purple.:D
Now Miss Julie can get some fresh air and sunshine too!

04-22-2004, 03:10 PM
We need some pictures of that.;) Eddie and Edwina looked so cute and if you say Miz Julie doesn't leave her home without her jacket that makes her a true pupil of Lady Edwina:D

04-22-2004, 04:49 PM
I want to see pictures. How neat.

04-23-2004, 11:29 AM
I bought a roll of film last night. So...weather permitting, I should have some ASAP.

I am creating a little monster...she is wanting to to go out ALOT now. In fact she zipped out the door when I let Buddy in this morning without waiting for her jacket. I had to run after her. She wanted to go out and eat grass and explore! I have to get it in her head...no jacket...no outside. I find she prefers the back yard to the front deck. which is fine...she is safest in the backyard, should she get away from me.