View Full Version : Update on blind kitty (Ocular)

04-13-2004, 09:35 AM
This is just to update everyone on Ocular. His URI is much better! He is no longer open mouth breathing and doesn't sound congested. Unfortunately he now has some infection in the eye socket where they removed his last eye. I don't think at this point it is anything too serious and he is on antibiotics.
Last night I took him out of his cage and was holding him. He positioned himself on my shoulder and just purred! I supported him but let him move around where he wanted and as his whiskers would brush my face he would pull back. Finally he worked himself into an up and down position on my stomach and chest. I supported his bottom and back while he figured out where my face was. I kept talking to him and he slowly brought his face closer and closer to mine until his lips touched mine! He sniffed me and then lowered his head just a little and put his mouth to my chin and started licking me!!! He gave me the sweetest kisses and my heart melted!!!
I don't think there is any doubt that I will be bringing this guy home with me. When the time comes I will need all of your prayers that things will go well with my crew. If it doesn't I won't have any choice but to take him back and that would kill me. BUT we will deal with that one day at a time and I'm not going to panic yet.
Say prayers for sweet Ocular (that name has got to go!) that he gets well soon.

I've posted this picture before and I don't have a new one. I will post it again just as a reminder of adorable this guy is.

K & L
04-13-2004, 09:40 AM
Oh I'm so glad you'll be taking him home. You might experience a period of adjustment, but it can work out! Look at us, we have 18! You may have a scrap now and then, but he needs you!

04-13-2004, 10:11 AM
I forgot to mention that I had to do battle with my "current" step-father this weekend. I mentioned Ocular and possibly bringing him home. My mom was sad for him but supportive. Butthead, on the other hand, just could not get over the fact that Ocular had not been put to sleep! He was shocked that the shelter let him live and proceeded to tell us that we were cruel for keeping him alive! I asked him if he thought we should kill blind people and he responded with..."Of course not! They are people but this is an ANIMAL and it's cruel to keep him alive like that!" The thing is he truly believes it. He is not being mean and this is his honest opinion.
I really hope and pray that things work out in my home with Ocular. I would so love to one day have "Butthead" come to my house and see Ocular acting like a normal kitty. I would love to see Ocular happy and not too limited by his blindness.
Anyway, I just needed to get that off of my chest! Thanks for listening!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

04-13-2004, 10:33 AM
When The Toys ,fro The Found Cats finally arrive , Please Give Ocular , one of the Animal Welfare Mice , as a Gifrt , from All Of Us , and bless you , for helping this Little Angel!

04-13-2004, 11:09 AM
Yippee!!! Good for you. My hubby and I were actually trying to figure out if our house would be safe for him...then we were going to try to figure out the transportation issie, but we realized we have too many steps and I would be so worried. We were joking about starting to train our 8 month old kitten, Hunter, to be a seeing eye kitten. A thousand cheers to you for being so wonderful and lots of hugs, kisses and prayers going out to Ocular and the rest of the crew! (and a good swift kick in the pants for "Butthead"):mad:

04-13-2004, 11:20 AM
Ok, I'm sitting here at my computer, watching Pippin play with his rattle mouse, tossing it up in the air, chasing it down, run around the house with it in his mouth and then roll over and play with it on HIS futon. Now, if we had followed the "butthead" philosophy :mad: of what life forms should be allowed to live, I guess Pippin wouldn't be here today! And, its funny but, if we are being cruel to him, I certainly can't tell. He's about the happiest little critter in the neighborhood! Maybe even the Northwest, if you ask him! :D
CCL, thank heavens there are people like you and all the shelters out there that take in blind and otherwise disabled animals. You just give lots of love and care to those creatures that come to you for help.
I should make a movie of the Pips and send it to you so you can show your....ahem....relative that he's wrong and you are right. You'll do the right thing by Ockey because you care and are willing to put in the effort needed to help him adjust. Don't even waste your time defending yourself to people like that. You don't need to worry about attitudes like that. ;)

04-13-2004, 11:54 AM
It's easy to see from your post how much you love Ocular already! And he seems to be happy that he found you as a friend he can trust!

It's so wonderful that you're going to bring him home and hopefully everything work out fine with him and your furry gang.

As far as your current step-dad goes... Hard to believe that people can see it that way, it's that kind of ignorance that upsets me, too. But we can't do anything else but not to listen to this kind of people, because they will never change, and arguing with them is only wasted energy (I know how you feel because I have to deal with people like that myself).

