View Full Version : A new addition...

04-10-2004, 02:41 PM
Could be arriving home here in a few days.....:D
Let me tell you guys the story.
My mom and I went to the animal shelter today, like we try to do every week. We stopped off where the female dogs were, and came across this Collie/Golden Retriever mix (I know! :p) named Chloe. She was brought in because her previous owner was allergic. She is absolutely gorgeous. She has such a mellow, sweet personality, and she has Molly's wacko ears! :D She great with other dogs, cats, people, everything. We asked the workers if we could take a look at her, so we brought her out and walked her around a bit. She walks almost perfectly on a leash, and just would stick by me and mom for lots of petting. She looked like she had some sort of an eye infection, so we the shelter vet came by to take a look at her again. He said she has kennel cough; which I disagree with, because she showed none of the signs I'm used to seeing; it was just her eye. When he was looking at her, she pulled on the leash causing her to make a 'hacking' noise, which is why I think he thinks she has kennel cough. But, I didn't want to take a chance with Molly and Daisy catching it, so we didn't bring her home today. I asked the woman is there was any possible way we could 'reserve' her and take her home when she's all better, but we couldn't. She said to call back in a few days, and if she's still there and all better, to come and adopt her! :D She said we would make the perfect home. :D

I know we stand a needle-in-a-haystack sort of chance, but I'm asking all of you to hope for the best, and pray that we can be the ones to give her a home! :) Thank you! I'll be sure to keep you all updated. :D

04-10-2004, 02:44 PM
Ooooh!!! Congrats and good luck! I hope you get here! Any pictures? ;):p

04-10-2004, 02:45 PM
Eee!!! About time! :p Good luck, Julie!!!!!!

04-10-2004, 02:46 PM
Yay!! I can't believe it, your getting a 3rd, and i still need a 2nd! Im sooo happy for you, but scared, thinking the worst that she might not be there.. I'm sure she will, and im sure soon enough you will have another molly/daisy in your house! :D Im sooo happy for you! :D

(Me want piccys!) :p

04-10-2004, 02:47 PM

She sounds perfect! Half and half of the 2 breeds you have!

I hope you adopt her, she would be perfect with your family!

how old is she?

04-10-2004, 02:48 PM
*Gasp* Julie's going to get another addition? :eek: FINALLY! You must be soooooooo excited!!! I hope you can get her! Keep us updated!

04-10-2004, 02:52 PM
:eek: That is so cool, there is a part of both Molly and Daisy in her!

I really hope she is still there when you call back, I think its dumb that they wouldn't let you, maybe they don't let people "reserve" them because they think the people may not come back, all they need to do is ask for a deposit, like a chuck of the adoption fee to hold onto the dog, and then the rest when you come back to get her, did you ask about that? I bet you would be very disappointed if someone else got her, and you'd make a great furmom to her:D

Good Luck!! I will be hoping;)

04-10-2004, 02:58 PM
Thank you so much guys! :D
She's one year and a few months. The perfect age range, for us. :) LOL, believe me....I thought up of every possible way that would insure us that we would be the ones to take her home...but basically, it's a "first come, first serve" type of deal.

04-10-2004, 03:00 PM
Aww Julie I'm so excited for you! :D I hope and am praying it all works out for you! Keep us updated on her! :)

04-10-2004, 03:01 PM
She sounds adorable!!! Good luck! Ihope you can get her :D

04-10-2004, 03:02 PM
Oh my gosh! *fingers crossed* I really hope you get her! You'd be such a great mommy to her! :D

04-10-2004, 03:13 PM
I was hoping for pictures! ;)

:eek: Finally, Julie! This is great news! Please keep us updated, and here is an early CONGRATULATIONS! :p

04-10-2004, 03:39 PM
Thanks everyone! :)
I have a picture of her, off of the shelter's website, but it won't let me post it. :( Catch me on AIM if you'd like to see it. :p

04-10-2004, 04:36 PM
Congrats Julie! I hope it works out! Wouldn't a mix of Molly and Daisy be the perfect dog?? :D The name Chloe even fits in nicely with the others!

Do you have a friend without dogs that could possibly hold on to Chloe for a week or two while she recovers? It does sound like kennel cough to me. The main test they do for kennel cough is putting pressure right there on their throat to see if they cough. But you're right, it might also just be an eye infection. Its just sometimes hard to diagnose kennel cough. The good news is it usually goes away quickly, especially since it sounds like she probably just has a mild case.

