View Full Version : This is ridicilous.. I talked 11 hrs last night ONLINE...

04-17-2004, 06:07 PM
This is so ridicilous. We met few days ago online, and he goes to a college that I'm familiar with and I have few friends who goes there too as well. (Bowling Green State University).. and the first night we talked, we talked about 6 hours.. the next night, we talked about 8 hours.. and well, last night.. it was 11 hours (from 6pm to 5am).. Does this mean something? LOL.. We have SO MUCH in common & we never run out of things to talk about, we always seem to make eachother laugh.. he had me laughing at 4am! His name is Sean and he is majoring in film/tv. He is a critic for his college's plays, he writes scripts (he is planning to write a screenplay this summer), huge movie fan, and here's a kicker. He has a distant relative who's name is Matthew Broderick! I guess acting/theatre is in the blood in his family or something. He is the same age as me, but a month older. I have NEVER talked to a guy online longer than 4 hours, period. And 11 hours?! He is gonna come over here, and hang out, and so he can know my parents and my parents to know him. We'll be going to do something, like, going to the Cleveland Metropark Zoos.. we both love animals..

He knows sign language, and he showed it off to me on webcam, and he kept going "Make me a sandwich" in sign language, and I died laughing...

Wow. Time flies by when I talk to him, and I don't even know it. We are probably going to meet next week, depends on if we're free to do that or not. :) Obviously, you guys, what do you think is going on?? I am SORT of falling for him, a wee lil' bit. Here's what he looks like:


04-17-2004, 06:12 PM
Means you have nothing else to do. :p :p

04-17-2004, 06:20 PM
There is a nice dog park in BG, you could take Anna and Rosie to play ;)

04-17-2004, 06:47 PM

honestly though.. :p

Oh yes..

You guys will like this.. he LOVES animals.. he has a dog and a cat.. :D So I probably will do that at a dog park.. but it's a maybe.. ;)

04-17-2004, 07:03 PM
Wait until you meet him in person, try not to get your hopes up ... that way you can't be disappointed. In any case, you might have made yourself a friend.

04-17-2004, 07:16 PM
You talked for 11 hours straight?!?!?! :eek: Are you serious? My goodness! And I think I'm nuts when I chat with someone for one hour straight. :p How did you do that? That is almost half an entire day and night! My fingers would break typing that long. :p He he.


04-17-2004, 08:15 PM

I don't know how I did it. :P

04-17-2004, 09:55 PM
I Love the fact that he has a poster of the ORIGINAL Rat Pack on his wall...theres' something to be said for that.....

04-17-2004, 10:30 PM
My aunt met her husband online. they talked for about three weeks then my aunt drove (with two kids and a cat) to north carolina from north dakota and they got married 3 weeks later...and they're stil together and happy now. i thin kthey're perfect for each other.

just thought i'd share a positve story about that. just as a warning, if you do really like him be prepared to have a lot of people tell you it's wrong

04-17-2004, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by G.P.girl
My aunt met her husband online. they talked for about three weeks then my aunt drove (with two kids and a cat) to north carolina from north dakota and they got married 3 weeks later...and they're stil together and happy now. i thin kthey're perfect for each other.

just thought i'd share a positve story about that. just as a warning, if you do really like him be prepared to have a lot of people tell you it's wrong

Thanks... Actually, I have that now.. of people telling me it's not the right thing to do... telling me not to meet him.. etc.. but I swear, there's something! We clicked right off when we started talking.

04-17-2004, 10:54 PM
11 hours online??? So what!!! Think of how much money you saved in long distance calls!! ;) He's a cutie! Ask him if he's got a single father, older brother, grandfather, friend or uncle, will ya???

04-18-2004, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by delidog
I Love the fact that he has a poster of the ORIGINAL Rat Pack on his wall...theres' something to be said for that.....

Good catch Deli!!! I missed that one, but agree it is a definate positive!!!

04-18-2004, 06:08 AM
Ah Yes,Cincys'Mom!!!!!!

