View Full Version : Well...I don't know what to do

04-14-2004, 09:22 AM
Oh I feel so horrible right now. :( :eek: :( :mad: :( I don't know what to do! The dog is barking outside and I can't be out there the whole entire day. My mom WON'T let him in! She said she would but now she isn't! :eek: :mad: :( :(
I feel so bad right now and I don't know what to do. I suppose most of you will say "I told you so" but I guess I might deserve it.
We called the vet and she (well, the desk person) said that he can be kept outside (which is getting my mom even more into NOT letting it in the house!!!:( ) but she said just go to the door and say "Go play now" or something but he just won't quit barking!
I feel so horrible and I don't know what to do. :(

04-14-2004, 09:30 AM
I'm not sure I understand..Your mom is trying to get your dog to be an outdoor dog? If so..then wouldn't it be better to get him use to it in steps? If that's not what you ment and I missed someother thread then sorry hehe. I'm kinda slow ;)

04-14-2004, 09:38 AM
I'm not trying to be rude and please do not take this the wrong way.

But sounds like Shadow is not happy outside, he wants to be inside with you. He is lonely he is more then likely use to having company of the other puppies. Now he is outside by himself with no one out there with him. I don't think it is really fair to him.

Could you least get your mom let you bring him into the kitchen or basement, so atleast he can be near you?

I really not good at giving advice. Maybe someone else here can help you out.

04-14-2004, 09:39 AM
The other thread was Cruel People. He always was an outside dog, we can tell by his coat, its quite thick.

04-14-2004, 09:42 AM
Don't worry, I won't take it the wrong way Tina. I don't think it is fair to him either :( That's why I don't know what to do. I was trying for the basement/kitchen but she won't at all. I really am frustrated and I know that Shadow is lonely but I can't be outside the whole day. :(:(

04-14-2004, 09:49 AM
OH NO! I just heard my mom and dad talking about the SPCA:( :( :( :( :( :(

04-14-2004, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by MariaM
OH NO! I just heard my mom and dad talking about the SPCA:( :( :( :( :( :(

Im sorry :( but that may be the best for right now, he is young and will probably get a home fast, hopefully an indoor home, sorry :(

04-14-2004, 10:04 AM

04-14-2004, 10:06 AM
Goodluck Shadow. :(

04-14-2004, 10:07 AM
Im sorry, I know that you really want a dog and that you would take really good care of one and that none of this is your fault, Im sure you will have a great indoor dog when you're out on your own and it'll be very well taken care of and very spoiled, you just have to think more about Shadow right now

04-14-2004, 10:12 AM
I will have an indoor dog when I get older. And a cat too I think. I just wanted one during my childhood, you know, to be there when nobody else was.
I don't understand though. It doesn't seem fair. My friend Katherine has 4 dogs now, sure she lives on the farm, but they are no problem for them. I sort of feel sorry for the dogs, especially Valentine, a yellow lab, because he doesn't get much attention. I always pet him when I come over. But he doesn't get much attention, so why doesn't he bark? I suppose there could be a variety of reasons but it just doesn't seem fair.
My other friend Justine has a puppy named Pepsi. I don't think she has ever been inside the house, and (its on a farm, yes) she hasn't ever run away. She never barks, she just sits by the door waiting for someone to come out. (Well, actually,sometimes she barks up the drain pipe, hears her echo, barks again, hears her echo etc.)And they are gone a LOT of time during the day, and she is just fine. And I am giving my dog much more attention than those dogs get, and he still whines.
I know, I know, he should be inside. But I cant help that :(

04-14-2004, 10:23 AM
Well I know you cant do much for your friends dogs, but you can do something for Shadow

04-14-2004, 10:30 AM
I know, but I don't know what is best.

