View Full Version : Animal Precinct

04-16-2004, 08:21 PM
I was watching a show tonight, I believe it was called Animal Precinct..or something like that. Anyone see it before? Anyway, they went to check out a possible animal cruelty case. This guy had a Chihuahua mix or something, and it had a HUGE tumor on its leg and butt. He said he never took it to the vet cause he couldn't find any transportation (appreaintly people didn't want the dog in their car....) and also he said he was afraid they'd put him to sleep. So the animal cop guy got all pissed off and stuff and took the dog with him. He had to go back the next day to get the guy to sign the dog over to them. He mentioned to the owner that the dog had bled all over the back seat of his car :eek: Poor thing..and the owner thought it wasn't in pain?? Yeah right.

So the vets look at him and do the surgery to remove the growths. Unfortunatly, the one on the leg was just so bad (and I guess it was a more serious growth that would spead or something plus it had gotten really bad) so they needed to remove the dog's leg :(

It was so sad...It makes me so mad that people can let that happen to their pets? My dogs get a TINY tiny lump and they go to the vet (with me worried sick). I mean you should have see the size of that growth. Poor thing :( They showed him about 4-6 weeks after the surgery (i think) and they said he was doing A LOT better and would soon be able to find a great home. He seemed to be doing well on 3 legs as well.

:mad: :mad: :mad: Stupid people. I can understand him being upset his dog may need to be pts, but wouldn't you rather your dog not to be suffering?? Grr!! :mad: :mad: I can't watch shows like that, I start balling my eyes out...:o

04-16-2004, 08:26 PM
It probably was "Animal Precinct", "Animal Cops", and many others.

I love watching the shows, but they're so heartbreaking. :( The most recent one I saw was with "Animal Cops-Miami" with a kitten who was hit numerous times by a man, causing blindness and brain damage. It's just sickening. :mad::(

Toby's Mommy
04-16-2004, 08:38 PM
Yea, I watch those shows to but I really don't like them...
I like the animal "cops" to rescue them and take care of them but I can't see how people can let their pets live like that.
I makes me soo angry:mad:

04-16-2004, 10:00 PM
I don't understand how those people could let their pets get like that either. Sometimes I can understand like if the person has a mental condition or whatever...

I really would just love to be an animal cop. I could do a VERY good job at it cause of the way my personality and my love of animals is. *sigh* I bet its just something special that no one normal can get into...

04-16-2004, 10:24 PM
Yes, I have watched that show too. What really gets me sooo angry is when they find somebody with dogs they are used for fighting, and they have to put them down, because some idiot taught them to kill. I just feel so sorry for these animals. If they had of had the right kind of home, they would be able to live. It just makes me so sad that dogs are used in that way. Raised to kill, instead of being raised to love like they are supposed to.


04-16-2004, 10:37 PM
On the rare occasion that I watch one of those shows, I just end up being upset and sad. Not worth it. I see more than enough of that kind of stuff in real life, I don't need to see it on TV, too.

I also end up being disgusted that our animal control is so pathetic here, and so wishing that we had some Animal Cops of our own ... who would actually take their jobs seriously and DO something about abuse and neglect.

:mad: :(

04-16-2004, 10:44 PM
Thats the way it is here Twisterdog. Like my nephew who keep dogs for fighting. I look at all those dogs and think how sad it is for them. He just moved from a place that my daughter and her husband bought. The place had to be cleaned up of the remains of dogs that didn't 'win' the fight. There is nothing we can do, the law doesn't care! The fact that he is also selling drugs among other things just gets looked over.

I wished we had somebody that would help here too.


04-17-2004, 01:21 AM
Wow, so you've called the cops/HS there? They do nothing? Grr!! That's horrible :(

I guess it's not much better here, but it's so small that we don't see a lot of that...thankfully.

04-17-2004, 02:00 AM
Funny the cops goes to his house, but nothing ever happens. I think our judge here is even crooked.

When my nephew was a little boy, I always hoped he would be a vet, he seem to love animals. Then he got with the wrong crowd, joined a gang and corrupted another one of my nephews. Bad deal, we don't have the right kind of law, but we do have gangs. Sad but true. I look at all his dogs and think about what will happen to them eventually, and just fell like crying for them. He raises puppies from them to, and of course sells them to other dog fighters. It just breaks my heart to see his dogs steaked out in a circle behind his house. I can hear them barking from my house at times, and he lives pretty far off from us.

It is a long story. Everytime I watch Animal Precinct, I think about his dogs and wish there was something that could be done.