I really hope you can get her. :)

04-10-2004, 04:48 PM
I hope it works out! It's a shame you can't reserve her. Can't do that here, either. If I were you, I'd call every day! Good luck and hope to see some pics of her soon(at your house)

04-10-2004, 05:00 PM
Thanks Aly and Valerie!! :)
That was also an option, except, most of our family members have dogs. I brought up the idea of keeping her at my grandmother's house until it clears up, (She owns no animals) but my mom didn't think that would be a good idea.
That's just what I was thinking! :D She responds to 'Chloe' already, and I think it goes perfectely with my two. I thought it was also pretty funny the fact that she's a Collie/Golden Retriever mix. It's fate! ;)

04-10-2004, 06:43 PM


04-10-2004, 07:59 PM
Is Molly a collie or shetland? =/ I thought she was a sheltie.

04-10-2004, 08:43 PM
Molly is a collie(that rhymes :p)

04-10-2004, 08:45 PM
lol ok

04-10-2004, 08:53 PM
Yes, Molly is a Collie. :)

04-10-2004, 09:03 PM
I hope you get her, like Amber said in her you get your favorite breeds all in one! Anyway I can't wait until you bring her home now that would be perfection!

Keeping my fingers crossed for you.


04-11-2004, 12:41 AM
Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

04-11-2004, 07:48 AM
All fingers and paws crossed for you Julie :D

Good luck.

04-11-2004, 10:46 AM
Aww, I'm so happy for you!:D Good Luck!!! Hope you get her!

Canis Amicus
04-11-2004, 11:23 AM
Good luck! It will bring hapiness for you all.

Toby's my baby
04-11-2004, 12:40 PM
O, I hope you get to get her, it sounds like she would be a perfect addition to you family! :D

04-11-2004, 01:40 PM
Thanks so much, guys! :D

04-11-2004, 02:10 PM
aww! I really hope you'll get her! good luck!;)

04-13-2004, 06:22 PM
*Sighs*. Well, let me tell you all what happened.
Chloe was still at the shelter. My mom went back today, and adopted her. A few hours later, she brought her back...
She was very, very, very aggressive with Molly and Daisy, according to my mom and sister. I was at school the whole time, so I'm just going by what they said. They said she was fine with both of them in the beginning...but as time went on, it got worse. She attacked Daisy numerous times, and had both of them cowering in the corner. When I got home, I went to go see both of them, and they haven't left my side since. I feel just horrible for putting them through that. :( I'm really peeved at the shelter, because they really needs to do some testing on these dogs before they adopt them out. I was told by a woman working there, that she was great with other dogs, but that was obviously not the case. Had I known that, we wouldn't have went back and got her. She was fine with the dogs in the kennel with her at the shelter....but not with mine. Please don't hate me; I feel terrible for bringing her back, but I can't put up with a dog like that. We'll just have to wait for the 'right one' to come along whether that's at a shelter, or going back to a responsible breeder.

I'm disappointed, but what can I say? We tried.

04-13-2004, 07:10 PM

I'm sorry she didn't get along with Molly and Daisy, and that you had to take her back. Hopefully there is some other pup out there waiting for you, that will make a perfect new member to your family. Sorry this one didn't work out. :(

04-13-2004, 07:14 PM
Julie, I am so sorry. :( :( :( :(


Hopefully you can find the dog that is perfect for you. We know there is one out there.

04-13-2004, 07:22 PM
Aww Julie, I'm sorry it didn't work out. :( I am sure that there is the dog that is meant to be with you, waiting for you. :)

04-13-2004, 07:25 PM
Aww, I'm sorry it didn't work out :(

04-13-2004, 07:32 PM
Im also sorry it didn't work out :( and that Molly and Daisy were scared, you will find the perfect third addition;)

04-14-2004, 12:05 AM
I'm sorry it didn't work out.:(

04-14-2004, 12:11 AM
I wished it would have worked out, but as somebody said, there is that special doggie out there just waiting for you.


04-14-2004, 12:46 AM
Its really hard for shelter workers to give you an exact assessment of dogs because the way they act in a shelter environment could be exactly opposite when they get into a home environment. They can give you their best judgments, but some things are just completely unpredictable.

