View Full Version : Amitriptyline for Spraying??

04-09-2004, 10:00 PM
Sirrahved, Devon (my DIL) has really been through the ringer with this problem. Yes, Pickles is neutered, (as a kitten - is now a year old ) he has been to the vet and has no medical problems, the litterbox is meticulously clean - he started this several months ago and is literally destroying their apartment. Feliway has not worked. She has bought the black light and bacterial cleansers and seeks out every single drop she can find - is doing a pretty good job but this is SPRAYING rather than puddles so it is even harder. I think she has read everything on the Internet about behavior, spraying, etc. and is ready to tear her hair out and I feel so bad for her!! I think she is going to call the vet in the morning and ask about amitriptyline. I know they cannot afford Prozac. (Ami is about .05 a day and Prozac is about $1 a day)
Has anyone had success with Ami??? Sorry about cross posting but I am as frustrated as she is and just trying to help her - I live in another state and feel helpless:confused:

04-09-2004, 10:10 PM
Bassett takes that stuff for peeing in the house. It does work, but I find that she has to take it ALL the time. At first the vet said that she could be weaned off it but she takes it about once a week all the time :)

04-09-2004, 10:30 PM
oh THANK YOU! for answering! How long did it take for the medicine to help Bassett? Did she have a medical problem? How much does it cost? Does it make her drowsy or have other side effects? She does not pee out of the box at all when she is on the medicine?? Once a week is not bad - I thought it was daily. Was it daily at first? Thanks so much!

04-09-2004, 10:38 PM
I hope it help Pickles. I've read Devon's post before asking about what would help. I couldn't offer any more than Feliway and I understand she's been there done that and is way past the point.

Please let us know how it goes for them if she isn't able to give an update.

Fingers and paws crossed that this will work well.

04-10-2004, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
oh THANK YOU! for answering! How long did it take for the medicine to help Bassett? Did she have a medical problem? How much does it cost? Does it make her drowsy or have other side effects? She does not pee out of the box at all when she is on the medicine?? Once a week is not bad - I thought it was daily. Was it daily at first? Thanks so much!

Well it's hard to say, because her peeing is very random. Sometimes I just *know* when she's in that kind of mood, and sometimes I am totally caugh off guard. It seems though, that when she's on it, it happens much less.. I woudln't say it's solved because if she's mad she's mad.. period. And she WILL mess in the house. But the pills REALLY help.

She did not have a medical problem, like a bladder infection, however I am going to have that checked this year again just to keep on top of it. It was strictly a behavioural thing. It started to get really bad when my gran died, because she was alone in the house all day. But it's something she has ALWAYS done.. either in boxes/baskets on the floor, piles of clothes on the floor, unmade beds, etc. She doesn't spray, but actually pees on stuff.

It was not expensive, but I honestly can't remember how much it was. I believe it was $60 for three months if she was taking it EVERY day. However, this one bottle I have has lasted me much longer. When she was really sick with her chylothorax I didn't give it to her at all, so I've had this bottle over a year but I think it would last me about six months on a regular basis.

The first day after taking her pill, she basically sleeps all day and is a bit dopey. But drowsiness was the only side effect I noticed.

And, like I said before, she will pee out of the box sometimes but it's not as bad and it's only if she is REALLY ticked off, whereas without the pill it's just whenever.

It started out as daily, then every other day, then every third day, etc until we found a routine that worked for us. Really, I give it to her about every 4-5 days, depending on her mood.

I am having some difficulty with Bassett right now because she has messed the same spot repeatedly. I found a great product at a pet expo called Urine-Off, and it's basically taken all smell out of the carpet. She did, however, pee in a bottom shelf of my TV cabinet and it's soaked into that fake wood veneer, making me feel like my entire living room stinks like pee (even though I know it doens't, because people have told me it's ok). The cabinet does still smell and is ruined, but thie Urine-Off did help. I know how stressfull it is to feel like you are living in a litter box, and that everything in your house smells like cat pee. The other day I was using Windex and I freaked out because of the amonia, then realised it was the CLEANER!! It does cause you to be paranoid. I hope everything works out :)

04-10-2004, 05:32 AM
He just did it again *sighs* this is the third time in 24 hours. Maybe he senses that we are starting to resent him? It's only 5:30, much to early to phone the vet. I really hope this works. If not, we're really out of options:( :mad:

04-10-2004, 06:14 AM
Originally posted by sirrahved
As far as declawing, neither of my pets have had any ill effects. We had Pickles for quite a while WITH claws, but he was scratching us both so much that we decided it was time. (Not to mention my woven throws, and shower curtain) Both of them sharpen their "claws". They are strictly indoor cats.


I feel this situation is probably a reaction to being declawed. :(

Maybe your DIL can contact a feline behaviourist, who might be able to help :)

PS. This is not a cue for a heated debate on declawing.

04-10-2004, 09:07 AM
I know that Sam , the Siamese will do it , and Feli Way helps a bit , but I think that he thinks that there are too many Cats here m, andhe resents having , to share!