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View Full Version : Trouble with Aimee's New Mom

Aspen and Misty
04-17-2004, 05:41 PM
(Aimme is a kitten that a stray cat who I took in had. Aiko, Christian and Wyatt are the others.)

Ok, I am so frustrated right now. They Came to see Aimee when he was 2 weeks old and havn't come since. He is now 5 weeks old and has only seen his new mom once. And then every time they say they might come, they don't. They make up some excuss and don't come. Ok, so MAYBE they have a good excuss, I don't know because they won't talk to me. They talk to Barb (a family friend who introduced us to Lori). So, whenever they want to come they tell Barb, barb tell me, then Barb tells them. If they can't come, they Tell barb and barb tells me. It's really anoying! I don't know this lady at all, what is she like? What kind of things is she going to do? I did have her fill out an aplication, so I know that stuff on there, but it's like. GRR. With Aiko's mom she comes once, sometimes twice a week to see her new baby. She brings we over toys she has bought her, tells me how she has kitten proofed her home, she showed me the litter box she bought, eveyrthing! I feel like I know her, I know Aiko is going to a good home. I know she is going to be spoiled rotten! But this is getting really anoying not known Aimee's mom, I don't feel comfortable giving him to her. I am going to call her tomrrow and ask her to come see him.

Anyone else ever been in a boat like this? What did you do??


04-17-2004, 05:50 PM
I've never fostered or rescued but something about this sends up red flags to me. I'd think twice about it.

04-17-2004, 05:58 PM
This sounds so frustrating! I have not dealt with adoptions either but know you will get some good advice from people here. My very first impression though - is to go with your gut and call the people - then you will have more of a feel for what they are like. Going through another person can only make the communications more confusing. You might still have a perfectly wonderful family waiting and actually talking with them would be a good ice breaker. Sounds odd though - if I were waiting on my new baby - I know I would want contact and would probably make a pest out of myself!! Good luck!!

smokey the elder
04-18-2004, 08:36 AM
If the future mom doesn't think she needs to contact you directly, then I don't think you're obligated to adopt that kitten to her.

04-18-2004, 10:30 AM
I believe in listening to those warning bells.

I would ring and cancel that adoption and rehome Aimee else where.

My idea to ask Aiko's Mum to take two kittens as it is better for kittens to be rehome in pairs.

Show her this article.....

Hopefully she'll see the advantage of adopting two kittens over one.

It is worth a try !! :D

Aspen and Misty
04-18-2004, 11:28 AM
Aiko's mom already said she WOULD take 2 of them, but, she ONLY wants girls :( I'll try to change her mind :p But I dunno, she told me that if she was to adopt a kitten from me, it HAD to be a girl. I'll try.


04-18-2004, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
Aiko's mom already said she WOULD take 2 of them, but, she ONLY wants girls :( I'll try to change her mind :p But I dunno, she told me that if she was to adopt a kitten from me, it HAD to be a girl. I'll try.


Find out why she wants girls only and we'll think of a good argument.

I would say boys are more affectionate and sweeter and as long as she gets him neutered at 6 months a male cat there is no spaying etc.

Fingers crossed Ash, that would be perfect.

(Also mention to her without names that you really don't want this tiny baby to have a bad home :) )

04-18-2004, 12:38 PM
If Aimee's new potential mom has no time to come and visit him, or even call to see how he is coming along, then it makes me wonder how much time will she have for him later on. Also the part where she won't talk to you directly but goes through her friend, really gets my goat.
I would really question this adoption.

04-18-2004, 01:01 PM
That is frustrating , as that would be such a Great Time , for her , to bond with the Kitten , and find out all about him. And if she is that busy , will she have time , for the Kitten , whe he comes home?

Aspen and Misty
04-18-2004, 06:52 PM
PIF- I think she doesn't want one because of spraying. Also, because she has a female cat at her house whom she has a great relationship with and I think she wants to have that with her new kitten and since her other one is a Female, she wants another one.

Also, she doesn't know his personlity, so how does she know he is the right one for her??


04-18-2004, 09:58 PM
Well, speaking from the other side of the fence....I had never gotten a pet from anything but the shelters until last year. When I was in the market for a papered pomeranian, I met a breeder and I wanted one of her pups. When her pups were born, I so so so bad wanted to see them everyday, but I felt awkward. Even though she kept telling me that it was ok and to stop by whenever, I didn't want to intrude. Everytime I came over, I was embarrassed and worried that she thought I was a freak since I was constantly checking up on the pup.

Which, btw, I wound up forfeiting my deposit and not getting her pup.

04-19-2004, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
PIF- I think she doesn't want one because of spraying. Also, because she has a female cat at her house whom she has a great relationship with and I think she wants to have that with her new kitten and since her other one is a Female, she wants another one.

Also, she doesn't know his personlity, so how does she know he is the right one for her??


Male cats don't spay until they mature at 6 months old, if she gets him done straight away, he should never spay.

If she has an older cat in the house I would really recommend a second kitten (even if she goes elsewhere to get another girl), remember the trouble I had with George & Milly.

An adult cat needs time not bothered by a kitten. Having a pair ensures they bother each other more than they bother the older cat.

Personality...Well she has to meet him properly to make her own mind up about that. :D

Good Luck.