View Full Version : O No! Ashley's Rescue Might be gettign 2 more!!

Aspen and Misty
04-12-2004, 07:49 PM
LOL, my dad knows a family who owns a bunny meat farm (where they raise, breed and then sell bunnies as food) and they said they MIGHT give me a bunny or two to rescue!! That means I will be saving 2 lil bunnie lives!

Ok, I'm just going to say this now cause I know this will probly be said.

Why get these 2 bunnies? They will just be replaced. - If we all thought this way then why rescue from a kill shelter? They will also be replaced and you can't save all of them. We have to work by saving one animals life at a time, and although I won't be able to save them all I will be able to better the lives of these 2 bunnies and isn't that really what Rescue work is all about??? These bunnies have never been out of a cage, eaten hay or played. The guy we will be getting them from says his bunnies barly move at all, not due to dieses, but due to bordem!

So please, keep your fingers crossed and hope and pray I can help these two babies!


04-12-2004, 07:53 PM
Good Lcuk with the bunnies! you'll be successful in finding great homes for them!

04-12-2004, 08:35 PM
Good luck with the bun buns! It sounds so great to be able to help those little bunnies.. and poor things, they've never even been out of a cage:( Well, I know that they are in good hands with you!:D