Peter Lawford *Swoon*
Frank Sinatra
Sammy Davis Jr.
Dean Martin

04-18-2004, 06:15 AM
Originally posted by delidog
Ah Yes,Cincys'Mom!!!!!!

Peter Lawford *Swoon*
Frank Sinatra
Sammy Davis Jr.
Dean Martin

Oh Delidog - **double swoon** over Dean Martin! They just don't make 'em like Dino any more! :D (

....starts humming "everybody loves somebody sometime....) :rolleyes: :p

04-18-2004, 06:27 AM
That is called "Breaking The Mold!!!'

04-18-2004, 06:28 AM
Originally posted by delidog
That is called "Breaking The Mold!!!'

:D ;)

04-18-2004, 09:39 AM
He is very cute! I'm happy for you. I met my husband online...I totally recommend it. By the time we finally met in person, I knew I was going to marry him. I think it is great because you get to know the person before physical attraction comes into play. I think it makes a relationship stronger because you get to know the real person first.

04-18-2004, 10:00 AM
Im glad you found someone who is not ugly at all LOL. But please be careful!! My teacher was talking to us about how this 20 year old girl went to go meet a guy he said he was 23. She got proof of pictures and stuff and they went on the webcam together (only he had one I think) then they went to go meet eachother and well he wasent who he seemed to be. He almost killed her and it turns out this guys uncle was forcing his nephew to talk to her for him... Its just a warning but this guy sounds really nice though... you guys should have a picnic and makesandwhiches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D omg that would be funny lol..anyways I hope you have a great time with this guy and we all trust you and know you are responsible!:)

04-18-2004, 10:08 AM
I also met my husband online in college. I had family and friends who weren't so sure about the whole thing, but because you are talking so much, you really learn about the inner person more, much faster than if you bumped into someone at a store or something. My husband and I were already very close before we ever even saw pictures of each other. By the time I saw him I was sure I would love him no matter what he looked like. Well it turned out I also found him attractive too.

We spent months, talking online when I was at school, then writing letters and phone calls when I was home for the summer. We did that for nearly a year before we finally met. My mom really wasn't too thrilled about it but when she finally met him over Christmas holidays she really liked him.

Now I did not plan on going online to meet a soulmate. Internet chat was still a lot newer at the time, and I was just fascinated about the internet and meeting and talking to people. I had been pretty shy but there were really no inhibitions with the anonymity of the net. I think if something just happens it's great to pursue it carefully, but people can end up in a mess if they push things too much and/or have too many expectations.

Anyway, I wish you luck! Thought I'd share my experience. :)

04-18-2004, 01:55 PM
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences!! I have a funny feeling about him, but it's a good feeling.. so I have to find out what it is.. last night, we talked for 9 hours again.. we were on webcam on AIM.. and we kept making eachother smile, etc.. it was so cute.. I picked on him on something.. and he made me laugh so hard!!
I'll let you guys read it.. :) And thanks.. I'll be careful, I promise.

Rachel says:
good luck findin' the place
Rachel says:
it's one of the houses on cedarwood lane
Sean says:
lol, oh ok
Sean says:
ill just go door to door
Rachel says:
Sean says:
lol, ill be like "rachel? oh, nope, thanks anyways"
Rachel says:
lol .. i would be laughing so ahrd
Rachel says:
Sean says:
Rachel says:
Rachel says:
actually, i am looking foward to it
Sean says:
Sean says:
the day i come over, i want u waiting by the door, so u can see me park on the side of the street, and go door to door, until i get to ur place
Rachel says:
Rachel says:
you're kidding right lol
Sean says:
lol, idk, if im in the rite mood, id do it
Rachel says:
Sean says:
Sean says:

Rachel says:
Sean says:
lol, cutie
Rachel says:
although, i would know why u'd be doin that.. my mom would tell me to go get you
Sean says:
Rachel says:
i'll be like, oh no, let him
Sean says:
ill just have to think of sumthing else thats random and embarrassing
Sean says:
Sean says:
like walking down ur street with a mega-phone asking that if u can hear me come out so i know where u live
Rachel says:
Sean says:
now i just need to get a mega-phone
Rachel says:
Rachel says:
u make me laugh so much
Sean says:
lol, well i try.. :)

04-18-2004, 04:53 PM
Awwww, how cute! I'm happy for ya. :D

04-18-2004, 05:48 PM

this was him last night... :D


He was smiling the ENTIRE time.. *sigh* I love his smile, I admit it. ;)

04-18-2004, 05:57 PM
Awww he is adorable!