However, a speedy recovery to Ocular!! :)


04-13-2004, 12:03 PM
CCL - I thank God everyday for people like you. It will most definately take a good deal of time but with the power of the prayers here on PT I am positive it will work out fine. Prayer, patience, understanding, and love will work its magic I'm sure.
--- Meg

04-13-2004, 12:12 PM
Thanks to all of you for your support. I'm a little nervous about how some of my gang will react. Maggie Sue especially! Anybody that walks into her space is slapped and poor Ocular will get beat up and won't know why! Stubby is so tempermental! If she wants something and can't have it she proceeds to beat the crap out of anybody until she either gets her way or gets hurt.
I also have the fear that he is going to require a lot of my attention in the beginning and jealousy can cause big problems. I'm also afraid that I'm not home enough to be able to watch out for him. I'm really nervous and concerned but I certainly feel like I have to try.
I really do need all of your support and I thank you for the words of encouragement. I guess if all else fails we can find a way to transport him to Trinity!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

04-13-2004, 12:29 PM

It's quite obvious that it was fate that put the two of you together! He is MEANT to be with you. I knew from the very beginning that he'd end up at your house.

Bless you for being there for him. You are his one shining star. If anyone can help him overcome his "limitation" it's you!!!

Next time you see him, please give him a smooch and let him know everything will be okay.

As far as "butthead" is concerned (I had a butthead "stepmonster" so I know where you're coming from) it's sad that he truly believes his own opinion. But, stupidity will do that. Just ignore him, yes him to death, and bring home that precious bundle of fur!!!



guster girl
04-13-2004, 12:33 PM
I still really like the name, Ocular. :) But, let us know what you decide to change it to.

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-13-2004, 12:57 PM


I am so excited for you and Ocular!!!!!!

You telling about you holding him and him giving you some kissies.. made me want to cry! ... He really deserves someone special and I hope you are the one that can give him a furrever home so we can experience the rest of his long life and happy kat stories with you!..

I will be praying that he fits in PERFECTLY with your crew and that they recognize his handicap and are super gentle with him!:)


Ally Cat's Mommy
04-13-2004, 01:00 PM
I pray that Ocular will settle in well in your house - bless you for giving him a chance to experience the love of a forever home.

Re the Butthead - we ALL have one in the family or immediate circle of friends - I am VERY selective about who I talk to about my cats, my shelter work, and the HOURS spend online discussing my favourite subject - CATS.

What I can say is that without the support and prayers of everyone here at Pet Talk, I would not have endured the trauma I experienced when I introduced Connor - and after knowing he is deaf, I was under even more pressure to "make it work" - every time I felt like giving up I have a PM or message from someone telling me "hang in there - it WILL improve"- and it HAS.

I found this link on Disabled Cats here (http://www.messybeast.com/disabled.htm)


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-13-2004, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
I don't think there is any doubt that I will be bringing this guy home with me.
Yeah!!!!! I'm so happy for you and so excited for him! He really looks and sounds like such a sweetie pie. I'm sure your brood will adapt - as will he. Someone will probably take over as his "seeing eye cat" and start showing him the ropes and how to avoid Maggie Sue and Stubby. ;) And you never know, I believe that kitties can sense when another kitty is hurting, so Maggie Sue and Stubby may just surprise you and be extra gracious to the new kid on the block....hopefully anyway. ;)

I can't wait to see more pics of him all cleaned up and comfy in his new home. :D

04-13-2004, 02:14 PM
I hope the others accept Ocular! He is so sweet. How wonderful of you to take him in. :)

04-13-2004, 03:37 PM
You are a very special person , who deserve a special cat like Ocular (new name pending).

I can't wait to see his beautiful face again, in his furever home :D

04-13-2004, 03:55 PM
this is such a touching story.

Another thing to remember, kitties identify each other by scent, not by appearance, so I'm sure that in no time Ocular will know the scent of which kitties to avoid.:)

He's so lucky to have you.

04-13-2004, 04:06 PM
I think you should call him Bright Eyes because he can see what a wonderful purrrson you are. Bless you for taking in such a sweet little thing and I'm praying that things work out. I cried when I read your story about the kisses.....

04-13-2004, 04:38 PM
Ocular is so fortunate to have found you (and vice-versa). If you settle him in to his new surroundings slowly maybe your cats will adjust to him ok? CARES website has this link http://members.shaw.ca/robandlauralee/cat_care1.html about introducing a new pet that was helpful for us.

Let us know what you decide to name him!

04-13-2004, 06:57 PM
What a beautiful, heart warming story!