guster girl
04-14-2004, 10:35 AM
I'm sorry to hear about Shadow. It sounds like you're ready for a puppy, but, your mother isn't. I'm not saying she wouldn't make a good dog owner, but, not a puppy. The reason your friend's dog may not bark is that he's a dog, not a puppy. And, you don't know what he did before, he may have barked all the time, and, got no attention, and, got no attention when he didn't bark, either. You said he looks like they don't pay any attention to him. You should take Shadow to the shelter now while he's young, he will surely get a home. And, you can even check on him if you wanted to. Let us know what happens! It'll be alright. Maybe you can just spend the time you'll have without a puppy preparing yourself to be an even better pet owner. Maybe you could get a rabbit or some other indoor type of pet. I recommend rats. ;) A pet like that could be 100% your responsibility and your mother wouldn't have to worry about potty training or barking.

My Peanuts
04-14-2004, 11:45 AM
I'm not trying to make you feel bad, but if your parents are already talking about getting rid of Shadow after only a few days, then they are the worst kind of dog owners. Sorry, but it's true. This isn't your fault. Your parents are adults and need to understand that when you get any pet it is a commitment for that pet’s entire life. I had a dog that lived to be 18 years old and was on insulin shots everyday. That's commitment. It's absolutely terrible that after a few days of inconvenience they are ready to get rid of Shadow.

I also feel very strongly against dogs living outside. Like I said before, I have seen dogs living outside and it is no life at all; especially when you live in Canada. You have to think of Shadow outside year after year in the cold or heat. Maybe it is for the best that Shadow finds a new home while he is still young.

04-16-2004, 10:37 PM
So,Hows' the Puppy????

04-19-2004, 07:31 PM
Ugh Argh Ugh lol. Ok. Sorry I haven't replied to anything, but I have been "away" for the last few days. I was quite busy and things. I am NOT going to give up on the puppy, even though some of you are telling me to give it to the SPCA. (or that it might be best) I respect your opinion, however, I am going to give it a bit more of a chance. He deserves it, he hasn't done anything wrong (...in his mind) And...It's not Shadow anymore. Lol. We still have him and everything, but his name is Major. Everyone in the family except me like Major, but I really can't change that. I just call him Pup or Puppy. He is doing pretty good. I will show you all some pics, and maybe...someone will make me a new sig!

04-19-2004, 07:43 PM

04-19-2004, 07:44 PM
MONSTER PUPPY LOOKS IN WONDER! Lol he just looked big in that shot.
Trying for that contest, he wouldn't be good though!
I guess it WAS his first time with a bandana on...he fell asleep though!:rolleyes:
Hate to ruin the fun, but my brother's holding the hat. Yeah, I know, it looks funny!
This is definately NOT adding to my image!

04-19-2004, 07:44 PM
I'm awake, really, I AM!

04-19-2004, 08:01 PM
In case you were wondering..

04-19-2004, 09:36 PM
I do not mean to hurt your feelings, MariaM. I realize that you are a child, living with your parents still, and have little right to make decisions.

However, I also feel compelled to voice my opinion here.

Those pictures just broke my heart. While it is obvious MariaM loves this puppy, and is trying to make the best of this situation .... I can honestly think of few things that look more sad tto me than a little furry puppy chained up outside.

I believe that very, very few dogs are truly happy living outside, while their family lives inside, away from them. I believe that practically no dogs are happy living their lives chained up. I can't imagine living for fifteen-plus years tied up to a post or a tree. :(

This is a very cute furry little puppy right now. It is at its most adoptable period in life. Later, when it is a gangly teenager, with no house-manners whatsoever, it's chances of getting adopted will be MUCH lower. MariaM, if you think your parents are not going to want to keep this dog, NOW is the time to turn it over to a no-kill shelter. Do not wait until its behavior deteriorates, and it enters that not-so-cute stage. Let it find a good home NOW, while it still has a chance to.

04-19-2004, 09:39 PM
Agreed 100% TwisterDog.

I just didn't want to say anything because more than likely a few would flame me for it.

04-19-2004, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
Those pictures just broke my heart. While it is obvious MariaM loves this puppy, and is trying to make the best of this situation .... I can honestly think of few things that look more sad tto me than a little furry puppy chained up outside.

