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04-19-2004, 09:14 AM
This is in the VERY EARLY process of things...i haven't even heard back from my breeder yet (just left a message on his machine)....

...guess you are wondering what i am talking about...

Well, for starters, you will very rarely find a Swissie on Petfinder that is purebred. And many of Swissie breeders, including mine, asks that if for any reason, at any time, you can't keep your Swissie to give him/her back to the breeder and they will either keep it, or place it in a home (and that is why you can hardly ever find one on Petfinder), well, they have a website, that only occasionally will have available Swissies...i just checked and they have a 3 year old neutered male, great with kids, other pets, etc. and needs a new home ASAP, b/c owners are moving into New York City (Swissies are not city dogs), and then to London...so i called and inquired, but he may already have found a home, we'll see...he is originally from my same breeder.

If he is still available, I will have to find out where he is, if he is going to be heading to the breeders, to wait for a new home...and if he, Dale and Christian would get along. So, if he is going to be temporarily sent to the breeder's house, then i would have to bring Dale and Christian there to meet him and see if they hit it off or not. Being that they are both males...don't know how it would work...but Dale gets along with any dog...he is a bit intimidating to smaller dogs, but another Swissie would be ideal for him (he gets along great with my neighbor's 2 rhodisian ridgebacks, and they are both male, 100lb dogs)...this dog is supposedly great with other dogs and kids.

So anyway, it may turn out that he already has found a new home, but we will see...

i will keep you posted...


04-19-2004, 09:26 AM
Ohhh how exciting :D Good luck and keep us posted.

04-19-2004, 09:42 AM
How exciting!!!
Keep us uppiedated!

04-19-2004, 10:15 AM
Well, the breeder just got back to me and said that right now he already has a tenative home, but if it falls through, he will keep me in mind. If it is/was meant to be, it will happen...i am not concerned, either way...it would be nice to get an already housetrained doggie/companion for Dale, but if it doesn't happen now, it will happen in time. :) I was in no rush :)

04-19-2004, 12:22 PM
Either way, I hope he gets a new happy home soon. :D

04-20-2004, 10:34 PM
Dale's breeder called us today. Totally unexpected. I had called him yesterday about that male Swissie that I had told you about, and he told me yesterday that he was already spoken for....

So today, he found out about a 2 year old female Greater Swiss, already housetrained, and supposedly has a great temperment. She just had a litter of mixed puppies (lab/swissie), and he is rescueing her and her pups. So he called me to ask if i might be interested (since i had just called him yesterday about the other Swissie)...i am definately interested. And we are infact going to a Swissie event in May, that he (the breeder) will be at also, so he is going to bring her for us to meet...we will have Dale and Christian.

Being that she is a large dog, she will have to have a great temperment and impress both my husband and I, in order to adopt her, b/c of Christian, mainly. I know Dale will love having a companion, but Christian is my ultimate concern, and she has to be able to tolerate kids well...so we will see, we will be able to spend the whole day with her at the event to get a good feel for her.

We are moving in with my in laws for 2-3 months, while our house is being built, so Dale will be enough for their cocker spaniel to handle...so if all goes well, and we end up adopting her, then we will pick her up in August (the breeder will keep her for us until then)...b/c i can't expect my in laws to not only have Dale and my 2 cats come into their house, but another BIG dog too, would stress their cocker spaniel out...

So, time will tell, i will keep you all updated...

I am not going to rush getting Dale a companion doggie, if this works out, then it was meant to be, and if it doesnt, then we will wait until the right pup does come along.

I don't know much about her background, as i find out, i will tell you...

This is exciting!! :)


We already have a name picked out, if we end up with her...:) Time will tell :) The event that we are going to, when we get to meet her, is May 7th...so i should know better by then...

