View Full Version : Dr Phil shame on you.......

04-16-2004, 03:14 PM
Most of you know I am a huge fan of Dr Phil, however after watching his show yesterday I am real mad at him, mad enough to have sent an email to his show. let me explain.

His show was about a couple called Ed and Ginger who were having trouble with their finances,NB: they only earned the mere sum of $144,000 Us dollars a year, and were facing bankruptcy, so Dr Phil was helping them to change their lifestyle etc.

Now to the part that really bothered me, when they came back on the show and went through the cuts they had made, one of them was they had given away their CATS, I am not sure how many they had, I missed this part of the show, I know that Dr Phil is a cat-lover but he seemed to think this was an ok thing to do, he re-assured the audience they were not put down but to a no-kill shelter and would find homes.

Well we all know the reality of that don't we? there are so many cats looking for homes.

I believe had he not done this show, those cats would still be in their home, not sitting in some cage, scared and unloved until hopefully finding new homes, BTW they chose to keep their lizard instead.

He worked out they could have a $4.000 dollars surplus a mth, so IMO there was no need to give the cats up, they sure could afford them, hell we have two and live on less than a quarter of their salary, Anyway just thought I would vent, as this really upset me, I doubt I will get a reply from him, but I will let you all know if i do, I am not sure how old this show is, as we get them aired quite a bit later than the US.

I Wonder what you all think?

04-16-2004, 03:25 PM
Wow they make a mere 144,000 a year?! To me thats alot of money. Sounds like they are spending their money on nonesense. I don't see how getting rid of their poor cats is going to help them that much. There are other things that I would rather do without than my pets.

If I made that a year, I could bloody well afford to have more cats!I just don't see how they can get rid of the kitties. I wonder what they decided was more important than a part of their family. That to me is rediculus!


04-16-2004, 03:31 PM
YEAH I am with you 100 per cent, you can see why I was so out-raged, even though its only a TV show , the point is this really happened, they gave up their precious cats, so damn sad,and of course they could easily afford them, you should have seen what they spent their money on, Victorias secrets, eating out, lots of phones etc etc, but for some reason they kept the lizard, they should have kept all their pets, as its a lifetime committment, they sure cannot have loved them very much to part with them so easily, but I feel so mad at Dr Phil, because if he had not aired the show, they would more than likely still be in their home., and he is such a cat lover too. GRRRRRR......DR PHIL......:mad:

04-16-2004, 03:44 PM
Carole, it really sounds like they value 'things' more than they do the love of their pets. It really is terrible! I am mad at Dr. Phil for that too. Did he suggest they get rid of these poor little babies?

I have two cats, and we live on my husbands diability. I will do without stuff for myself than get rid of my cats! And I do. I do without new clothes for my sweet Grover and Stubby! Wow, I just can't imagine 'things' being more important than a life!!


04-16-2004, 03:45 PM
did Dr. Phil tell them to do that, or did they do it and Dr. Phil approved?

04-16-2004, 03:45 PM
Yeah I saw bits & pieces of it too, It disgusts me, hell I am single, have lots of semi-old bills (starting to getting them under control though.. long story short...real bad relationship), 6 rats, 2 dogs, 1 cat & 3 ferrets, own my trailer, newer car & all utilities (no extras yet), I struggle yes, but I only make a mere 26k a year. but we all live good, really good dog, cat, ferret, rat food, clean bedding, treats, supplies & full vet care and we make it!!! Why can't they make it making 4 times as much as I:confused: :confused:

04-16-2004, 04:04 PM
They got rid of the cats because they had to WORK
at keeping them.

Litter box, food, toys, vet fees.......We live in a disposable society and it's far more important to go on a talk show, get an opinion from someone who doesn't know you and then go on with your life.

People who get into 'trouble' like that always look for the easy way out- instead of sacrificing
themselves they sacrifice/jettison the things they have to work the hardest at-but keep all other crap....

Just wait until they do the "what ever happened too" shows......they'll be back because they spent
the extra 4k on buying a race horse or investing
in some other venture....and losing it all....


