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04-09-2004, 03:44 PM
your eyebrow!!

Knife-throwing couple to wed despite TV disaster

A knife-thrower's assistant has agreed to marry the circus performer who left her with a gashed head when a live TV stunt went wrong.

A year ago, Jayde Hanson, 24, was attempting to beat his world record for the number of knives thrown around his Russian assistant Yana Rodionova.

But the stunt, which was being filmed for ITV's This Morning, went horribly wrong when one of the knives struck 23-year-old Miss Rodionova on the head.

The bloody scene was broadcast to millions of viewers who saw presenters Fern Britton and Philip Schofield rush to her aid. Mr Hanson blamed fatigue for the incident.

Miss Rodionova was left with minor injuries. Now she says she's forgiven Mr Hanson and they are planning a beautiful wedding.

Announcing the engagement, she said: "It didn't hurt because of the shock of it all, also I was on stage performing, you can't just run off, so I just had to carry on. I felt more sorry for Jayde, there was blood coming out everywhere and he looked so pale he blended in with the wall behind him.

"I fell out of love with him for a couple of days afterwards, but I love him again now." She says she has no hard feelings about the mishap, despite it being the third time he had accidentally hit her.

She said: "I forgive him, it was only an accident but I think I will have to teach him to do something else." The couple, who live in Swindon, Wilts, are planning to wed next month but said the knives will be left in the circus.

Miss Rodionova said: "We will have all the circus at the wedding, all the clowns, everybody, but we want it to be beautiful and about us, so we will be leaving all the costumes behind, including the knives."

"I fell out of love with him..."
Wait until the dishes fly....

"Third time he accidentally hit her."
Like what happens if it's done ON PURPOSE???

"the knives will be left in the circus"
Since you run away to join the circus, where do you go when you want to run AWAY FROM THE CIRCUS??

I hope they post pics of the cake cutting ceremony...

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-09-2004, 04:22 PM
hmmmmmmmmm now that is one interesting story.!!!

wouldn't that be considered domestic violence?!?!:p

04-09-2004, 04:23 PM
.............Miss Rodionova said: "We will have all the circus at the wedding, all the clowns, everybody, but we want it to be beautiful and about us, so we will be leaving all the costumes behind, including the knives."

Oh Goody just like a normal everyday wedding then?! With the clowns and everybody!!!

Great chuckle Richard - thanks!


04-09-2004, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by lynnestankard

Oh Goody just like a normal everyday wedding then?! With the clowns and everybody!!!


At all the wedddings I have been to there have been clowns......usually with the first names of aunt, uncle or cousin...........;)

06-20-2004, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

At all the wedddings I have been to there have been clowns......usually with the first names of aunt, uncle or cousin...........;) Yup..there's usually some boob that gets too drunk and dances on tables! There was a case last year where the bride got trashed and started beating the cr** out of her new husband, threw the ring on the floor, and in the end got arrested. If the wedding pictures looked anything like her mugshot, I sure hope she burned them! :eek: They had video of her in her ruined gown, makeup smeared everywhere and sitting in cuffs at the police station swearing at the cops. :rolleyes: :eek: Hubby and her are still together last I heard. Another match made in Heaven??

06-21-2004, 09:22 AM
I'd be the smart butt that would get them a gift card for Cutlery Barn lol or maybe a nice set of Ginsus off of HSN....

I'd hate to ask the guy to toss me the remote control!

06-21-2004, 01:18 PM
Woman marries a month after being stabbed by husband

A Warwickshire woman married a man just a month after he stabbed her for having pre-wedding jitters.

Katrina Grant, 36, needed 12 stitches and suffered a collapsed lung after being stabbed by her 22-year-old fiancee Luke in a drunken attack.

He was later given a suspended sentence, but while he was on bail the couple from Nuneaton got married.

She told the News of the World: "People think I'm crazy. They don't understand how I could marry Luke after what he did, but no one knows him like I do.

"I love him. He's worth a second chance. He'll never hurt me again."

Luke, who is now seeing a psychiatrist to control his jealous rages, said: "What I did was terrible."

Just when you thought it was safe to walk down the aisle..

I wonder how the cake cutting went????

06-21-2004, 01:51 PM
Lol that's so odd. I'd feel uncomfortable throwing knives towards my loved one.. and I'd feel offended if my loved one threw them towards me!