View Full Version : Tommy and his dish towels

04-09-2004, 01:38 PM
I was folding laundry and came to realize how many mutilated dish towels we have now...

You see, one of Tommy's vices is snatching dish towels off the counter whenever he gets a chance. We have to keep them away from the counter edge but inevitably we forget sometimes. Well Tommy doesn't forget!

Anyway, I thought I'd snap a pic of him with all his handiwork - tattered dish towels.


Maybe this is another of those "You know you're a dog lover if.."

If your dish towels look like these! :D

guster girl
04-09-2004, 01:42 PM
the only towels I have that get trashed are the ones I give to my rat for nesting material. ;) I think tommy is beautiful!!!

04-09-2004, 01:44 PM
Pffftt, Tommy, just tell your mommy to give them ALL to you already! :p ;)

I wonder what it is? Neither of ours mess with the towels even if they're on the floor or hanging on the edge.. Tommy must have a towel fetish. ;)

04-09-2004, 01:55 PM
He's odd in what he chooses to get into. He's never chewed any shoes or furniture, Tasha chewed shoes and the sofa quite a bit when she was a baby. He just loves dish towels though, I've gone around a corner and watched him walk up and pull it off the counter before.

When he tries to get into the laundry, it is always either a sock or dish cloth he tries to snatch. He leaves everything else alone :p

04-09-2004, 02:33 PM
LOL! Awww Tommy. :D
Daisy loves chewing towels too. Sometimes, we'll get an old one, soak it with water, and have it freeze in the freezer. She loves chewing on it then! :)

04-09-2004, 03:43 PM
ROFLOL!!! Oh Tommy, you goofer!:D:D:D Your display of handiwork (mouthwork) is sooooo impressive!:) Tommy's got a towel fetish!:D You're too cute Tommy!

04-09-2004, 04:08 PM
Its just a new design of dish towels, the Tommy Design!! A great new best selling dish towel, now everybody will want one!;)

Funny Tommy!


04-09-2004, 04:14 PM
Dear Tommy,

First of all let me tell you how HANDSOME you are! **swoon** Second of all, I think we gots a lot in common, you and me. :) I loves to grab dish towels and run off wiff them. Don't you just love the feel of them in your mouff when you chew on 'em real good and they gets all squishy like. My mom put human baby locks on our cabinets when I was a puppy cuz I was always gettin' into them and stealin' the dish towels but I found that sometimes if I opened the door just right and they was hangin' just right I could grab one! :D :D I think you are too cool Tommy and I wish you lived near me so's we could do some dish towel stealin' and chewin'. Tell your mom to post more pictures cuz I just loves lookin' at you. :) (Oh and if you can't gets your teefies on a dish towel try grabbin' a used tissue from the trash can. I loves dem too and it makes my mom crazy! :o )

Love, Bella

04-09-2004, 06:41 PM
Dale doesn't chew much of anything...other than his toys...but when Christian comes out of his bedroom, carrying his blankie in his hand, Dale feels the need to run over to him and tries to snatch it up!! Needless to say, Christian doesn't like Dale chewing his precious blankie...!! :)

Silly Dogs!!!

You are right, it could go with the list of "youre a dog lover...if..."

and that is a perfect caption for the picture!!

And,I agree, Tommy is beautiful!!


04-09-2004, 07:24 PM
Haha, him and Zeke should get together ;) They have a common interest! Tommy is adorable btw :D

04-09-2004, 07:35 PM
Aren't dogs suppose to do that? lol! I often find my dish towels or cloths or a stray potholer under my kitchen table. Lacey does some major counter surfing! BTW, Tommy is adorable

04-09-2004, 08:57 PM
Just look how radiant, happy, and proud Tommy is laying there with his "towel work"! What an adorable dog and what a great photo! It made me smile.

Best regards,
Anna Lisa

Canis Amicus
04-10-2004, 07:59 AM
Tommy, you are so artsy, who wouldn't forgive you for your masterpieces? With your smile and sweet eyes, you melt any heart, don't you?

Holly's mom
04-10-2004, 08:34 AM
That is funny, Tommy and his towels. :) Holly likes to grab a towel out of the clean laundry, and look at me until I ask for it back. By then it's all slobbered up and I have to wash it again. :rolleyes: She also will dig through the clean laundry until she finds the dryer sheet and if I don't stop her in time, she swallows it. :eek:

04-10-2004, 09:14 AM
Hi --

About dryer sheets, I remember once reading in a book on dog care/health that fabric sofetening dryer sheets are dangerous/toxic to pets. The book warned about keeping those away from our dogs. The book didn't specify what the results or consequences are if a dog ingests one. So, I try to make sure when I'm folding laundry that my dogs don't get any of the used dryer sheets.

Best regards,
Anna Lisa

04-10-2004, 09:45 AM
Oh Tommy, what great work you've done there;)

If I were your mommy, I don't think I could ever be upset with you!

04-10-2004, 11:41 AM
That is so funny! I'm sure he loves his little game. Would be hard to remember to keep them away from the counter all the time.

04-10-2004, 09:19 PM
Tommy and I thank you all for the warm comments!

Bella, Tommy thinks it's just too cool that you share his love of dish towels :D

Tommy says: Wow! I got excited about your used tissue idea, but alas, Mom and Dad have been too vigilant so far on keeping those trash cans out of reach. Dad leaves the kitchen trash out sometimes though and I grab food packaging and paper towels and such out of there. I run back to my bed in the back room where I can shred them without getting caught too soon! ;)