04-20-2004, 10:49 PM
Wow, you are very lucky indeed!
I wonder...if this Swissie was intended to be a pet, why wasn't she spayed? That sort of struck me as odd. Perhaps this dog isn't originally from Dale's breeder and he is rescuing her anyway - that might be why I'm confused.
Anyway, I hope everything turns out for the best!
I'll be checking back to this thread after May 7th!

04-20-2004, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by Kater
Wow, you are very lucky indeed!
I wonder...if this Swissie was intended to be a pet, why wasn't she spayed? That sort of struck me as odd. Perhaps this dog isn't originally from Dale's breeder and he is rescuing her anyway - that might be why I'm confused.
Anyway, I hope everything turns out for the best!
I'll be checking back to this thread after May 7th!

Yeah, she is not originally one of his dogs . He just rescues Swissies from shelters to help protect the breed, and b/c he loves the breed...i am guessing someone told him that she was at the shelter, knowing he rescues Swissies. He, of course, breeds them, but will rescue also. The owners must have been irrasposible (sp?) in not getting her spayed...maybe she escaped and got pregnant, i am not sure, but hope to find more info on her tomorrow...i was so shocked to even be getting the call, that i could have asked more questions, but didnt think of them at the time...

04-20-2004, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by Christiansmommy
Yeah, she is not originally one of his dogs . He just rescues Swissies from shelters to help protect the breed, and b/c he loves the breed...i am guessing someone told him that she was at the shelter, knowing he rescues Swissies. He, of course, breeds them, but will rescue also. The owners must have been irrasposible (sp?) in not getting her spayed...maybe she escaped and got pregnant, i am not sure, but hope to find more info on her tomorrow...i was so shocked to even be getting the call, that i could have asked more questions, but didnt think of them at the time...
Oh, okay. He's just out to help any Swissie in need - good to know!
I bet you were pretty shocked, 2 Swissies up for adoption in a span of just a few days!
Don't forget to take some pictures on the 7th! :p

04-20-2004, 11:10 PM
Oh Robyn,

I really hope that this was meant to be!!!!!

WOW - 2 Swissies in one household!!!!

04-21-2004, 06:48 AM
How exciting! I too will be checking back in May to see how the meeting went. Good Luck Robyn:D

04-21-2004, 06:55 AM
Here she is! :)
And a side view. :)
It will take her a while to get her girlish figure back! :D

04-21-2004, 07:28 AM
Just look at that face. She is beautiful!!! :) Good luck, Robyn.

04-21-2004, 07:29 AM
Ohhhh she is beautiful :D I hope the meeting goes well and everyone gets along.

Good luck.

04-21-2004, 07:37 AM
I think she is pretty too. She looks like a girl, (aside from the obvious fact that she has been nursing puppies). Her eyes are a shade lighter than Dale's, but she does remiind me of him. Swissies white blaze can range from very thin to very wide (making one dog look very differnt from another)....Dale's happens to be thin, as does hers...anyway, i can't wait to meet her, hopefully her personality is just as pretty :)


04-21-2004, 08:07 AM
She is beautiful! Good luck. I know Dale would love having a companion so I hope it all works out. They would make a great couple.

04-21-2004, 08:10 AM
Oh my she is beautiful, just look at that face!! Oh I sure hope this works out and she will get to be Dale's sister! What a lovely girl. Swissies are just gorgeous dogs :)

04-21-2004, 08:44 AM
When I last saw this thread the latest *development* was not on it. I think it is good for you to have a cautious attitude and be careful in checking if she would be the right mix for Dale and Christian. Don't forget to inquire how she would relate to the cats too. Be strong on that as looking at her picture I could understand how one would want to scoop her up and start nuturing her immediately. By the way, what's the name you already have picked out?

I think we might have a Swissy in our neighborhood. I've seen the dog outside only a couple times as we drive by the house, and can't quite make out it is a Bermese Mountain Dog, with shorter hair, or a Swissy. It's hair doesn't seem to be quite as flat as Dale's but then it doesn't seems to be as rough as a Bermese Mountain Dog either. It sort of looks like a Bermese Mountain Dog that has been trimmed down.

