View Full Version : Peeing in the bed......

04-12-2004, 05:59 PM
My cousin has a cat that will pee on their beds.
She is approx 3 years old I think. She doesn't pee on anything if the doors to the bedrooms are closed, but the minute they are open she will go in there and pee. He tries to always keep the bedroom doors shut, but he has two kids aged 3 and 4 and well they forget to shut doors sometimes.
He asked me if I knew why she would be doing this and as I don't know much about cats I said I would come on here and see what I could find out. So any suggestions, questions, comments??

04-12-2004, 06:06 PM
First off...

Is this a new behaviour ?

Has she been to the vets to have a heath check to make sure she doesn't have an UTI ?

Has there been any changes in the home recently ?

04-12-2004, 07:16 PM
No it's not a new behavior, I think it's something she's always sort of done, only if the doors are left open. She even peed on my cousin once when he was sleeping!! :eek:

She hasn't seen a vet, and she won't be. My cousin can't afford it right now, but that's another story.

And no there haven't been any changes at home.

One other thing. She is not spayed. Do you think this could have anything to do with it? If she were a dog I would say it's a dominance thing, but I don't know about cats and cat behavior.

04-13-2004, 11:00 AM
Definitley , not beig spayed , is not a good idea , as her natural instinct , is to have Kittens , and that pressure , is making her do things that Female Cats , dont usually do! Your fried should check with the Local Shelter , to see , if they have Low Cost Spay days!

04-13-2004, 03:52 PM
The cat is obviously upset. Something in it's daily routine isn't agreeing with it, whether it be a physical problem or a problem in the home (treatment, other animals, food, litter box cleanliness, etc) It should be brought to the vet immediately and should be given some serious attention at home. Good luck.

K & L
04-13-2004, 05:07 PM
This cat really needs to get to the vet. If this is a urinary tract problem (blockage) it can be fatal. If it's an urinary tract infection (UTI) she needs antibiotics. Cats will go outside the litter box if they have this because they associate the pain they are having with the litter box. Please have her checked ASAP!