Wish you the best of luck!

04-18-2004, 06:41 PM
It sounds like ya`ll like eachother and he`s a cutie-I say go for it!

04-18-2004, 08:12 PM
Neato. I can't say I'd meet someone I met a few days online in person (sorry if I misread), but goodluck with it :p

I personally don't think 11 hours is ridicilous. I spend more then that online at a time NOT talking to anyone XD! but then again, I need a life so yeah....:rolleyes:

04-18-2004, 11:19 PM
I'd say to meet him ... what do you have to lose, what's the worst that can happen?

Having said that .... of course be sure to not meet him alone the first time, or go to any out of the way, private place with him.

04-18-2004, 11:25 PM

I am meeting Sean on Wednesday after I finish my classes. He will be at my house, so he will meet my parents, obviously. We will sit and talk for a while, then we'll head down to Panera to talk some more. I'm excited about it. :) So, I'm looking foward to it. Sean said that he wanted me to bring a camera so I could take a picture of us together, LOL. Guess I'll do that.

04-18-2004, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by CountryWolf07

I am meeting Sean on Wednesday after I finish my classes. He will be at my house, so he will meet my parents, obviously. We will sit and talk for a while, then we'll head down to Panera to talk some more. I'm excited about it. :) So, I'm looking foward to it. Sean said that he wanted me to bring a camera so I could take a picture of us together, LOL. Guess I'll do that.

What/where is Panera?

You are much braver than I, I'd never meet somebody that I'd only known online for a few days. Of course I'd definitely meet online friends (duh!) just not that soon. But then of course, I'm shy and a big chicken. ;)

04-19-2004, 02:08 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q

You are much braver than I, I'd never meet somebody that I'd only known online for a few days.

Same here. It took me nearly 2 years of coming to PT to even begin to trust a few people here. :p But then I'm a chicken too. :D

04-19-2004, 02:48 AM
Congratulations and good luck! I can't wait to see those pictures! :)

04-19-2004, 06:25 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
What/where is Panera?

You are much braver than I, I'd never meet somebody that I'd only known online for a few days. Of course I'd definitely meet online friends (duh!) just not that soon. But then of course, I'm shy and a big chicken. ;)

Panera is a bread place, you can eat sandwiches/bagels,etc. there. It's also a coffeehouse too as well, just a mix. It's yummy! :D

Thanks Wolfchan!

I know, I have a lot of guts to do it, but it feels right to me, for some reason..

04-19-2004, 08:08 AM
When I met Mike, we met up at a resturaunt. I secretly had my friends planted there. I told them that if I tugged my ear, he was a freak and to come save me. lol.

Instead, after about 5 minutes with Mike, I was so freaking excited that I ran up to my old roomate and said "I love him! I'm gonna marry him!" She thought I was kidding. lol.

04-19-2004, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
When I met Mike, we met up at a resturaunt. I secretly had my friends planted there. I told them that if I tugged my ear, he was a freak and to come save me. lol.

Instead, after about 5 minutes with Mike, I was so freaking excited that I ran up to my old roomate and said "I love him! I'm gonna marry him!" She thought I was kidding. lol.

LOL... Tonya, are we ON the same page? I'm convincing my friend to "drop-by- accident-and-run-into-me".. ;)

It's weird.. I'm head over heels for him when he SMILES.. oh man!

04-19-2004, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
When I met Mike, we met up at a resturaunt. I secretly had my friends planted there. I told them that if I tugged my ear, he was a freak and to come save me. lol.

Instead, after about 5 minutes with Mike, I was so freaking excited that I ran up to my old roomate and said "I love him! I'm gonna marry him!" She thought I was kidding. lol.

awww that's sweet:D

04-19-2004, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
When I met Mike, we met up at a resturaunt. I secretly had my friends planted there. I told them that if I tugged my ear, he was a freak and to come save me. lol.

