View Full Version : Pet Massage

Aspen and Misty
04-09-2004, 10:39 PM
I thought maybe some people might like to try this........

Fingertip Massage - Hold two or three of your fingers together and move your pet's skin in a small circular motion over the muscles beneath the skin. As your pet becomes more relaxed, increase the pressure, but never so hard that it hurts your pet, becomes uncomfortable or scary. Use one hand for the massaging, with your other hand gently holding your pet still until he/she becomes completely relaxed. Speak quietly and gently to your pet during the massage, letting him/her know that you are there and attentive to his/her well-being. Now you are ready to begin...

Step 1: Foot and Paw Massage
Gently massage your pet's foot and then the pads between them. Animals are foot shy, so move slowly*.

Step 2: Leg Massage
Next, starting just above the paw, massage up the leg toward your pet's body. Work the hind leg muscles and encourage your pet to relax and keep the leg limp*.

Step 3: Abdominal Massage
From the legs move to the abdomen, most animals will roll on their backs for this, or lift a hind leg to begin. Cats may take longer to accept their stomachs being touched. Make circular motions over the abdominal area, with your two palms for larger animals, or your thumb and fingers in a gentle squeezing motion with one hand for cats and smaller dogs*.

Step 4: Body Massage
Massage one side at a time, using large circular motions from back legs to neck*.

Step 5: Spinal Massage
Massage along either side of the spinal column, not on it, using your middle and index finger or index and thumb. Release any sore spots and note where they are. Don't forget the tail*.

Step 6: Neck, Head and Ears
Massage these areas thoroughly and spend more time where your pet seems to most like it. Massage the neck on both sides of the spinal column, as for the spine. Work around the nose, mouth and eyes being careful not to poke. As for the ears, spend time stroking them from base to tip, or gently pull them between fingers and thumb. Most animals like being touched here*

All these ideas, and wonderful tips were takin from this wonderful web page.... http://www.mypetpals.com/healingmassage.html

Ash :)

guster girl
04-09-2004, 10:47 PM
That's cool that you posted this. We do this with Finn almost every night. He loves it and it helps when I want to cut his nails (weekly or bi-weekly) or brush his teeth (nightly). :)

04-09-2004, 10:48 PM
Layla love her massages, especially her back. She goes limb immedietly. I'm glad I'm not the only one that gives their dog a massage.

04-10-2004, 01:37 AM
we used to massage the horses like that, they really liked it. i wonder if it would work for Cadbury

Canis Amicus
04-10-2004, 07:42 AM
Thanks for the tip! I love to massage a dog. And when i do it i also feel so good as if i myself had received a massage.

04-10-2004, 10:26 PM
Yeah I read about something very similar to that, in the Heartland books series. It is by Lauren Brooke, very good, about horses. It is called T-touch in the series, sounds the same though.

Aspen and Misty
04-10-2004, 11:40 PM
I used this on my friends dog who is having Kidney failure and shakes non-stop. I usd it and he stopped shaking!!!! I was sooo exited!


ps: Here is a pic of her dog, his name is BamBam

04-11-2004, 12:14 AM
Sounds neat :) I'll have to try it

04-11-2004, 07:01 AM
Thanks for posting this, and the link! Angus loves massages:D

04-11-2004, 04:58 PM