View Full Version : puppy question

04-15-2004, 05:17 PM
I have some puppy questions.

Elvis is such a feet biter. He likes to chew on my feet, and it hurts!
I always tell him NO and give him a chew toy in stead, but he ignores the toy, and goes back for my feet.

How can this be stoped?

04-15-2004, 05:21 PM
maybe when he bites you, put him in another room (with a baby gate or something). this shows them that biting hurts you and you dont want them around if they do bite. also ignore him while he is in his little 'time-out'. his littermates do this when he is too rough with them. this is language he understands. also when he bites you, try saying no as if it hurts you badly. doing that shows him that it does hurt. and eventually he should stop. all a dog wants to do is be around you and make you happy, so doin this will probably be no problem with him after a while. :D

let me know if this helps at all. i hope it does.

04-15-2004, 05:26 PM
Thanks! I'll try it :)

04-15-2004, 05:33 PM
Gigi did that too. Well, she didn't do it much any more. I believe it's one of her many "stages"/"phases". And a "no" sometimes means a "blah" to her, in my opinion. She doesn't care. Maybe you can do a time out. Whenever he bites (painful or not) yelp for pain (exgerrate!!!) and storm out of the room angrily and the return after like 20 seconds. May be he will get it that biting mom will makes mom leave the room.

Good luck.

04-15-2004, 05:41 PM
We tried a squirt bottle and it seem to help for a while anyways. Don't spray him in the face. But when you spray him say no bite at the same time you squirt him. And don't let him see the bottle. Also try bitter apple. I think if he's a pup and you try ignoring him it will just get worse. Then he will know the only way to get your attention is to bite your feet:eek: Just make sure you wear some old shoes and he will eventually grow out of it.

guster girl
04-15-2004, 05:57 PM
Ignoring Finn worked really well. For almost everything from barking, crying in his crate (the first week or so), chewing, etc. But, you can also wear socks that you've sprayed with bitter apple or something distasteful any time you're walking around. He may grow to learn that your feet don't taste good. :) Some people use the squirt bottle, which is what I was going to do if the ignoring thing didn't work. I think it's a good idea. Or something metal filled with pennies that you could throw near him, but, obviously not at him. That also does the trick. And, time out in another room is a great idea as well, but, my only advice on that is not to ever use his crate as a time out for something done wrong (time outs to get the dog to calm down or something would be ok, but, not as a negative punishment type thing....IMO), and, I wouldn't put him as punishment in a room he'll need to like later. :) Like the bathroom! My friends used their bathroom as their dog's time out room, and, now, it's almost impossible to get him into their tub! He hates that room! I used a small bathroom (one with only a toilet and sink) when I was training my roommate's husky. It worked like a charm! Good luck and let us know when he gets better and how you got him to stop biting....:)