View Full Version : help w/ my breathing problems??

04-21-2004, 01:38 PM
I used to be alergic to cats, but I have not been around one for a few years up until I got Meko back in October. While I was only slightly allergic to her as a kitten, she sleeps next to me & I would wake up with stlightly red/itchy eyes. It was nothing serious & I could deal w/ it. However now she has her adult coat & I am having breathing problems ever since (about 2 months). The Dr's say it may be allergies as they can not find anything else wrong. But I have not had any tests yet. I can tell that her adult fur is thinner as well as she sheds a lot more. Is it possible that they release more dander or something with their adult coats?

This is pretty urgent as my breathing is getting worse & allergy meds are not working. I really do not want to get rid of her, but unfortunatly without medical insurance I really can't afford the allergy tests, I have spent thousands upon thousands on this already. Not that I want to get rid of her at all it's just that this is draining me physically & financially & is a major problem & unfortunatly I am not made of money & now I would like to try the cheaper route first. The tests cost thousands of dollars too. I just do not have any more money to spend. They took x-rays of my lungs, took blood tests etc.. everything is fine, although they did find a very slight irregular hearbeat which they say is should not have any relation to this problem. I was also on antibiotics in case I had pnemonia (sp) or broncitis & they didn't help at all either.

Although even when I am away from her I still have problems but they do however get a bit better, I have not gone more than one day away from her yet though.

I have been asking friends & family if they could watch her temporarily (for a couple months) to see if I get better without her, but just in case it was not related to her I would still be able to take her back as I really do not want to get rid of her. Unfortunatly no one is able to. I am at my witts end at trying to figure what is wrong with me as well as keeping my sweetie.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Or know if a cats adult hair is different than their baby hair? Or maybe since I have had her so long it just took myhouse a while to "collect" the dander? Any info is appreciated!

Do you know when you take a deep breath of really cold air & it hurts your throat & lungs, making it impossible to take a deep breath, and almost loosing your breath for a minute? Well that is the symptom I have but it is like that 24/7. Litterally I have not been able to take a full breath, let alone a deap breath in a couple months. It is absolutely terrible & it hurts. It is especially painful when I bend over (like to pick up something) I can barely breathe at all then.

04-21-2004, 03:13 PM
My son has asthma and allergies...I have a hepafilter in his room. It cost me $200-300, but it is well worth it. I think you can find them cheaper though, I bought the biggest one that I could afford at the time. It's unbelievable how much stuff it sucks up in the air. Also, I have special allergen filters in the AC and heater, they run about $12 each. I have a hepafilter in my vacumn. I vacumn and wash bedding as often as possible. I dust often. I wash the cats twice a week. The cats aren't allowed in Jaden's room. Also, I have these special allergy covers on his pillow and mattress.

Jaden takes Singular, Albuterol, Claritin, and Qvar.

Check out http://www.achooallergy.com/index.asp

Good luck!

04-21-2004, 03:13 PM
Oh, here is the shampoo I use on the pets:
