View Full Version : What tricks does your dog(s) know?(And also some tricks you can teach!)

04-10-2004, 03:21 PM
Okay the first question is what tricks does your dog(s) know?

Wiggles doesn't do tricks...lol Wiggles doesn't do anything...

Piddle only does Sit(when he wants :p), touch( just learned it :D whoever said you can't teach an older dog tricks didn't try!) and spin!

Jasper does Sit, give paw, give other paw, high five, high five(other paw), touch, spin, lay down, stay, stand, and just learned "are you shy?" :D

What tricks does your dog(s) know??


Fun Tricks!!

Okay this part is some tricks you could work on with your dogs if you'd like them to learn any of them, they are very cute!! They are explained in 2 ways, clicker training or without a clicker.

If you try some of these tricks and have questions/problems let me know, and also if you get some of them right, let me know :D

Also if you know other/better/easier ways to teach any of the tricks, you can post your way :)

Are you shy?/Hide: This is when your dog covers it's eyes with it's paws.
Teaching it: To teach "Are you shy?" or "Hide", there are a few ways to do this, the first way is with a spray bottle(not how I did it) but with this way you spray a light mist over your dogs face/eyes and when your dog rubs it's eyes with it's paws click/praise and give treat, after your dog has it, then add the command, start saying "Are you shy?" or "Hide" before spraying the water.
**OR** instead of using a spray bottle you can just lightly blow on your dogs face/ears(this is how I taught it), same instructions as above, except without a spray bottle.

Shake: Your dog will shake it's head, as in disagreement.
Teaching it: To teach shake, use the same as above, either a spray bottle, or blowing, and click/praise and reward when your dog shakes it's head, and after it has it, add the command "shake".

Wave: Your dog will wave hello/goodbye.
Teaching it: Before you teach "Wave" your dog must know "paw". Ask your dog to "sit" and then ask to "give paw". Instead of reaching for your dog's paw, move your hand away and lift higher, your dog should try and put his paw up to your hand, then move your hand away and click/praise when your dog lifts it's paw up. After your dog has it, keep doing it but add the command "Wave" or "Hello/Goodbye".

Bow: Your dog will bow down, it's a pretty easy trick, but is always very impressing!
Teaching it: Start by getting some treats, have your dog "stand" while you kneel next to him, take the treat and put it to your dogs nose, then put it down between your dogs two front paws, hopefully your dog will look down and try to get the treat, then move the treat back slightly, away from him. If your dog walks forward instead, say "no" or "ah-ah" and try again. There are other ways to teach bow, but I don't like them as much, but let me know if you'd like other ways.

There are a few more I know, I will post them another time. I hope you all try these ;) Have fun!!!! :D

Rio and Me
04-10-2004, 03:33 PM
Rio knows
lie down
other paw
up (as in jump up on my shoulders)(big dog for that but impresive,lol)
hold (hold somthing in her mouth)
Agilty learning,lol

How do i teach her to hold a paw over her nose?
Ky and Rio

04-10-2004, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by Rio and Me
How do i teach her to hold a paw over her nose?
Ky and Rio

One way I've been doing it is, you stick a piece of tape around the face. Most dogs will paw at it to get it off. Kai, however, decided he was better off leaving it on. :rolleyes: So I found another technique where you blow gently to the face. It worked with him.

04-10-2004, 03:37 PM
lol I have those directions posted up there, thats the one I used to, the blow one, theres a spray bottle way too, like I said, it's up there ;)

Rio and Me
04-10-2004, 03:37 PM
Ok i'll try that,lol
It would be an impresive treat
But rio is my angel tricks or not, i'm pleased with what we've got all ready
Ky and Rio

guster girl
04-10-2004, 04:08 PM
Finn is mastering basic commands right now (sit, down, off, stay, wait, walk nicely, come, leave it, get it, bring it, go to bed, etc), and, I'm adding a few fun ones, too....He's learning to spin and to roll over right now. It's fun saying "finn, spin". :) He does this cute crawl thing where he drags himself across the ground with his back legs straight out behind him. He doesn't sit up or use his paws to beg or anything, so, I'm not sure if I'm going to teach him that. But, the crawl thing would be cool, since it's natural to him already. There's a girl in my class that makes her hand look like a gun and points it at her dog and says "stick 'em up" and he sits up and puts his paws straight up on either side of his face. It's cute. :) I think I will do the bowing, and, I like the shy face and the head shake, too. :)

Rio and Me
04-10-2004, 04:28 PM
oh how could i forget Rio allso knows
Roll over
Find it
tsk tsk me how could i forget what my smart angel can do

Toby's Mommy
04-10-2004, 04:34 PM
Boo Boo knows,
up (situp)

Maggie knows,

04-10-2004, 05:44 PM
Layla know sit, down, shake, give me five, be a bear (stands up and paws air...she did it on her own when she wanted something, I put a command to it, so I could control when she did it.), roll over (she only goes half way), backup, and we are working on come and stay, (she does them 50% of the time.) I want to do stand up, sit pretty, and some of the fun ones, but I haven't had time to work with her. I plan on doing that this summer.

04-10-2004, 05:56 PM
I recently started clicking and treating everytime Jasper yawned lol hoping to put a "are you tired?" command on it ;)

04-10-2004, 05:56 PM
Katie knows sit, shake, lay, crawl (my fave), give kisses, left & right, and touch shoulder.

Elvis doesnt really know any. But I plan to tech him all the ones out there

04-10-2004, 06:57 PM
Foxy knows:
lie down
shake left
shake right
and if i say any if the agility equipment he will go out and find it

04-10-2004, 06:58 PM
Kai knows:
sit, down, stay, come, heel, stand, shake, other paw, leave it, focus, table (hops onto the picnic table), foot (his right paw on my right foot), other foot (vice versa), high five, up (both paws on my arm while standing up), gimme kiss, spin (he'll spin when I either say spin or move my head slightly to the right), backup, over (jumps over things), go to bed, in, crate, around, through (either from behind through my legs or weaving while I walk), bark, take a bow, bang, roll over, crawl, find ashley, find your toy, blush (paws over face), with me (basically like come except he doesn't have to sit in front of me.. he just has to come within arms reach) and leash (he grabs his leash while it's attached to his collar).

Kaedyn doesn't know as much since we haven't had him as long.. He knows:
Sit, down, stay, come, heel, stand, shake, other paw, spin, around (from my right side around me to my left), bang, rollover, take a bow, blush, and in.

04-10-2004, 08:26 PM
Ozzy knows..
Lay down
Stay and Come
Out (get out of a room lol)
Get in your bed (goes to his bed and lays down)

Darlin knows...
sit! And only does it when she wants! :p

guster girl
04-10-2004, 11:13 PM
I worked with Finn a lot tonight! :) He's pretty much got spin down, and, he's rolling over pretty well, too. I don't think he's as comfortable with it, though. I also got him to talk (by moving my hand in a quack-quack motion), to be quiet, by putting my finger to my mouth and saying shhh....I was getting him to be bashful by blowing in his face. :) And, I was working on the crawling thing, too...I love that trick for some reason! I was thinking it would be cool to teach him to be each of the seven dwarfs.... but, I need some ideas....I've got sneezy, bashful, sleepy, grumpy, happy....but, I can't think of anything to do for dopey or doc. :) What do you all think?

04-11-2004, 12:18 AM
Jo knows:
heel (is that a trick? O_O lol)
paw and other paw
high five
give me a hug
roll over
Pick up a pencil or something off the floor and give it to me (although sometimes she tries to steal it :roll:)
She knows more, but I'm to lazy right now to think/write it

crawl wave
paw and other paw
Again to lazy..he doesnt know a lot anyway, I'm still teaching him stuff :) I just ogt lazy with his training

04-11-2004, 12:40 AM
Ash, Ok... I am sending Gigi to your house and will you train her for me??? ;)

Originally posted by binka_nugget
Kai knows:
sit, down, stay, come, heel, stand, shake, other paw, leave it, focus, table (hops onto the picnic table), foot (his right paw on my right foot), other foot (vice versa), high five, up (both paws on my arm while standing up), gimme kiss, spin (he'll spin when I either say spin or move my head slightly to the right), backup, over (jumps over things), go to bed, in, crate, around, through (either from behind through my legs or weaving while I walk), bark, take a bow, bang, roll over, crawl, find ashley, find your toy, blush (paws over face), with me (basically like come except he doesn't have to sit in front of me.. he just has to come within arms reach) and leash (he grabs his leash while it's attached to his collar).

Kaedyn doesn't know as much since we haven't had him as long.. He knows:
Sit, down, stay, come, heel, stand, shake, other paw, spin, around (from my right side around me to my left), bang, rollover, take a bow, blush, and in.

04-11-2004, 01:11 AM
I'm too lazy to type everything...

Simba knows basically everything binka_nugget listed with a bit more added to it..

Here's a list from alother thread... there's some missing probably.

*All of the basics (sit, stay, come, speak, heel, etc..)
*say "I Love You"
*Roll Over
*"Turn" (in a circle)
*Sit Pretty (he's the master )
*"Bang Bang" (Point your finger at him, saying "Bang bang" and he plays dead.)
*Flip a treat off his nose and catch it
*Hold a treat in his mouth
*Hold ANYTHING in his mouth
*"Paw it" (put a treat on the ground a bit aways from it, he reaches for it and pulls it towards him)
*"Dig" (only used when at the beach, for fun)
*Other paw(these change, he doesn't have a paw he gives first each time)
*Which hand? (putting a treat in your hand holding both out, asking him which one. He's gnerally right on his choice.)
*Get in your cage ( he doesn't need his cage anymore, but when we do go on vacation we use it, he can open it himself if it's unlocked.)
*Get the toy
*Gimmie kiss
*Go inside
*Tell me (when he wants something, and we say tell me, he whines and goes to whatever he wants. Normally used when he's hungry or wants to go outside.)
*Leave it
*I can make him stay in every position possible, and he won't move until I say Okay.
*Holding a treat in his mouth, and let Nala take it out when I say it's Okay.

And many other different commands.


The Basics
Sit Pretty (She knows the concept, just can't balance)
Bang bang
roll over
Hold a treat/anything in her mouth
Flip a treat off her nose and catch it (Simba and Her also do this together)
Get in your cage
Go to your bed
Get in the truck
Go inside
Go home
Again, missing a few..
I haven't taugh her anything new in a while.

04-11-2004, 01:14 AM
Originally posted by jenfer
Ash, Ok... I am sending Gigi to your house and will you train her for me??? ;)

Hehe, sure but be warned, you aren't getting her back! ;)

04-11-2004, 07:27 AM
Clover: Sit, Heel, Stand, Drop (Lie down), Give, Come, Stay, Wait, Over, Touch, Turn, Spin whilst heeling, Leave, Hup (get in the car, bed etc), Crate, Speak, Paw and other paw.

Ohhh Shake but as in shake off the water after swimming & where's Jackson, Pip, Meg etc she runs off to find her friends at the park. Also some advance/Open/utility obedience exercises that we are working on for the fun of it, Seek back, Directed jumping, Formal retrieve with the dumbell etc.

Elvis: Sit (including automatic sits whilst heeling), Heel, Stand, Drop, Give, Leave it, Where's Jackson, Get ya ball, Hup, Come, Stay, Wait, Spin, Bang, Wave, Weave, Over, Touch, Food refusal. I think it is pretty impressive for a 6 month old pup. :D and we are working on a few tricks and different commands at the moment.

Theodore: Heel, Come (he has the best recall), Sit, Drop, High five, Paw, Spin, Dance, Over, Give, We are working on Bless you "Sneeze" and Are you tired "Yawn". Thats about all i think.

Penny:Sit, Drop (when she feels like it), Spin, Crawl, Speak, Where's Theo, Up (beg), Wave, Weave, Heel, Stay, Stand.

About 80% of these commands and tricks were taught with Clicker training. :D