I have to agree with TwisterDog.
Do you have any area in your yard that is shady, where you could keep him, that doesn't involve chaining him up for the time being?

Sorry...but I agree with everyone here. If your parents are not going to change, the SPCA would be the best place for him to be.

My Peanuts
04-19-2004, 09:47 PM
I also 100% agree with Twisterdog and I didn't even see a dog house in any of those pictures. Also one of those pics has someone with gloves on in it. If a person needs to wear gloves outside, then this is no place to raise a puppy. This reminds me so much of my poor suffering neighbor's dog :( :( :(

guster girl
04-19-2004, 09:54 PM
I don't think we should be giving MariaM too much crap for this, though. It's her parents that are dooming this dog. Not her. What kid isn't going to feel the way she does? For the most part, kids don't see the big picture. I feel terrible for the dog, though. It's really sad to see such a tiny thing tied up already. :( Is he like that at night, too?

My Peanuts
04-19-2004, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by guster girl
I don't think we should be giving MariaM too much crap for this, though. It's her parents that are dooming this dog. Not her. What kid isn't going to feel the way she does? For the most part, kids don't see the big picture. I feel terrible for the dog, though. It's really sad to see such a tiny thing tied up already. :( Is he like that at night, too?

Honestly, this is a form of abuse and MariaM is not a little kid. If she is old enough to post on this board then she is old enough to see that this is wrong. A dog shouldn't suffer just because she never had a dog before; maybe there's a reason she never did. No, it's not her fault, but she does have the ability to change this pup’s fate. If you had to live next door to this dog, I'm sure you would have called the SPCA by now. I lived next to a pup in the same situation and we took care of it. This is no life for a dog. I'm sorry but it's true.

04-19-2004, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by guster girl
I don't think we should be giving MariaM too much crap for this, though. It's her parents that are dooming this dog. Not her. What kid isn't going to feel the way she does? For the most part, kids don't see the big picture. I feel terrible for the dog, though. It's really sad to see such a tiny thing tied up already. :( Is he like that at night, too?

No one IS "giving her crap". I clearly stated in my post, "I do not mean to hurt your feelings, MariaM. I realize that you are a child, living with your parents still, and have little right to make decisions."

However, she DOES have to option to approach her parents and tell them she has come to realize the dog might be better off with a family who will keep it indoors. It sounds to me like her parents don't really care one way or another, so her input might be the deciding factor in the matter. Would that be a HORRIBLY hard thing to do? You bet it would! Would it take a brave, mature and unselfish person to do it? You bet it would! And maybe MariaM is just that person. For the puppy's sake, we'll hope so. Growing up sucks. It's a hard, hard road. But doing the right thing is a BIG part of growing up ... something some people never learn, no matter what their age. And doing the right thing ALWAYS feels better in the long run, even if it breaks your heart today.

I just didn't want to say anything because more than likely a few would flame me for it.

Sometimes you have to let them flame you, Kay, and say what you know is the right thing. :)

04-19-2004, 10:17 PM
I really try hard not to get involved in things like this, I'm extremely sensitive and I feel there is so little I can do. I especially do not ever want to come across as attacking anyone personally either. But.. on top of the observations others have mentioned, this just really upsets me:


It appears this pup's only shelter is a cardboard box with a blanket thrown in it.

Please if you don't have the means to provide for this helpless sweetie, you must make a very hard choice, but one that is in his best interest. I don't want to hurt you at all Maria, the pup is just beautiful, but I feel compelled to add my plea that you do anything in your power to change the way things are for this pup.

04-19-2004, 10:22 PM
He does have a dog house and he isn't tied up all the time. He goes to the farm with my dad and runs alot there. The reason my sister was wearing gloves was because she was raking. That wasn't his shelter either, the cardboard box. We just had that there for 1 day before we got the cardboard box, and he didn't sleep in there either, just if he wanted to go in there during the day.
Other than that, I don't know what to say... I guess I hope you won't hold this against me, though I guess from your POV it might be hard not too. I know it is your guy' opinion, a LOT of your guys' opinion, a lot of your guys' STRONG opinion. I'm not saying I disagree with you. I just don't know what exactly to say.

