View Full Version : Need help ASAP

04-21-2004, 08:37 AM
Pouncer caught a bird (K&L... you have somne experience here ;) )
and its currently trapped in the basement. Its flying and seems ok, just completely frightened. I have the basement doors open, but can't seem to coax the bird in that direction, he keeps heading into the opposite direction, as far away from the doors as possible. I don't know how to capture him or guide him to the doors. I tried a broom, but it sppoks hum more, and I certainly don't have any type of net. Any one know what I can do?

I'm terrible upset right now. That poor bird! Pouncer is quite pleased with himself and quite mad that I made him let the bird go. It was quite a chase me trying to get Pouncer to release the bird.

04-21-2004, 08:39 AM
Right now the poor little bird is probably scared and that is why you are having a difficult time with him. Is there any way to leave the door open so he can fly out on his own? In the mean time you might try placing a shallow bowl of water up high (so he has something to drink).

Good luck (and that Pouncer is definitely a naw-tee kitty ;) )

04-21-2004, 08:42 AM
The bird is way too spooked right now, give it time to calm down and you may have some success in getting it towards the door when it calms down....just continue to leave the door open if you can.

If you have any bird seed or bread you can try leaving a small trail from the center of the basement to the door but again with the bird being spooked it will take some time.

You can also use a very light bed sheet instead of a net to throw over the bird and then very carefully pick up the bird and let it outside. --- Meg

Keep us posted.....

04-21-2004, 08:47 AM
Boy you folks are fast! I can only leave the door open a short while longer - I have to leave soon. Perhaps if my neighbor is home, I can ask her to watch the house whiel I'm gone to leave the door open.

My heart is racing, so I can only imagine how the bird feels.

I will leave water and see what I can drum up in a way to make a trail... my basement floor is littered with storage boxes.

04-21-2004, 08:53 AM
The only thing taht you can do is to leave a door , or window open , and to hope that he flies out , on his own power! Good Luck!

04-21-2004, 09:20 AM
I have to agree that the bird is going to have to leave on it's own. I'm sure the poor thing is terrified and once it settles down will head for the open door.
Good Luck! I hate this time of year because of all the poor baby birds that will soon be coming along.http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/frown.gif

04-21-2004, 10:20 AM
Oh, God, what if its the mama bird? I'll be more than devastated if she doesn't find her way out! She;s still int he basement and Pouncer is pacin the kitchen and crying at the door - he knows the bird's down there and wants it! I took Nicki outside and he darted out - I caught him just as he was headed for the open basement doors. Never said he was a dumb cat.

I am so very late for my daily runs and don't want to leave... I've been putting off one customer since Monday, I can't ignore them again today!

Poor birdie. :(