Instead, after about 5 minutes with Mike, I was so freaking excited that I ran up to my old roomate and said "I love him! I'm gonna marry him!" She thought I was kidding. lol.

Maybe I'll say the same thing.... :rolleyes: LOL

leslie flenner
04-19-2004, 07:15 PM
was the poster of the rat pack and thought, well, gee, if it were me, I'd be pretty smitten too! Forget moosmom, get ME the uncle, older brother, etc!!! (kidding moosmom!)

Ally Cat's Mommy
04-20-2004, 02:55 AM
Good luck for the meeting. I met my hubby over the phone - actually a WRONG NUMBER!!! We spoke for about 2 HOURS, then the next night he came through to visit me after work, and within 2 weeks we had moved in together!!!!

04-20-2004, 12:23 PM
WOW Ally! That's amazing!!

04-21-2004, 06:37 AM
Today's the big day I meet Sean!

Yikes, wish me luck! :)

04-21-2004, 06:44 AM
I've been out of town and just found this thread! Good luck today!

I met my hubby online and it was like that at first too! :) Just wait til you meet in person!

04-21-2004, 07:59 AM
How exciting Rachel! Good Luck:D

04-21-2004, 09:02 AM
Thanks guys!! I really need good positive vibes headin' my way! :D I'll let you all know how it goes tonight! Probably will have pics, too!

Ahh.. my stomach flips at this pic:


All Creatures Great And Small
04-21-2004, 11:24 AM
Hmmmmmmmm..... wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that he looks a little bit like Garth Brooks, would it? ;) :p :D

He sure doesn't look like an ax murderer, and I agree, that smile is awesome! Good luck and have a good time! Then get back here with JUICY DETAILS!!!:D :D :D

04-21-2004, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by All Creatures Great And Small
Hmmmmmmmm..... wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that he looks a little bit like Garth Brooks, would it? ;) :p :D

He sure doesn't look like an ax murderer, and I agree, that smile is awesome! Good luck and have a good time! Then get back here with JUICY DETAILS!!!:D :D :D

Hmmm... now that you mentioned it.. LOL.. :P

Thanks.. ;)

12-11-2004, 10:53 PM
I cant see the picture!! you're killing me! :p repost it! :p How did it go? :D

12-12-2004, 12:05 AM
Countrywolf07, how are you two doing? This is exactly how I met Donna (moosmom). We just started to answer each other's posts and then we started to get a little mushy by throwing in words like sweetheart and I love you! Now we gab on the phone a lot and now we aremaking tentative for Donns to come to Pittsburgh so that we can meet in person. I LOVE her! So I kinda like meeting someone online.

12-12-2004, 03:15 PM
c'mon... :D

12-12-2004, 08:35 PM
I met my husband online...our phone conversations lasted about 3 minutes each time, so I knew it was a match made in heaven. I hate chatting! lol.

12-12-2004, 09:04 PM
Oh wow! I totally forgot about this thread..

We seemed to hit it off well.. but this happened back in July-August.. and it faded out by the end of August. :(
He just dissapeared for MONTHS and it was the end of it, basically.. He was just IMPOSSIBLE to reach.. I could never reach him at all.. I called his #.. he never answered.. he was never online, sooooo.. it was over..unfortunately. But honestly, I was glad it was.. cause it was not worth it for me to get all worked up and stressed out.. besides it would have killed my schoolwork..

Sucks, eh.. It happens to me all the time.. aghh.. :rolleyes:


I met someone.. so who knows.. this time, he lives 20 mins away from me & he's an ex-marine, he served in Iraq.. he came back in June.. he was there over a year.. His name is Jason. He's pretty nice. I like him, but I am not trying to fall for him fast, because he won't be around that much. He is going to school in Georgia next month. Agh. I swear, my luck is just bad 99% of the time!

