View Full Version : I got peirced!! :)

04-18-2004, 12:07 PM
Yesterday I decided to get the peircings I've wanted since I was 14. In my left ear I got 2 more lobe peircings, in my left I got one more lobe and one in the cartilage, and I also got my left eyebrow peirced. I got a really good tax return so this was my treat to myself. :) Nathan videotaped the entire thing, which I refuse to watch, but he will post some before and after pictures here :) I'm so happy I got it done! It does hurt, but a LOT less than I expected, and it actually was way less painful than using a peircing gun. The least painful was the eyebrow and (suprisingly) the cartilage.. but right now they are all about equally tender! :)

Stay tuned for pics! Amy - I held up my end of the bargain! ;) How I want to see pics of your ears!!!! :D :D

04-18-2004, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
Yesterday I decided to get the peircings I've wanted since I was 14. In my left ear I got 2 more lobe peircings, in my left I got one more lobe and one in the cartilage, and I also got my left eyebrow peirced. I got a really good tax return so this was my treat to myself. :) Nathan videotaped the entire thing, which I refuse to watch, but he will post some before and after pictures here :) I'm so happy I got it done! It does hurt, but a LOT less than I expected, and it actually was way less painful than using a peircing gun. The least painful was the eyebrow and (suprisingly) the cartilage.. but right now they are all about equally tender! :)

Stay tuned for pics! Amy - I held up my end of the bargain! ;) How I want to see pics of your ears!!!! :D :D

Here is some pictures, no he's not piercing her ear, just marking it with a pen (one of those pens they use in surgeries)

Enjoy, I did ... and video taped it as well :D

A/V Dept

04-18-2004, 12:12 PM
I guess Naomi was logged in so ... I guess I'm posting incognito! Wooo stealthy :D

A/V Dept.

04-18-2004, 12:13 PM
Last before picture

04-18-2004, 12:14 PM
let the piercing begin!

04-18-2004, 12:14 PM
just after the eyebrow :D

04-18-2004, 12:15 PM
the west coast piercing guy rules. Love the shirt

A/V Dept.

04-18-2004, 12:17 PM
from left to right

Kelly: You're looking a little bunged up camera man (inside joke - I'll let Naomi tell you :P)

Naomi: Are my eyes closed?

Cool prep dude: Wooo! my first group shot! (We never found out his name :()

Again, wicked shirt.

A/V Dept.

04-18-2004, 12:18 PM
After shots

A/V Dept

04-18-2004, 12:18 PM
part deux

A/v Dept

04-18-2004, 12:19 PM

A/V Dept

04-18-2004, 12:25 PM
You look great Naomi!! :D You are much braver that I would have been!

In case anyone is wondering...our deal was that I'd get my ears pierced (just one...I've never had my ears pierced until now lol) and Naomi would get the rest of the piercings she wanted!

04-18-2004, 02:17 PM
:eek: I'm SO jealous! I've been telling myself that I'd get it done as a Grad present next year. I really want my eyebrow pierced but I'm horrified at the thought of pain. Where did you go to get it done?

04-18-2004, 02:22 PM
Gorgeous!! :) They look great on you!

04-18-2004, 02:59 PM
I'm proud of you!! :)

I have one each lobe, peirced and top left cartiladge. I've been thinking about getting another on the top of my left ear.. I might..

04-18-2004, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by binka_nugget
:eek: I'm SO jealous! I've been telling myself that I'd get it done as a Grad present next year. I really want my eyebrow pierced but I'm horrified at the thought of pain. Where did you go to get it done?

Honestly, the eyebrow was the least painful peircing. It's all soft tissue, so it went in really easily and really didn't hurt at all. The most painful was the top lobe on my right ear.. I think I had a funny cartilage growth? I don't know how to quite desribe it.. and it HURT and made a crunch noise. I had a natural dimple in my ear there, so maybe it wasn't as soft tissue as what is normal? Anyway, it was the most painful but none of it was as painful as using a gun. my first two peircings were both done with a gun, and they hurt way more than any of what I had done yesterday :)

I went to the West Coast Peircing Guy. That is the actual name of the place :p The "guy" is Kelly, and he was GREAT. I actually first heard of them on The Fox radio station, and they are so clean, very professional, and really nice. The only other place that you might want to consider is Next, but the guy without a name (:p) said they are a bit more hardcore and might be more intimidating if you are nervous. No one where I was had a million peircings or tattoos or anything.. one girl I know who went to Next said her pericing person was kinda scary looking :p So go to West Coast.. he's super cool!! :)

Thanks everyone, for the compliments :) I'm so happy with them all :)

guster girl
04-18-2004, 04:26 PM
congratulations! It took me about eight years to get my belly button pierced. I have one other one that I wanna get, but, it's going to take some nerve. I love the earrings!

04-18-2004, 04:33 PM
Here is the website for the place I went :)


And sorry about always spelling piercing wrong.. it's one of those words for me that I never get right!!! :D

04-18-2004, 04:39 PM
Congratulations!Im not brave enough to get a cartilage piercing,they look cool though.Im glad it didnt hurt too badly for you.

04-18-2004, 04:49 PM
Congratulations! You have beautiful eyes, so the piercing goes great!