In dog groups, sometimes 3 can be a bad number, especially if all 3 are female and approximately the same age. There is a chance you guys could have worked through the struggles, but there is also a chance it would have never worked. You have to put your girls first and determine what you are willing and able to do. I think your mom made the judgement she was comfortable with and no one can blame her for that!

I'm sorry it didn't work, but I'm sure there's another pup out there in need just waiting for you!

04-14-2004, 11:42 AM
I'm sorry it didn't work out. :(

Is it possible that next time you consider adopting, you could take Molly and Daisy with you to the shelter to meet the dog?

Kia for the most part is friendly with dogs, but she's met a few that she didn't like.

04-14-2004, 12:50 PM
Aw, I'm so sorry. The right dog will come, don't worry. :) Just don't give up hope.

04-14-2004, 04:19 PM
Awww I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work out:( But sometimes that happens. When we got our orange kitten before it didn't work out either and we had to bring her back. I felt very bad, and now I kind of regret it.
But you just have to find the perfect dog. Hopefully you'll find another one soon!:)

04-14-2004, 05:45 PM
Aww, Julie, I'm so sorry.:( Maybe some other time. I wish we could get another doggy, too. It sucks, but we can't. I hope we can soon, though. Give Molly and Daisy a big hug and a treat for me!

04-14-2004, 06:19 PM
I'm sorry to hear things didn't work out but you do need to find a dog that's great for you, your family, and Daisy & Molly! :D I wish you the best in your future doggie searches. :) I know how much you hated to have to pass her up but you did what you had to do.

04-14-2004, 06:27 PM
Thanks guys.
I think I'll hold off on the doggie search for a while; or I'll just wait until he/she comes to me, whenever that may be.

Kimmy, I'm not sure if that's possible to do. I could always ask, but I'm pretty sure this particular shelter only wants to see dogs that are being brought in.

04-14-2004, 08:27 PM
Aww Julie :(

It sounds like the other dog may have been fine until she got to your home and then began to establish her territory. Daisy and Molly both don't seem like the territorial types so they were afraid of her aggressive behavior. Their fear probably reinforced her feeling of dominance and her need to establish a heirarchy. That is my best guess.

I'm sorry that things didn't work out, but I'm mostly glad that none of the dogs were hurt, especially Molly or Daisy.


Lilith Cherry
04-15-2004, 05:06 AM
Could you get your other two immunised against kennel cough .. its a simple spray in the nostril.. I had mine done so dog would be safe from others when he was in the kennel for a couple of nights.

04-15-2004, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by Lilith Cherry
Could you get your other two immunised against kennel cough .. its a simple spray in the nostril.. I had mine done so dog would be safe from others when he was in the kennel for a couple of nights.

They are vaccinated for kennel cough.
Even so, the risk only decreases, and they can still catch it from other dogs.

04-15-2004, 10:25 AM
Even if Julie took Molly and Daisy to meet a dog at the shelter, they might get along just fine there, and then have issues later when they all got home. There's just really no totally sure way to know how they will get along.

I know when I first moved in with my mother-in-law for a time, Willie was just great, friendly with all dogs, even friendly with Devon... at first.

A few hours later, he got aggressive with him, and decided Devon had to live downstairs. After a few days of working on it, and intervening, they settled again and became the best of friends.

04-16-2004, 06:38 PM
Thanks, Jess.
We're taking a weekly trip to the shelter tomorrow. I feel like we should have given her more time to adjust; especially since I didn't get to see her here at my house myself. We still have the paperwork from when my mom adopted her, so if she's still there, should we give it another shot...? Like I said, she was fine in the beginning, but once they let them out to play outside, that's when it all started. Maybe she was thinking "Oh, this is *my* territory now"? I'm torn. I want things to work out, but I won't risk Molly and Daisy's safety.

*Edit* Nevermind. I just checked the shelter webpage. She's been adopted. I hope she has a good home. I found her page on PetFinder...I never realized her name was spelled "Cleo" and not "Chloe". :o Both were pronounced the same though.

Click Here. (http://www.petfinder.org/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=2738823&adTarget=468doggeneral&SessionID=4080723916829d01-app5&display=&preview=&row=0&tmpl=)

04-16-2004, 06:53 PM
I'm sorry things didn't work out Julie. You don't have anything to feel bad about. I'm glad that the pup was adopted again. Soon that right pup will come along for you and everything will fall into place.