Regarding a new name; what about something about seeing from the inside, like Starshine or Glow or Shining Star? (for some reason this little church ditty comes to mind "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine")

Steffi N
04-13-2004, 07:11 PM
I am so touched by your story about Ocular. What a sweet boy, just looking for the right person to love and be loved by. I hope everything goes well and that your brood learns to accept and befriend him.

Welcome to your forever home, Ocular.

04-13-2004, 11:48 PM
CCL, I'm so happy to hear that you'll be taking Ocular home with you. I also believe that it was meant to be.:) I'm sure that it will take some time but you're other cats will learn to adjust and accept him. Please keep us updated. Welcome home Ocular.

04-14-2004, 12:09 AM
Oh he sounds so sweet!!! I really pray that it will work out.

You've got my total support for what it's worth. I may not be able to help in person but I can be really good cheerleader!!

04-14-2004, 12:59 PM
Lisa..... I am sooooo thrilled that you have decided to take Ocular into your home ..... what a remarkable decision! The way you described his sniffing you and kissing your face, just really touched my heart, and made me wish I could be in your place to give that sweety some smooches too! Please do keep us updated and pictures would be nice too! ;)

04-14-2004, 01:22 PM
Thank you for the update! He sounds like a wonderful cat - he certainly is very handsome! I am in love with him too. :)

04-14-2004, 01:48 PM
Ocular is a very fortunate kitty to have found someone like you to bond with. Wishing you much happiness.

04-14-2004, 02:15 PM
I really don't know if you all could be any more wonderful than you are!! Thank you all so much and I am sure I'm going to need all the support I can get when I bring him home.
It's amazing how well they do under such stressful shelter conditions and I figure I will be the one to stress when I bring him home! He will probably be just fine and I will be the one totally freaked out at the first sign of something wrong!! That's when you guys will have to kick in and tell me to chill out!
Thanks so much to all of you!! It means more than I can say.http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

God Bless you all!!

04-14-2004, 03:31 PM
I too am thrilled that Ocular is going home with you, indeed there will be some adjustments to be made, but I am sure it will be just fine, unfortunately there are many people like Butthead, who would share his opinions,even some people feel this way about humans who are born abnormal, its a sad fact of life, but its great that there are those around like you with a GREAT BIG HEART, and common sense who can offer this sweet kitty a wonderful life .

04-14-2004, 04:32 PM
Yay, another fluffy! :D

I'm so excited that you're bringing Ockey home with you. After the incident with the kisses, I'm sure that you couldn't refuse him if you wanted to. yuhhhhhjjjj (that's what Rizzo has to say on the subject. I think it means "Good for you!" :rolleyes: ) I'm sure he'll do wonderfully at your house. Some of the others will probably take him right in, and the ones that don't....well, like catland said, he'll learn to sniff out the snooty ones. In any case, he'll be soooo happy to be in a real home, where he's loved and cherished. I can't wait to hear about his homecoming!

"Ocular" might be kind of an ugly name, but I think "Ockey" is cute. :) I'm sure you'll think of something better, though. I'd probably call him "Honeydew," to continue my Muppet theme. :D

04-14-2004, 08:21 PM
I saw a one eyed cat in the paper recently up for adoption , they had called him Popeye, i thought that was kinda cute, maybe you could re-name after some famous blind person.:)

04-15-2004, 05:04 PM
I'm thrilled to hear that .....hard to say "Ocular" I vote for Mr. Magoo is going to have a home! Look on the bright side. When and if altercations erupt, he won't be losing an eye. He'll probably need a lot of adjustment time, but blind cats do incredibly well! Congratulations on a hopefully successful transistion for this dear boy. He melted my heart when I first saw his pictures, and hopefully his pureness of spirit will melt "buttheads" heart. (Hope he has one :D ) Kissies and headbutts from my gang! Jan

K & L
04-15-2004, 05:08 PM
Mr. Magoo is a perfect name! I LOVE it.

04-15-2004, 05:16 PM
Another vote for Mr Magoo. Then you'd be able to say "Oh Magoo - you've done it again.:D :D "

04-16-2004, 04:14 PM
Oh CCL, Ocular/Mr. Magoo is absolutely gorgeous. I'm so happy to hear he will be going home with you. It will take some adjusting to, but just take one day at a time and slowly introduce him to your crew and i'm sure everything will turn out fine. I have all the confidence in the world that if anyone can do this, YOU CAN.
Good luck and give Ocular/Mr. Magoo kisses for me.