Sweet Sixy
04-18-2004, 05:09 PM
Congrats! I just recently got my cartilage pierced also. I'm more of tatto girl though :D The picture attached is my newest tattoo on my toe. Isn't it cute! I'm going to get yet another tattoo this weekend.

Sweet Sixy
04-18-2004, 05:13 PM
Congrats! I just recently got my cartilage pierced also. I'm more of tatto girl though :D The picture attached is my newest tattoo on my toe. Isn't it cute! I'm going to get yet another tattoo this weekend.


04-18-2004, 05:47 PM
Just be sure to keep them scrupulously clean, particularly the one up in the cartilage. You do NOT want to let that one get infected, trust me. I used to work at an Earring Tree, so did plenty, and saw the results of ones that weren't taken care of.

No, I have no piercings myself. No desire to, not afraid of it, just don't want any. Enough allergies in my family, including metal allergies, that it's just not worth the risk.

04-18-2004, 07:46 PM
it looks great! i want to get a cartalige piercing, i might get it next month, my mom wants me to wait

04-18-2004, 08:07 PM

I've got 2 holes in each ear. Had 3 but let the 3rd ones close up cuz no matter WHAT kind of earring I tried to put in, it always got sore and red.

I really want to get the cartlidge in my left ear done but am chicken. I've talked to alot of women who have had it done and they said it hurt. Not so much when it was pierced, but afterwards, especially when they tried to sleep on it.

Please keep me posted. If YOU can get through it, I guess I can too!! ;)

04-18-2004, 11:32 PM
Very cool Nomi!!!!!

04-19-2004, 01:26 AM
Thanks everyone, for the nice comments :) Karen.. I'm cleaning it 3x a day with tea tree soap, hibitane, and a special cleanser I got from the piercing place. Honestly, none of them are really hurting that bad. I'm pleasantly suprised :) Sweet Sixy - I don't see a picture anywhere but I would like to! :) Donna, the best way to not let it hurt from sleeping on the piercing is to.. not sleep on it :p I slept all night on my back last night. It was slightly uncomfortable but it would have been worse if I rolled on the piercings! And really the cartilage didn't hurt that bad... I would just make sure to go to a place that pierces with a needle and not a gun.. it makes a HUGE difference! And using a spring loaded gun in the cartilage will only cause it to shatter, which can cause a whole other mess.

Thanks again - you are all too sweet :)

04-19-2004, 01:34 AM
I would just make sure to go to a place that pierces with a needle and not a gun

That's what one of the girls from work said too. We'll see. :rolleyes: :p

04-19-2004, 02:11 AM
Looks great on you, Nom! I really like the eyebrow piercing.
Thanks for posting the before and after shots, Nate!

Now it's Amy's turn.... :p

04-19-2004, 06:07 AM
I used to have each of my ears triple pierced and one inthe cartiledge of my left ear. (the third holes I did myself, with earrings, ice and neosporin!) I don't know how many of the holes are stillopne, it has been so long since I tried to wear any earrrings.

I don't remember the cartiledge one hurting whenit was done, but I do remember it was uncomfrtbale to sleep on for a few days. I only got that one done, cuase my mom wanted to do hers and wanted someone to do it with her!

Congrats Naomi!! They look great!

04-19-2004, 09:21 AM
Aren't piercings addictive? I got my ears pierced (I did them all myself) 3 in one ear, 6 in the other ear, one of which is in the cartilidge, i used to have 2 in the cartilidge but I accidently left one out for too long & just never re-pierced it. I also had my eyebrow done, but I had to take it out for my old job, after a year of removeing it & putting it back in I just decided to leave it out,& just never got around to re-piercing it. I also have my navel done (belly button) I did that one myself too. And I have my labret (chin) & septum (in the middle of my nose like a bull).

04-19-2004, 09:48 AM
They look nice! I have a cartiledge piercing in my left ear.

I remember vaguely that it hurt a little more than a lobe piercing and was a little uncomfortable to sleep on for a few days, but other than that, no problems. :)

Sweet Sixy
04-19-2004, 11:15 AM
Sorry, Lets try this again. My internet is being a pain and I'm having trouble doing attachments with stuff Anyways....heres the tattoo on my toe!

Sweet Sixy
04-19-2004, 11:30 AM
Ok, I give up. If you want to see it I can email it to you. Its nothing special really

04-19-2004, 03:39 PM
WOW!! Great pics Nathan - brave girl Naomi!!
I've got a 'thing' about piercings and only had my ears done last year at the age of- - - - - oohh well over fifty!! I was just annoyed that I couldn't wear ear-rings that didn't hurt me!! Now I'm so happy - long dangly ear rings with no trouble at all - yippeee!
You seem to be doing all the good stuff with keeping them clean - good on you :D


Miss Meow
04-19-2004, 04:50 PM

I am thinking of getting another tattoo, just find to find some real estate on my bod that's not going to sag in years to come ;)

04-19-2004, 10:32 PM
Great pics Nate, but all I can say is OUCH!!!!!

You've got waaaayyyy more guts than I have. When I got my ears pearced at 40 I had to take my neice with me to hold my hand.

I'm such a wimp.... :o :o

04-20-2004, 11:42 PM
My friend was there to hold my hand too, and I kept my eyes shut the entire time. I also felt kinda woosy afterward so I ended up having to just sit still for a bit :) But it wasn't too bad :)