View Full Version : i know were supposed to love animals BUT do squirrels count? lol

04-07-2004, 06:14 PM

ok one animal i hate are sqirrels their wild and nasty animals.to top the cake they have started scratching (like sawing) on my window the wood part:mad: each day a squirral comes to my window and scratches the wood part as if it wants to try and get in .i'm scared that one day it might suceed how do you get rid of these pests on the second story of your house?????????any ideas???? my parents think its hiliarious i think its nerve recking and annoying PLEASE HELP.thanks and take care:)


04-07-2004, 06:18 PM
I like squirrels, but they are not inside my house. There are many books on squirrel-proofing ones home.

Desert Arabian
04-07-2004, 06:25 PM
A way to keep the squirrels from chewing wood:

Take (little dash) cayanne pepper and smear it on the wood. The squirrels will never touch it again. We did that for our wooden fence posts- they kept gnawing on them. The smell of the pepper scared them off, and the occasional squirrel who ignored the smell and ate the wood quickly learned that chewing on our fence in a big no no.

I know it sounds evil, but it's really not, and it really works. The only thing is after it rains you have to re-apply it since it washes off.

I don't mind squirrels even though they can be a pest sometime. I love to watch them eat infront of our window, I'm a rodent lover, and I think squirrels are adorable. They are a hoot to watch, there is one that goes crazy and does tumbles and backflips, and runs around the yard like a spaz- really nice entertainment. Ha- ha. :D :D :p I would LOVE to get that squirrel on video!!! We placed a squirrel feeder right infront of the backwindow, so the kitties can lay on the back of the couch and watch the squirrels- they loooooooooooooove that, especially little Samma Bin Laden. :D

Sorry to hear they are causing you grief chewing on everything, here we have to worry about deer not squirrels...:rolleyes:

04-07-2004, 06:25 PM
Squirrels count. :D As mad as they make us, they are part of our world. Maybe you should offer them their own feeder with corncobs or something to deter them. That would be my answer, and like Karen, use something to Squirrelproof areas that you don't want them to go.

Good luck!

04-07-2004, 07:04 PM
i like sqyirrels. but last summer when i was at my aunts house i went camping with my uncle and my aunt stayed at hime with my cousin (he was too young to stay the night there and the camp site was about 30 min away) and it was about 9:30 when we get a call from my aunt. she's all freaked otu because a squirril ran up the shower curtain when she was giving my cousin a bath! and she says she called the police. so we drive hom and the polce offficer is there and he had it chased in to the bedroom and locked int here and he was trying to catch it in a net. well i went in there and i wanted too help him catch it because my uncle was scared of him and my aunt was crouchign on a desk and he yelled at me to get out of his way! :rolleyes: so i went out and was waiting in the hall after a while he comes otu and i ask if he got it, he says no, he has to go now and hehopes we get it out soon bye bye. well...i go in there with my uncle and i thing is under the bed. but we can't just move the bed becuase it's one of those adjustable beds where you can lift the head part and the footpart. so we had both parts up and we where chasing the thing back and forth and back and forth for about two hours until i finally got it in to a cat carrier. and then we took it to the camp site and let it go. we named him Spoon. :)

04-07-2004, 08:58 PM
I love squirrels!!! In fact, they are amongst the only rodents I even like. They DO get annoying though!!!

Several years ago, when we used to live in our old townhouse, and squirrel chewed on our chimney, until it got a huge hole in it. It was winter at the time, and it was a VERY rainy winter. VERY. I think it rained continuously for like 5 months..........I am serious. Anyway, the squirrel did that one day before we were going on vacation. We did not have time to have anyone come and fix it, so we put a HUGE bucket in the fireplace before we left, worried that our house would be flooded when we got back.

Two weeks later, we returned....................the bucket was flooded, the carpet by the fireplace was DRENCHED, but the house wasn't TOO flooded, so all was well. We were stressed out the whole trip because of that though. :rolleyes:

But I love them anyway. They're SOOOOOOOO CUTE, especially when they eat! :D

04-07-2004, 09:04 PM
yeah i love it when they have nuts! i saw this one burying nuts in my yard before winter and he was soooo cute! he was very chubby and fat and he had a short tail. he reminded me of Gus from Cinderella

04-07-2004, 09:21 PM
Gosh you are so lucky, I would love to have a squirrell in my back garden , we donot have them in NZ, I have only ever seen one when I was in USA, and to me they are just simply beautiful little creatures.