Anyway..We hung out on Friday night, and things went well. We were going to meet last week, but didn't work out.. before we met, we talked about 4-5 weeks.. talked on phone couple times.. anyway, I thought I wasn't going to meet him, because it turned out he never got my call earlier that day, and he called me, left a message.. after I checked the message.. 5 mins later, he called again, and he told me he was so sorry and I was like, what? Cause' obviously.. I was thinking "Oh great, we're not gonna meet then.." but he told me to get on-line so we could talk. So I got on, and we worked it out. Whew. We met at Starbucks, then went to Denny's so I could have something to drink.. (milkshake).. We talked a lot about everything.. he was looking foward to taking me out after he comes back from GA.. go out to play pool, bowling, movies, walking around, etc.. and I asked him what he was doing for New Year's Eve, and he said he was going to Times Square in NYC, and I was like, are you serious? He was.. and he asked me if I wanted to go, but I was like, ahh.. I'll think about it.. but he was serious about it.. but I want to see how things go later on.. he told me I made him laugh a lot, and I noticed I did make him laugh quite a lot.. then after that, we went to my house to hang out and talk. He did this thing in the car he burned some rubber on his tires.. he made a turn, and the tires squealed.. and he laughed and I go "You're a psycho!" and we laughed.. it was funny anyway and he did that on purpose. When we went back to Starbucks, I went to my car, so he could follow me home to hang out at my house for a bit. he met my brother -- brother told me he liked him.. I saw them talking for a bit.. anyway, when I got out of his car, I closed the door and went to my car (right next to his) and he REVVED the engine and I turned around and looked at him, and he smirked at me for doing that..

Hung out a bit.. he talked a little bit about Iraq.. how he wished he could go back because his friends were there, but he didn't want to.. he was just mixed up about it.. he showed me scars he had from handling his gun.. he was in the INFANTRY line.. then he had to go because he planned on getting up early in the morning to drive to GA..so we got up, and before I walked out of the living room, he kinda grabs me and picks me up and hugs me.. LOL.. he's 6ft, and I'm 4'11, so.. haha.. So I walked him out to his car, and he pulled me close cause' I was getting cold. After that, we talked a little bit, we both held hands & he asked me to call him after he'd get back from Georgia, and I told him I would. He asked me if I was gonna forget, and I told him I wouldn't so he goes "Great! Call me after you get back from your family's Christmas.." and we kissed. Ahhh.. Who knows what's gonna happen.. I seem to go for guys I can't hold on to.. but I will keep this in mind - if it's meant to be, then it's meant to be. We both have stuff in common - he knows my mom's friend and my mom's friend used to drive me to school when I was a little girl -- he was offered at the SAME PLACE I WORK AT for a bartending job, but he didn't take it.. I just thought, woah.. we could've met ANYWHERE else but the internet! Crazy.. also, we both have the same goals - we both want to live in the countryside, outside of Ohio.. who knows.. my friend told me this "You never know unless you try."

12-12-2004, 09:11 PM
Oh! I am sorry. I didn't even look at the date on the thread. As I was responding, I was thinking "I wonder what happened with that guy she met last summer." I thought this was a new one.

12-12-2004, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Oh! I am sorry. I didn't even look at the date on the thread. As I was responding, I was thinking "I wonder what happened with that guy she met last summer." I thought this was a new one.

Oh no, it's ok! :) Summer flew by.. I'm not sorry though.. it was an experience.. it's all good..

12-13-2004, 12:19 AM
I'm very happy that I met Donna online. She is a very special person. Every time we talk to each oher we find something else in common! I'll be sending her a picture of me and I'll her to scan it so that everyone can finally see what I look like!

12-13-2004, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by david p
I'm very happy that I met Donna online. She is a very special person. Every time we talk to each oher we find something else in common! I'll be sending her a picture of me and I'll her to scan it so that everyone can finally see what I look like!

That's so awesome, David. A match made on PT! :D

12-13-2004, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
That's so awesome, David. A match made on PT! :D

Yup! :) That's so sweet!

My parents are convinced online-meetings are BAD. But they are slowly realizing that it isn't. They will like Jason when we hang out next week. :) I'll even get a picture, maybe!