View Full Version : This really makes my heart hurt...

04-14-2004, 11:58 PM
This is so horrible and sad. It breaks my heart thinking about it. This little girl needs our thoughts and prayers.

Girl Rescued 10 Days After Car Crash
Mother Likely Died Right Away, Coroner Says

POSTED: 10:44 p.m. EDT April 14, 2004

MORENO VALLEY, Calif. -- Her 6-year-old daughter survived for 10 days in a ravine after a car crash -- but authorities say the mother likely died right away.

The coroner in Riverside County, Calif., says an autopsy indicates Norma Bustamante likely died within minutes of the accident from blunt force trauma. Relatives of Bustamante's daughter, Ruby, say the girl told them her mother survived for a couple of days after the crash.

Ruby's great-grandfather says she told him she survived on ramen noodles and Gatorade. But she doesn't appear to remember much about the crash.

Ruby and her mother were reported missing April 4. State transportation department workers repairing a road barrier yesterday discovered the crash site -- 150 feet down a ravine off a highway some 70 miles east of Los Angeles.

Ruby is recovering from dehydration.

04-15-2004, 01:22 AM
I read that on CNN and was going to post it. It broke my heart to hear such a sad story. CNN says she's only 5 years old though. Poor child. I'm so glad she's alright, but it hurts to think of what she went through. :(


04-15-2004, 01:58 AM
Poor girl.. :( I'm glad she made it but to witness your parent dying would just be way too much for me. Let alone, a youngster like her.

04-15-2004, 02:01 AM
Poor Baby girl.

Poor mum too die so young.

My heart goes out to Ruby and her family :(

04-15-2004, 02:43 AM
Poor little girl, what is so sad is she was with her mother for that long after her mother died. I just hope she will be okay.


04-15-2004, 07:22 AM
I heard about this story but Paul Harvey went in to more details such as the law enforcement was notified with in a couple hours of the disapperance but didn't look on the route they were told to.
My question why didn't the rest of the family look on the path she was taking? Plus in the day that we see all kinds of missing persons on tv why didn't we here about this before?

04-15-2004, 08:42 AM
How very sad. :(

04-15-2004, 04:19 PM
A driver on the same roadway WATCHED the car go off the road, called the crash in - but didn't bother to stick around to see if anyone was hurt or ?????????

Don't blame the cops-blame the moron who...

Didn't have time to stop.
Was late for an appointment.
Had to get to work.
Had to get home.
Couldn't wait for the police/FD...

04-15-2004, 04:43 PM
I heard that on the TV I think. They said 9 days though I though. It's really too bad:(