04-16-2004, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by carole
His show was about a couple called Ed and Ginger who were having trouble with their finances,NB: they only earned the mere sum of $144,000 Us dollars a year, and were facing bankruptcy, so Dr Phil was helping them to change their lifestyle etc.

Oh, to be so "poor"!!

I don't watch Dr. Phil,s o I did not see the show, but I don't think giving up the cats is a good place to start. Personally, I would think "things" should go before lives, but what do I know?

04-16-2004, 05:26 PM
I saw this show, more than once. Dr. Phil tried to get them to get rid of all their pets, in particular their teenage son's lizard who was about $20/week to feed in crickets. I've also seen a follow up show. The family did get rid of the cats, and the husband said something like "The shelter person told us cats never stay in shelters long, as they are very adoptable pets." I was furious.

I love Dr. Phil. In most cases, I think he makes a LOT of sense, but I've seen him do a lot of shows where animals are involved, and in that respect he and I totally disagree. He's always saying stuff like "I've had beagles, I've had pets all my life" but it really seems like his animals are just that.. HIS. He does not necessarily see them as a lifelong commitment.

God Bless the teenage boy though.. he went out and got a job or an allowance or something and now pays to feed the lizard himself :)

04-16-2004, 06:35 PM
Dr. Phil tried to get them to get rid of all their pets, in particular their teenage son's lizard who was about $20/week to feed in crickets.

Why not get rid of the teenage son?? I'm SURE he eats FAR MORE than $20/week in food!!!

:mad: :mad: I am totally disappointed in Dr. Phil. To think he'd even SUGGEST getting rid of the pets like he did, makes my blood BOIL!!! :mad: :mad:

04-16-2004, 06:38 PM
hmm - I've never seen his show but the fact that these people could so blithely just give up their pets sounds like they didn't love them and the pets were mere possesions. I hope those kitties found a home where the people actually care about their welfare and won't toss them aside when they are inconvenient.

I love the follow-up on the son - that's a classy kid.

04-16-2004, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by catland
hmm - I've never seen his show but the fact that these people could so blithely just give up their pets sounds like they didn't love them and the pets were mere possesions. I hope those kitties found a home where the people actually care about their welfare and won't toss them aside when they are inconvenient.

I agree. I hope their cats find better owners.

04-17-2004, 03:40 AM
That thought crossed my mind too, let us just hope they did indeed find better owners, I did not realise that Dr Phil actually advised them to get rid of the cats, I missed bits of the show, but I sure know he was wanting the lizard to go, he is always chatting about his cats and how he loves cats, so I also am so disappointed in him, I have a good mind to send this whole thread onto him, if I knew how I would, I really hope I get a reply, but as they get unindated with emails, I somehow doubt it., I must admit I feel somewhat different about him now, I so admired him and his down to earth approach, but this was just bad news all around IMO.

04-17-2004, 04:55 AM
I have to wonder how much these people spend on maintenance on their car(s)? What, a BMW or two :mad: Double Richards comment
MORONS :( :mad:

04-17-2004, 06:15 AM
Sounds like the Stupid Parents could Learn something from their teenage son!!!!!
At least He did the right thing!!!!
Go Out and EARN the money to Care for your Pet!!!!

Novel Idea.Eh?!?!?!?

04-17-2004, 11:04 PM
I have a feeling the cats were well taken care of , because of the amount of money spent on the pets, they obviously were not well loved though, it just saddens me deeply to think they had a home, and now they don't, well not that we know of, even if they were re-homed , it is still traumatic for an animal to go through that kind of change, and it seems so un-necessary in this particular case, Did anyone know just how many cats they owned?

04-17-2004, 11:20 PM
It doesn't matter how much money you spend on your pets, getting them groomed, buying them expensive food, expensive toys, and such--they don't understand that!! You need to love them, and KEEP them!!! What is wrong with these people???

Sounds like they need to cut up a few credit cards, sell a BMW or 2, trade in their Rolex, and join the real world.

04-18-2004, 08:37 AM
Disgusting!! Scott and I earn way, way less than 144k per annum and we would never give up our two precious babies!!

04-18-2004, 10:27 AM
I hate Dr. Phil.Period. I always have disliked his show and him. It's sad that this happened, but it doesn't suprise me.