View Full Version : Good for what ailes you...

04-16-2004, 12:34 PM
After yet another onset of pain, I had to take my vicodin last night. I have to sit up to sleep when I'm on it, so it seems I get many furry friends eager to keep my lap and tummy warm during the night and morning.

I also wake up about once each hour for some reason, but its so sweet to look down to see who is my nurse.

This morning, I awoke to Basie under my legs (under the covers), Phoebe on my chest, Hermie and Micah snuggling up against my side and Samson keeping my feet warm. :)

Noah and Noel were on their bedroom cat trees and Livvy was at the foot of our bed. Eight cats in all! Its enough to make anyone feel better. :D

04-16-2004, 12:38 PM
Filou is the one here who sleeps under the legs under the cover -just like Basie. And Tigris is on the pillow.

Anyway it is good that you need warmth- it would not be so fine if you needed rather cool temperatures;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-16-2004, 12:56 PM
Awww...what a wonderful way to wake up! :D

04-16-2004, 01:11 PM
I also love having my kitty nurses! They come on duty when I get my migraines - the sound of a purr is heavenly calm when my head is pounding and they just seem to know this!!! It also vibrates the pillow and they hardly ever lay on my pillow at any other time!!
Have a nosy question for you though - I use codeine which is also hard on the belly (vicodin is essentially the same, only synthetic) - and am wondering if this is why you have to sleep sitting up?? I take my codeine with Phenergan and Tums and then lay down with no problem. Isn't it hard to sleep sitting up???

04-16-2004, 01:38 PM
Kelly, you are absolutley right...there is NOTHING like having kitty nurses. They are the best way to feel better instantly!!!!

I get acute sinus and ear infections every season change....mostly because of my allergies and the last 3 days have been no exception. Last night I went downstairs to sleep on the couch (so as not to disturb Mark) and who followed me.... Mystic, Smokey, Abner and Tucker was already downstairs, but instead of little nurses making me feel better....they became little elephants and started running through the house. They went upstairs and woke Mark, so in turn I ended up upstairs trying to sleep sitting up. No sooner was I settled in that everyone was Meowmie's nurses helping me feel better....now why can't they do that when I'm downstairs????

04-16-2004, 01:55 PM
As good as that sounds, this illness must be really distressing for you and I'm sorry you have to go through such pain.

I'm sure all those kitty nurses and doctors are helping you feel better. Please take care of yourself.

Steffi N
04-16-2004, 05:30 PM
Kelly, I am sorry that you have this painful illness and I know your kitties make it easier for you to bear. Purr therapy is always good medicine.

04-16-2004, 11:31 PM
I'm glad all your furbabies are there to help you and try to ease the pain.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

04-17-2004, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
I have a nosy question for you though - I use codeine which is also hard on the belly (vicodin is essentially the same, only synthetic) - and am wondering if this is why you have to sleep sitting up?? I take my codeine with Phenergan and Tums and then lay down with no problem. Isn't it hard to sleep sitting up???
I actually have to sleep sitting up because of that head rush feeling pain meds give you. I've tried laying down, but I can't sleep, it feels so wierd...almost like the room is spinning. :(

I'm also on Tigan for my nausea...I just took one and sadly, will have to take another vicodin tonight. :( I did wake up feeling horribly ill this morning, and I think it was the 2 vicodin I had to take, I normally take 1 1/2 and usually eat more, but couldn't last night. Must have been that combination.

I was worried about a possible interaction between the two and figured out that the first time I took the vicodin (Feb, 2003, according to my bottle) I almost overdosed. I was looking at the symptoms for that and remember feeling almost all of them way back then. My dr says I can take 2 every 4-6 hours, but that would be way too much for my body...eeek!

04-17-2004, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by catlover4ever
Mystic, Smokey, Abner and Tucker was already downstairs, but instead of little nurses making me feel better....they became little elephants and started running through the house. They went upstairs and woke Mark, so in turn I ended up upstairs trying to sleep sitting up. No sooner was I settled in that everyone was Meowmie's nurses helping me feel better....now why can't they do that when I'm downstairs????
I left that part out....they were just like your nurses...running crazy and ALWAYS, ALWAYS over my tummy BEFORE the meds kicked in and then on my legs AFTER the pain meds kicked in. Nice!!!! :rolleyes:

They were forgiven in the morning though. ;)

04-17-2004, 01:14 AM
Kelly, I'm sorry that you've been feeling so poorly lately:( but it sure is nice to wake up to all of your furry nurses.:) They always seem to know when we're feeling bad. Please take care of yourself.

04-17-2004, 08:56 AM
My Nurse, is sam , the Siamese , who not only sleeps on my stomach , but kneads my shoulder , to releive , the bursitis! Yu are lucky , to have so many concerned Friends!

04-17-2004, 10:47 PM
Isn't it wonderful how the know when we need them!!!
Such sweeties!

04-18-2004, 08:05 AM
Kelly, I think I need MORE CATS to ease my pains!