04-21-2004, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by Rachel
When I last saw this thread the latest *development* was not on it. I think it is good for you to have a cautious attitude and be careful in checking if she would be the right mix for Dale and Christian. Don't forget to inquire how she would relate to the cats too. Be strong on that as looking at her picture I could understand how one would want to scoop her up and start nuturing her immediately. By the way, what's the name you already have picked out?

I think we might have a Swissy in our neighborhood. I've seen the dog outside only a couple times as we drive by the house, and can't quite make out it is a Bermese Mountain Dog, with shorter hair, or a Swissy. It's hair doesn't seem to be quite as flat as Dale's but then it doesn't seems to be as rough as a Bermese Mountain Dog either. It sort of looks like a Bermese Mountain Dog that has been trimmed down.

Well, if both my husband and I both fall in love with her in person...and choose to adopt her,...she will be called Harley.

The dog in you're neighborhood, could very well be a shaved Berner. My uncle has a neighbor in Florida, where he lives, and they give their Berner a shave when it gets really hot. Swissie's fur is very much like a labs...short (they do have an undercoat too)...It can range in color from black to tan...(the under coat)...

Well, the good thing of it all, is that the breeder will have her for 2 and 1/2 weeks, before we meet her at the Swissie event, and he probably has at least 10 full grown Swissie's of his own that he shows, and/or breeds, so he can see how she is with all of them too...he willhave a pretty understanding of her temperment in that 2 week time...but we will see when we meet her.

04-21-2004, 10:27 AM
What a beautiful girl she is Robyn:) I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that it works out for you! The toughest challenge in rehoming rescues I've found is finding the right dog for families with young children, dogs and cats! Of course Christian is your main concern, along with Dale and the kitties. Hopefully she's the one:) I'm sure the breeder will do a thorough temperament evaluation and of course, she has to pass the mommy test! Good luck to you!

04-21-2004, 11:15 AM
She's beautiful! :D I hope everything works out when you meet her. :)

04-21-2004, 06:36 PM
Hey guys, its Rob, Robyns husband. I just tried to work a little magic on the mommy to better represent her. To be honest, at the moment I'm very undecided about this decision...but without furter adu...



04-21-2004, 06:39 PM
Incase you can't tell what he has done to the pic...he made her figure back to normal after having 4 puppies ;) Wish it were that simple in real life...just photoshop me back to my pre-preggo self ;)

04-21-2004, 09:28 PM

If that face doesn't just scream "take me home!!!"

Good luck Robyn!! I hope she is a fit with your family.

04-21-2004, 10:24 PM
She is just lovely! I think she looks fabulous considering she is the mother of FOUR! Wow, I just can't even imagine how much work that is.
Can't wait to hear more after you meet her.... :)

04-23-2004, 06:55 AM
A new twist to the story (again)...

After thinking about adding another Swissie to the family, right now, may not be the best decision for us. Yes, we want Dale to have a doggie friend ,but maybe right now just isn't the time. I really wanted her...looking at that face :), but the more we discussed it, the more we thought that we should at least wait until we are settled in our new home in Maryland...(we will be living with my in laws for 2-3 months starting on Tueday, while we wait for our house to be finished)...so maybe i was biting off more than i could chew, ya know. So, anyway, sorry for being so wishy washy, I would love another doggie, but i think it is in our best interest to wait for now...and i do feel good about that decision....

So i called the breeder (b/c i didn't want to leave him hanging (so he could find another home asap for her)...and he said that aside from me, he had already had 3 other people show interest in her, so he was glad that i called him as soon as i knew, so he can contact those people right away...so i am sure she will find her furever home real soon...!!!

Just wanted to keep you updated...


04-23-2004, 08:14 AM
Robyn, it really sounds like you are thinking things thru. :) Someday Dale will have a doggy friend! :D