I can imagine they can be a bit annoying , but then so can birds nesting in the roof and scratching about, but we have learned to tolerate those and enjoy the beauty of every living creature, I hope you can find it in your heart to do the same.:)

04-07-2004, 11:19 PM
We use to have a lot of squirrels in our yard at our old place. There are some here too, but I don't notice them as much. They never did any annoying stuff that I recall? Maybe they were busy with our neighbors house ;D lol I love squirrels :D

04-08-2004, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by carole
Gosh you are so lucky, I would love to have a squirrell in my back garden , we donot have them in NZ, I have only ever seen one when I was in USA, and to me they are just simply beautiful little creatures.

I can imagine they can be a bit annoying , but then so can birds nesting in the roof and scratching about, but we have learned to tolerate those and enjoy the beauty of every living creature, I hope you can find it in your heart to do the same.:)

We don't have them either in Aussieland, though we do have Possums and they are just as silly ... I was living in a place with a couple and there was this huge hole in their roof. One night, I hear an almighty scream and this possum had jumped from the hole to their curtain rail (a distance of at least four feet!) the girl was in HYSTERICS, but luckily Mr Possum soon vanished back up the hole!

I would love to have squirrels in my back yard, I think they are cute ... but I have a question - what do your cats and dogs think of the squirrels?

4 Dog Mother
04-08-2004, 07:45 AM
Dogs think squirrels are something to chase and bark at. And squirrels love to torture dogs by walking on power lines way above their heads and just sit there and laugh while the dogs keep barking and barking. They also love to lead the dogs in a merry chase somehow knowing they can outrun them and again laugh as they race up the tree and then turn towards the dogs!

When we first moved into this neighborhood, 24 years ago, there were no squirrels because they were few trees and the ones here were little ones. Now we have a few but not as many as in some neighborhoods where you see them constantly.

And some friends of ours, years ago, had their house burn down because squirrels go into the attic and chewed on wires. So while they can be cute they can also be very, very destructive. I would do my best to get them away from the house. I am sure there are ways that would not hurt them but discourage them to go elsewhere for their entertainment. A feeder might be a good idea.

04-09-2004, 11:04 PM
I am curious are you allowed to keep squirells as a pet in USA? and do they make loving pets?

Desert Arabian
04-09-2004, 11:32 PM
In many places in the US it is illegal to own a squirrel as a pet...

They do not make loving pets because they are wild animals, they require a huge living space, their claws are extremely sharp, and their jaws are extremely strong. At least from what I have read about skwerls.

04-10-2004, 04:25 AM
OK Thanks for the info, yes I suppose they are wild, but anything can become tame to a point, whatever they are still cute as can be IMO.:)

04-10-2004, 10:34 AM
We have squirrels here but I never heard that they attack houses -they are in the woods and in parks and are cuteness itself. So your squirrels must be some kind of pirate tribe :D

04-10-2004, 12:08 PM
well, I think squirre;s are cute and adorable animals!!!! he he..I haven't seen them much but I think they're OK...I've never heard that squirrels would do things like Truffles said!LOL...

04-10-2004, 12:29 PM
I love squirrels and feed them. They love sunflower seeds. I also have some living in the roof. My two story house comes to a point and there was a hole there. Birds lived in there. I told my landlady about it several times but she refused to fix it. Now a squirrel lives there. I seldom go upstairs so any noise he makes, doesn't bother me. If my landlady doesn't mind, I'm sure I don't either.:D

04-10-2004, 05:09 PM
I love squirrels! We have two feeders that they used to eat out of, but now they don't come around because our neighbor shoots them and then eats them.:( :mad:

04-10-2004, 06:47 PM
Looks like you are out-numbered here Truffles, nearly everyone adores those cute little pesky squirrels.:) :D

04-10-2004, 09:02 PM
My mom had pet squriels and racoons when she was little. I don't like the black or red ones...they are mean! And the flying ones scare me a bit, but back home in Ohio we had these cute brown ones that would sit on our doorstep and wait for us to feed them. One was tame enough to touch.

04-11-2004, 05:08 PM
We have several "pet" squirrels at work. We feed them sunflowers seeds everyday and have names for them...things like Pudgy, Big Momma, Mange-y. They are quite demanding and if the seeds run out, they knock on the windows and beg for more. Of course they are not tame enough to habdle, but i think if we opened the door, they would walk right in.

We also have several in the enighborhood wo LOVe to torment the dogs. They love to sit on the phone wires or the neighbor's house and bark back at the dogs. Drives the dogs (esp Spot) crazy!