04-19-2004, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
Those pictures just broke my heart. While it is obvious MariaM loves this puppy, and is trying to make the best of this situation .... I can honestly think of few things that look more sad tto me than a little furry puppy chained up outside.

I agree completely. Even if he's not tied all the time, that's no life for ANY dog, especially a little puppy. Please do what's best for him and give him up rather than sentencing him to a miserable life outside.

Yes he may eventually quiet down and stop barking all the time....but will it be because his misery went away or because he realized that nobody is going to answer him?

Please Please PLEASE think of what is best for him. :( :( :(

04-19-2004, 10:37 PM
I have to agree, the pup looks so pitiful, every pictures shows Major sleeping in leaves, and no dog house visible. Where does Major sleep of a night? I just hate to see it chained outside like that. It looks so depressed to me, I don't know maybe its just the breed it is.

I know you are having to live under you parent roof right now. The decision to give Major up is going to be tough. It really is hard to bond with Major if he is left outside. Could you at least show us where he sleeps of a night?


04-19-2004, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
[B]It appears this pup's only shelter is a cardboard box with a blanket thrown in it.

I agree with what the others have mentioned about your parents never changing their minds.

I also wanted to add that Saskatchewan is one of the coldest provinces in Canada. The pup's like what 2 months old... so it will be 8 or 9 months when the colder weather begins.....and barely a year when the -35C weather hits......

I know you are probably planning on getting a better dog house, but it looks like your pup is going to have a short coat. Even if it does develop a longer coat it will take more than a year for it to fully come in, and who knows if it will be thick enough even then.

Please think about this. Your pup is so people friendly it wants to be with it's family. Will you still want to sit outside and play with it when its -45C with the wind chill?

04-19-2004, 10:41 PM
The reason he is sleeping in leaves is because he finds them comfortable. The reason you do not see a dog house is because there was no dog house. Those were taken on Wednesday, and he got the house later that day. I will try to take a pic, though I'm not sure what good it will do.
If it gets too cold for Major we would let him in the house.

My Peanuts
04-19-2004, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
II also wanted to add that Saskatchewan is one of the coldest provinces in Canada. The pup's like what 2 months old... so it will be 8 or 9 months when the colder weather begins.....and barely a year when the -35C weather hits......

WOW! I had no idea it got that cold there. This situation just gets worse and worse. Poor little pup. He will probably die a slow & lonely death or lose an ear or something. I hope there are neighbors around that will do something for Major before the cold weather comes. :(

04-19-2004, 10:47 PM
WOW! I had no idea it got that cold there. This situation just gets worse and worse. Poor little pup. He will probably die a slow & lonely death or lose an ear or something. I hope there are neighbors around that will do something for Major before the cold weather comes.
:( :mad: We would NOT let him die a slow and lonely death!! He won't lose any ears!!! And if he does, it would NOT be from the weather. Maybe if he got in a really bad fight with a dog, but I don't think thats going to happen. But that is besides the point. I know you are all voicing your opinion, but couldn't one of you (other than guster girl) try to put yourself in my situation?

04-19-2004, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by MariaM
I will try to take a pic, though I'm not sure what good it will do.

If it gets too cold for Major we would let him in the house.

Well, it might make us all feel a little better if we saw that he indeed have some type of shelter. However, it is VERY difficult to shelter a dog living outside in a very cold climate. I know, I live in Wyoming. It easily gets 30F below here in the winter at times. To adequately provide shelter for a dog in that cold of a climate, you will need a double-walled, raised dog house, with insulation between the walls. It will need a thick door flap, and a lightbulb inside for heat. Is this what you have? Please don't tell us you bought him a "DogLoo" or some similar hunk of plastic. That's fine for California, but not Canada.

