View Full Version : Godspeed, my fur babies

i love my kitty
04-20-2004, 04:32 PM
Dear Readers, Please write about your precious fur babies!

04-24-2004, 06:11 PM
Last summer (august 23), I had to put my precious Thai to sleep.She was a blue point siamese who lived to the ripe old age of 22! The two kitties I have now help soften the sadness of losing her.

i love my kitty
04-26-2004, 03:57 PM
Well, david p, I know how you feel!!;) Precios Gretel Girl had to be put to sleep too because her colin was not working!!:(

Laura's Babies
05-01-2004, 07:46 PM
I have had 3 special fur babies in my life. Sambo was a solid black that I picked from a litter the day he was born. We had a bond that I did not think possiable. I knew what he was thinking and he knew what I was thinking and we communicated that way. He was very affectionate and Mommie oriented. I never went to bed that he wasn't there. When I lost him, I was totally devistated, could not eat or sleep for days. Lost him to kitty kidney stones. He was over 11 years old.

A friend of mine who felt so sorry for me when I lost him, replaced him with another solid balck little girl from a pound in Florida where she lived. I named her Penny. She was the oddest cat I ever had. Where Sambo could walk across a table and not touch a thing as he walked, she would knock everything off. She had to sleep on my pillow where she could feel my breath on her. She was terrified of storms and would hide in the cabinet until they left our area. She was a wonderful mouser though and loved to hunt for them, bringing them inside at night so she would have something to play with the next day while we were all away. Moles, mice, brids... We never knew what we would find when we got up in the morning. I lost her to heart failure at about 13.

Chynna was my so very special "gentleman". He was a cream point Himalayn that was given to me when his owner remarried and her new husband could not cope with all that fur. He was a ulitmate "gentleman" in every aspect of the word. He would present himself to company to be admired and petted and if they ignored him, he would do the cutesie posses on his back until they paid him his due! He was so beautiful that most thought he was a stuffed animal and would always ask where we found something so real looking. His ONLY bad habit was leaving his "clothes" all over the house, as my Mama use to say and she said he shed enough fur to make enough kitten britches for all the kittens in the world!! If he got in your way and you told him he had to move, he would look at you and then move.... EVERY time! He was, as I use to say "A Collage Educated" cat because he understood everything. The one thing he didn't understand was the dangers of being outside and that not all dogs like cats. So, he snuck out of the house and into the neighbors back yard one day where there was 2 big dogs. They did not kill him but he would not come out of shock and after days of trying to get him to respond to anything and everything, the vet said he needed to go to RB so he was PTS. He was 9 years old and such a special boy!

I miss them all, Sambo, Penny and Chynna and it would be hard to say, which one I miss the most. They all were so unique and had their own personalities and special gifts to give those who knew them.