View Full Version : Ugh... *Rant*

04-18-2004, 12:36 PM
Well, two women just moved into the house behind ours.. Well they have a little corgi, who is *SO* adorable.. Of course when cami goes outside, so is the people behind us, playing with their dog.. So cami would see this dog and bark at him, wanting to play.. When i looked over there, i noticed a board that was loose, that cami would stick her head in to see the dog, She wasn't doing anything wrong at all, just wanting to play.. All of a sudden i hear one of the ladies say "Get away from their jack, i don't feel like you getting bit by this ferocious dog, all THAT dog does is bark at you.. My poor baby" I was so shocked.. Cami would never bite anything, or anyone.. She just wanted to play.. :( I felt so horrible, that they thought cami was some mean dog, who just wanted to bite them! I didn't say anything, because i guess i understand they were worried, but they DO NOT need to say that about *MY* dog, if they don't even know her.. So i wake up this morning to the sound of pounding on the fence.. They were nailing more wood to the fence, so we won't be able to see, and cami wouldn't either.. We have never had any complaints about her.. More like compliments.. It makes me mad.. Am i overreacting?


04-18-2004, 12:43 PM
That sucks....:( Go outside with Cami, and bring some toys out, and just play fetch, ball, tug-o-war. Show them people your dog is nice!

04-18-2004, 12:44 PM
Nah, I don't think that you are overreacting.

This is just what I would do, but I would go talk to them about how Cami wanted to play. Then you could get to know their dog, and what is to loose there? :)

If they are just to rude to even talk to you about it, then I guess that is their problem.

04-18-2004, 12:53 PM
Josie barks at everyone and everything. I haven't heard anyone say anything bad about her yet, but I would be annoyed by it too, so I don't think you're overreacting. I've had people just stand on the other side of the fence, staring at Jo while she barks at them..stupid people :rolleyes:

04-18-2004, 01:25 PM
You're not overreacting. I probably would've felt the same. Next time, I'd just yell over to them that Cami is nice and only trying to play. Some people aren't used to the different ways different dogs communicate.

04-18-2004, 04:34 PM
You're not overreacting.My dog barks at other dogs too and I would feel bad if people judged my dog because of that.If they have a big problem with Cami,tell them that Cami is just playing.If they dont beleive you,its not your fault.

04-18-2004, 06:11 PM
My dogs are very verbal when they play. I get my feelings hurt too when people misunderstand them. I usually deal with it by smiling and nicely saying "They're the nicest dogs in the world, they just like to yap." It usually breaks the ice and makes them more likely to give my dogs a chance.