And ... do you really, honestly believe that dog is coming in the house when it gets cold? Don't answer for my sake ... answer what you know to be true in your heart. Next winter, he's no longer going to be a cute fuzzy puppy. He's going to be a big, strong dog that is probably going to be smelly and dirty and wet. He's going to have NO house-manners, because he was never allowed in the house. Do you honestly think your mom is going to let a dirty, wet, eighty pound dog in the house ... when she won't let in a cute fuzzy puppy?

YOU are the one who is going to have to live with this decision, Maria, not us. Our dogs are sleeping at our feet or in our laps right now. I know for a FACT that if one of my dogs had to live outside fror some reason, I wouldn't sleep at night. I couldn't bear it, especially in the winter. I WOULD rehome the dog, even if I had owned the dog for a decade. I would think of the dog, not of myself.

04-19-2004, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by MariaM
The dog is barking outside and I can't be out there the whole entire day. My mom WON'T let him in! She said she would but now she isn't! :eek: :mad: :( :(

Originally posted by MariaM
If it gets too cold for Major we would let him in the house.
Your mother has already changed her mind about the puppy being indoors so what makes you think she won't change her mind again? Regardless of how good your intentions are, SHE is in control of the situation and obviously is not concerned primarily with the welfare of this puppy.

As for putting myself in your shoes - I can attempt it. You have good intentions but your situation does not put you in the position to carry out those intentions. It is not fair that your mother changed her mind and it hurts to consider giving up this puppy but you must think of what is best for him - this is the responsible thing to do!

My Peanuts
04-19-2004, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by MariaM
[B I know you are all voicing your opinion, but couldn't one of you (other than guster girl) try to put yourself in my situation? [/B]

No because I would NEVER be in this situation. I love animals too much to put any of them in a situation like this. Even if Major was my dog and a sibling wanted to keep him, but my mom wouldn't let him in the house I would call the SPCA myself when they were not around. I'm not attacking you. I'm just trying to make you see what I HAVE seen, which is a dog outside in the bitter could with a homemade built doghouse. The doghouse my neighbors built was really nice if the dog didn't live in it all the time. It wasn't heated and the dog lived on a cable much like Major. How are you going to feel when it's one of those nights that's so cold that you can't warm up under your blanket in your bed and you have to think Major is outside. Your mom is not going to let an untrained muddy dog in the house in the winter. It's that simple. If you love him, then you have to think of what is truly best for him.

04-19-2004, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by MariaM
[B I know you are all voicing your opinion, but couldn't one of you (other than guster girl) try to put yourself in my situation? [/B]

I swear I edited my other post and replied to this, but now it's not showing up. Is it? Gremlins took my post! :p So, here it is again:

You stated four times in your original post that you didn't know what to do. We are telling you what you should do, in our opinions.

And, actually, I know EXACTLY how you feel. When I was a kid, I wanted nothing in the world more than to own dogs. I loved dogs. But, our dogs lived outside. Period. End of story. There was NO arguing with my parents. So, that's how it was. (That's how I know how to build a good doghouse, BTW.)

Looking back, if I could do it over again, I would NOT have owned a dog that had to live outside. I would have waited until I had my own home and could have a dog inside. The memory of our two dogs outside all the time, especially in the winter, STILL haunts me and breaks my heart ... and I am 35 years old.

Plus, we had two dogs. They at least had each other for company and warmth. There are few things more sad to me in the world than one dog, tied up in a yard. That is the equivalent of a human spending it's life in a 6' x 8' foot prison cell, in solitary confinement. Dogs are pack animals. Their instinct tells them that to be alone, separated from their packs, means their death. No wonder they get stressed out and bark!

You will have every intention of spending time with that dog. And you will ... now. When it's below zero and the wind is howling and the snow is flying, you are NOT going to go hang out in the yard with the dog. And you mom is NOT going to let it in. Been there done that, trust me.

Do the right thing for the dog, Maria. You will not regret it. Whereas, if you do the easy thing for you, you most likely WILL come to regret it ... maybe for a very long time.

