View Full Version : OMG, poor Maggie!

Toby's my baby
04-11-2004, 12:25 PM
I am never going to lock Maggie in her crate ever again!! I put Maggie in one of those all wire crates because I had to get Thumper untangled from the fence and I didnt want her to get steped on, I went to get Thumper and at first Maggie was crying her sympathy cry but then she let out a high pitched cry that she held untill I got to her. When I got there she had her bottom jaw stuck inbetween the wire!!:( I was so scared, I didnt think I was going to get her out, she must have been biting the wires to get out, twisted her head and got her jaw stuck. I hate crates, I hope she never has to be put in one again!! :mad:

04-11-2004, 12:29 PM
aww poor Maggie! maybe if you got her one that's like plastic with the long thin holes in the side? {{{hugs for maggie}}}

04-11-2004, 12:33 PM
Oh No!

My parents just bought elvis a new black wire cage, for when we are gone. Now, I'm having a flash back from awhile when someone posted about a puppy who died in a cage like that. Im afraid now! Is this a good cage to use? (right now he is using a different cage thats not wire)

But anyways, poor maggie, thats frightning! :(

04-11-2004, 01:29 PM
Amber your crate looks better than some wire ones, I used a wire one for Jasper when we first got him and even left him home alone in it, before I heard any of this, never had any problems though, people were talking about twist ties?? or something to keep the wire together? Im not sure, it was on the thread that your talking about, the crate that killed a puppy, but I don't remember it all.

04-11-2004, 03:20 PM
Poor maggie! Glad she's ok?

Toby's my baby
04-11-2004, 03:23 PM
Yes, she is ok now, she just had some deep indents in her skin when I got her out, but no open wounds. She gave me a lot of kisses when I got her out :D

04-11-2004, 04:44 PM

04-11-2004, 07:33 PM
Oh Poor Maggie!!!
You & her must have been Terrified!!!!
Glad she is alright....

I remember the thread on a puppy that died in one kind of crate...
I looked at the one they were using...it was a Brand and a wire crate,that I have never seen before....

Do yourself a Favor....Go to PetSmart or Petco...Bring Maggie with you..on a leash,of course....and get one that is big enough for her to lay down,turn around and bounce(Play a little ) in...
Get her a Kong toy...puppy size...put a treat or two in it with peanut butter....then get a Nice Pad for the bottom...put her in it...with treat & water...and watch her from a distance...Crates should be their "Safe' place....Not Punishment....let her spend time there while you are watching her...if she feels comfy & safe....and it is a reputable Crate...you shouldn't have any more problems...I like the ones that have both a front and side door....you can place them in more places that way...also if you need to get to her Quickly,You have 2 entrances....

You can also go to petsmart.com,or petco.com...and look at them and compare prices.....and how they are constructed..
if you are planning on using a crate at ANY time...You need to change her experience to a positive one Quickly...so she loses her fear....

But Again,Monitor her till she accepts it and You Know that she is safe.....
I would Never want such a thing to happen again to Sweet Maggie!!!!!!

Good Luck!!!!
Give Maggie a {{{{BIG HUG}}}}}}}
and a Treat from us!!!

04-11-2004, 08:53 PM
Oh my, how scary! :eek:

Poor Maggie, I am glad that she is okay.

It would be a good idea to get a plastic crate.

Give her extra hugs and kisses from Antie Em!!

Toby's my baby
04-12-2004, 08:20 PM
Ok, Hugs are being sent from all :D

I am going on PetsMart and Petco websites right now! Should we get her a crate now and then another one when she is older? She is going to be a pretty big dog when she is older (german shepherd/ lab), or should we get one that she can still fit in when she gets full grown?

Toby's my baby
04-12-2004, 08:24 PM
O yeah, I forgot to tell you all that Maggie sleeps in her crate which is atatched to her doghouse, but, she can come in and out of the crate when-ever she wants, she also brings all her toys in there to sleep with when she is done playing :) :p

04-12-2004, 09:52 PM
Yeah!!! Maggies' Getting a Nice ,New House!!!!!

Look at the ones' from Life Stages...Thats' what I have for Joey & Hobo....I love having the 2 doors....also,They have a Divider that comes with them....so You can get ONE that will Eventually be big enough for her....but for now you can use the divider if she doesn't need All that room....
They are Quite reasonable...Joeys' was more...as it is the size for Great Danes...GIANT!!!!!...I think his was around 200.00...with the pad and all....
Like I said...the front & side doors are Great....you have that many more choices as to Where You Put them in a room....plus they are great in autos....they can face 2 different ways depending on size of car!!!!!

I like All the suggestions to take collar off when they are in there...Thats' a good idea....

Congratulations onsuch a Sweet New Puppy!!!!!!
It is Easy to see how much you Love Dear Maggie!!!!!
And she'll be Growing up on Pet Talk!!!;) :)

Give her a BIG Hug & a Treat for us!!!!!

04-16-2004, 10:41 PM
How did your Crate Shopping Go?????

How is that Precious Pup Maggie doing???
Any new Pics???;) :) :D