View Full Version : Face Cleansers

04-12-2004, 01:19 PM
Today I got a new kind of face cleanser. It is called Noxzema. Have you tried it? Did you dis/like it?

If you have never tried this kind, but do use one, what kind is it? :)

Desert Arabian
04-12-2004, 01:29 PM
Noxema doesn't do anything for me. I am on prescription face cleaners for my acne. I use Triaz, Differen Cream, and Benzaclin (sp). They work great.

It will probably work for you, because you most likely have different skin makeup than me. :D

04-12-2004, 01:53 PM
Like YLL, noxema was not meant for me. I don't care for the residue it leaves behind...which got transferred to my contacts, which made seeing kinda tough.

I like this gel/cream stuff. I can't remember the name, however.

I love new products! Hair, face, skin, etc. It always makes me feel good (though looking good is another issue).

04-12-2004, 04:32 PM
My dermatologist told me that Noxema isn't good for the skin, I don't remember why. I use Cetaphil, which is really gentle. I have horrible skin, so I'd always used harsh cleansers with chemicals in them, expecting for my skin to clear up...Suprisingly, when I switched to a gentler cleanser, my skin has gotten better.

04-12-2004, 04:55 PM
I am with Tonya. I use Cetaphil as well. My skin SUCKS. It has been itching lately again. I have ekzema. And I give up going to the dermatologist, cuz he ALWAYS give me the same answer: the weather is changing and your skin is telling you something. Boo hoo. It's sad that it's something one can manage but not cured. Sad. :( Oh to top it off, I have big zits lately. HELP!!!!

04-12-2004, 05:04 PM
we use noxzema too. I like it. I don't use it everyday, bacause it somtimes make my skin itch.

Miss Meow
04-12-2004, 05:11 PM
I'm using Cetaphil at the moment. Like Tonya, I was using harsher products to really clean my face, but my skin reacted in a bad way.

04-12-2004, 05:16 PM
I used to use Noxema and it was fine. My friend Missy swears by it.

I have VERY dry skin so I use Nivea something or other for dry skin. It's pink with darker pink scrubbing beads in it :p I REALLY like Nivea products.

guster girl
04-12-2004, 05:20 PM
I use Origins. :) They have this amazing (!!!!!!!!) cleanser called Checks and Balances. It's wonderful, and, you only have to use an amount about the size of an eraser on a pencil, and, it still covers your whole face. :)

04-12-2004, 05:26 PM
I used Noxema as a teen and it worked well for me. As an adult, my skin type is dry...

Good luck to you.

04-12-2004, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
I used to use Noxema and it was fine. My friend Missy swears by it.

I have VERY dry skin so I use Nivea something or other for dry skin. It's pink with darker pink scrubbing beads in it :p I REALLY like Nivea products.

It seems that I saw this at the store. I thought it was neat looking and I wanted it. :p My mom told me to get the Noxzema because she knows people who swear by it. Exactly what you said. :)

04-12-2004, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn

I have VERY dry skin so I use Nivea something or other for dry skin. It's pink with darker pink scrubbing beads in it :p I REALLY like Nivea products.

ME TOO!!! I *love* Nivea! My skin isn't exactly dry though........but it used to be.

My skin is sensitive and *itches* with most products, so I really don't use *facial cleaners* that much. Nivea is ok with my skin type, but I mainly just use soap and water and use a moisturizing lotion like Nivea or Ponds every night. I also use Vitamin E Oil on my skin, which is excellent. It makes your skin beautiful if you use it on daily basis. Its a very thick oil that comes in a small plastic bottle.........its available at most health stores. I don't think you should use it for oily skin, but its great for dry or normal skin.

04-12-2004, 07:04 PM
I use Noxema too. It works *GREAT* for me. It totally gets rid of the acne; whether it's started to come in, or not. I use it every night, and my face is as clean as ever. :) :p

04-12-2004, 07:29 PM
I use clearasil (sp?) Its not expensive but it works for me. I guess the cream is good for getting rid of zits, the cleasning pads help prevent and treat acne. I see ads for Oxy all the time. I havent heard of Nivia or Noxema and wouldnt be the #1 person to ask, but its cheap and works for me. My friends says to switch every so often so your skin doesnt get used to one brand and wont work for other stuff. Idk.

Good Luck!

04-12-2004, 07:42 PM
i use a grapefriut scrub, it's orange with dark prange balls in it, but it dries my face out, so i need to get a new onw soon.