04-19-2004, 11:27 PM
I can look at it in your shoes, and If any of my dogs had to live outside, i'd rehome them.

Looking at my pups now, one in the recliner, one sprawled out across the living room floor -- I wouldn't want it any other way. They are a part of my family, and deserve a wamr bed to sleep in at night. You wouldn't want your aunts, uncles, grandparents sleeping outside, would you?

I'd never even think of asking my parents for a dog if they were not allowed the life they have.

Just because our opinions differ from yours, does not mean we're not looking at it in your shoes, or as if we were in your situation.

04-19-2004, 11:36 PM
I've been going through this thread, and have to say, it is breaking my heart. :( Maria, I *know* you love your puppy, and wish the best for her, and I *know* that sometimes, it is impossible to convince your parents while still living at home. In such a situation, I think you should do what is best for your puppy, even if it means having to rehome her, or never being able to see her again. Look at things from the puppy's point of view, and maybe you would understand better. Imagine YOU being the puppy, and see how you would like living a life like that.

Personally, I do not like the idea of having pets and housing them outside, all the time.......not one bit. If you lived in a warm climate, while I still wouldn't like it, it wouldn't bother me AS MUCH as the fact that your area is INCREDIBLY cold. No, I don't like pets living outdoors in warm climates either, but the severe cold makes it soooo much worse. It isn't fair to the puppy if you think about it. As much as I hate to hurt your feelings, I honestly feel rehoming her, or giving her to a no-kill shelter would be the best thing in her interest. If there is no possible way to convince your parents, that is the best, and most unselfish thing you could do.

She's adorable btw. I wish the best for her.

04-19-2004, 11:43 PM
I keep seeing Majors face, how sad he looks. Can you imagine being chained out in the back yard and hearing your family inside the nice warm house maybe laughing and talking? I mean that would really be such a lonely life.

I wish the very best for Major and you. Sometimes we have to do things that makes our heart hurt, to make something better for the one we love.


guster girl
04-19-2004, 11:56 PM
I agree with everything that everyone is saying here. First of all, I thought MariaM was only about thirteen. As that may not be a child, I still don't think it's necessarily the age where she's going to be able to make that kind of decision basically on her own with no support from her family. I don't know that I could have made the decision at 13. I do think that a lot of what's being said is "giving her crap", and, I'm not even saying that it's a bad thing. Just wish we could get ahold of her parents. I still believe that they're the ones who should be receiving most of this. I just think it could be presented to her in a kinder, less confrontational way. As she is showing in her responses, all it's doing is making her more defensive and probably less likely to listen to anyone's advice. I feel bad for the puppy, and, if I was the neighbor, I'd have maybe already called the shelter. But, I'm sorry, I also feel badly for MariaM. Yeah, Maria, the smart, humane thing to do is to take the puppy to a no kill shelter. YOu know that, though. Can I ask you if you've voiced any of the opinions of the posters in here to your mother?

04-20-2004, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by guster girl
I just think it could be presented to her in a kinder, less confrontational way.

Can I ask you if you've voiced any of the opinions of the posters in here to your mother? [/B]

Honestly, I think everyone who has posted in this thread has been extremely kind and quite non-controntational. I think everyone has been very understanding, empathetic and nice. I don't see ANYthing on here that is in ANY way rude or mean.

She could always try showing this thread to her parents. I doubt very seriously it will change their minds in the least, though.

guster girl
04-20-2004, 01:12 AM
We all agree on what needs to be done. And, everyone agrees that some things offend others and some things don't. It's been proven time and time again in this forum, and, all I'm trying to do is see it from a kid's point of view. There have just been a few posts that **I** feel could have been nicer. That's all. It's not a big deal. I didn't pinpoint anyone's posts or call anybody any names. I just want the right thing to happen, and, she's not responding well to the way it's being approached now. Anyway, I've said all I can say to her. I'm just crossing my fingers that the pup gets taken care of, wherever it goes.