View Full Version : Miss Julie watches fireworks...

04-10-2004, 01:46 PM
I live a couple of blocks from Kauffman Stadium where the Kansas City Royals play. Every Friday night home game ends with a fireworks display. They also shoot off a couple whenever a Homerun is scored. I wondered how Jules would react to the big display...she has sort of run and gotten under something for the little homerun booms. So when it started I took her to my bedroom and opened the blinds, set her on my night stand and knelt down with her to hold on to her. She watched and her eyes got as big as saucers. She was making a growly noise that sounded like snoring...its funny some of the noises cats can make. She wasn't quite sure of this loud phenomenon but she didn't completely freak out, which is good. It will happen all summer long so I know she'll get used to it. I hoped that by being there with her to show her it was safe she would adjust easier. Old Buddy can sleep through it now, he's been around it so many years...the Fourth of July is nothing for him.
Its sort of like living next to train tracks or having a chiming clock...you get to where you don't even hear it anymore.

04-10-2004, 02:06 PM
How sweet!!! :)

My RB Katz used to watch the fire works on New Year's and followed them with her eyes, it's been really cute.

Luna btw hates fire works, she totally freaks out and hides when she hears them. But Lily doesn't mind! :)


Ally Cat's Mommy
04-11-2004, 01:46 AM
What a wonderful description of Julie watching the fireworks! I wonder what she thought it was all about. Good thing that she gets used to it, if the stadium is so close to your house!

Personally I am NOT a fireworks fan - in fact in South Africa during the 80's they were banned during the drought, and I was so sad when they were un-banned again. The noise is so much more intense for animals than it is for us!

One year, the morning after Guy Fawks, I walked into my lounge only to be greeted by a Brindle Staffi. (Which was a huge shock to me, as I didnt own a dog at the time!!).

It actually belonged to a neighbor doen the street, and had panicked and ran out of their yard when the fireworks were being set off. One of my hubbys friends was living with us at the time, and he returned home from a party at around 2AM, so the only thing we can think of is that the dog sneaked into the garage, and then into the house, when Mark was parking his car!

Suzy (the Staffi) was reunited with her family the same day! They were so pleased to see her.

04-11-2004, 02:48 PM
The Found Cats , generally dont care for The Fireworks , and the Stray Cats , all hide ,as they have had firecrackers thrown at them!!!