Toby's my baby
04-12-2004, 08:53 PM
I use some sort of MaryKay :o

I have never tried Noxzema, hope it works, sounds like it works for some and not for others, good luck!

pss... your skin is already very pretty, do you really need this stuff?? :p

04-12-2004, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by Toby's my baby

pss... your skin is already very pretty, do you really need this stuff?? :p

Don't you remember how it was that one day? Ewww. :o

04-12-2004, 09:32 PM
I use Oil of Olay, but I bought one lately by ST Ives, an apricot scrub, it is really good, feels like sandpaper on your face, but after washing it off , it feels good, and can be bought in local supermarket for $6.99 compared to olay at $11.00, so I might stick with it for a while.

04-12-2004, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by carole
I use Oil of Olay, but I bought one lately by ST Ives, an apricot scrub, it is really good, feels like sandpaper on your face, but after washing it off , it feels good, and can be bought in local supermarket for $6.99 compared to olay at $11.00, so I might stick with it for a while.

I use that apricot scrub all the time. I used it everyday when I was on acutane because my skin was constantly peeling. Now I use it 3-4 times a week. They also have the medicated version for acne prone skin, it's a blue and white container.

04-12-2004, 10:06 PM
I use proactive, I had really bad acne and it's the only thing I've found that's worked for me.

04-12-2004, 11:33 PM
I used to use all kinds but now I swear by the Clinique 3 step line. And the Foaming Facial cleanser to really take my makeup off then follow with the 3 step line. The step 2 toner is awesome!! I always feel better after I use it! :cool:
As for scrubs, I love the Totally Juicy line - the Apricot face scrub is awesome. And the Noxema extra gentle facial scrub is excellant also.
I never had much luck with Noxema, I love the tingling feeling that it gives, and it works wonderfully on sunburnt skin, but I wear a lot of makeup so it doesn't really take it off. I tried the new Noxema Triple clean, and I didn't like it either, it doesn't have the tinglies either. So I try to stay away from Noxema.

I love the Nivea body oils and lotions.:cool:

04-13-2004, 11:52 AM
I swear by Aveda face products. They are natural and don't test on animals...and, the ONLY thing that helps my skin after a crohn's attack. (My skin misses out on nutrient and moisture during an attack, so it gets flakey, yet, oily. Super fun!! ;) )

What workes for me is their tourmaline line. Its a mineral that is finely ground and added to a few of their products...that stuff is amazing! I haven't broken out since I've used it, my skin tone is even and I don't have flaky skin anymore. I swear its a miracle product! :)

04-13-2004, 12:05 PM
I use noxema..I think. I only use it sometimes. I have pretty good skin

04-13-2004, 12:58 PM
I never had much luck with Noxema, I love the tingling feeling that it gives, and it works wonderfully on sunburnt skin

I agree with you there. After I go swimming and my shoulders get a little bunt I usually put some Noxema on them and it feels much better afterwards.

04-13-2004, 04:17 PM
Tonya that is the one I am using, however since using it i keep breaking out in pimples on my nose, it is one of my prone areas being the oily area of my skin, the rest is pretty dry, maybe its just getting all the toxins out or something, any suggestions, I might stop using in that area and see what happens.

04-13-2004, 04:28 PM
A tip for the guys...

Before you shave put some Noxema on your face THEN put on your shaving cream.

It really cuts down on nicks and cuts....the razor gets clogged faster, but it's worth it.

04-13-2004, 08:21 PM
I LOVE noxzema!! I've always used it, I also love the fresh clean feeling it gives me when I wash it off.:) I also used St. Ives apricot scrub years ago and it made my face feel soooo soft. I have to pick that up again.

Lisa & Sash
http://pages.ivillage.com/lisalee992 (Sash's website)

04-13-2004, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
A tip for the guys...

Before you shave put some Noxema on your face THEN put on your shaving cream.

It really cuts down on nicks and cuts....the razor gets clogged faster, but it's worth it.

I wonder if that works for legs too.....

04-13-2004, 10:48 PM
I love noxema stuff...probably because my friend's mom works for proctor and gamble and use to give us free stuff ALL the time.

I never really wash my face with specific face washes on a regular basis. I still use noxema when I get a lot of sun..seems to help me out.

I actually break out more when I use face cleansers...I've been blessed with a pretty clear face except for the occasional chin breakouts from when my catchers mask in softball would sit against it all day with me sweating..

I've also been told that Cetaphil is really good too and some neutrogena stuff too

04-14-2004, 03:04 PM
I've been using the clearasil cream for awhile.Sometimes it works,sometimes it doesnt and it can dry out my face so im thinking of trying something new.