View Full Version : Jasper

12-03-2000, 03:27 AM
What a beautiful kitty. I know what you mean about cats choosing you. I was going to the shelter for a short haired orange male and ended up with a brown tabby long haired female. There is something in those eyes that just talk to you. You just know it when it happens. The best to you and Jasper what a cutie.

12-03-2000, 06:44 AM
OH MY GOSH..........Jasper looks just like my Andy! Could be him on the monitor! Andy also LOVES water. About a year after we adopted him I contacted the woman who adopted his sibling. Turns out that his sibling (Arnold) also LOVES water. Maybe it's a white cat thing??? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif The candle extinguishing part of Jasper's talents is an "original Jasper" though. I never heard of that before! Cute but dangerous too. I am sure he keeps you on your toes! I am always amazed at how people select their pets and especially when the pet does the selecting!! Congrats little Jasper. You make a beautiful Cat of the Day! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

12-03-2000, 08:19 AM
Another happy rescue story! How wonderful for you both. Oh Jasper, WHAT are you looking at? Water, fire, Oh My! Ever the "curious" cat!!! Being the human of a white kitty myself, I especially appreciate your unique beauty. Be safe, precious one, and a big "paws up" for Jasper, "Cat of the Day!"

12-03-2000, 09:49 AM
Oh, another white kitty that always melts my heart. Your coat is beautiful. It sounds as though you knew exactly what you were doing with that paw the day they walked into the shelter. You were pointing to your new humans. Thank goodness they responded to your signals. Congratulations on being Cat of The Day - you deserve it!!

12-03-2000, 06:57 PM
Dear Little Jasper
You are so beautiful & clever to have found special humans to care for you. I am a white cat too but I hate water! If my human is anywhere near the sink while I'm having my dinner, I wait until she's finished in case I get splashed. Happy Christmas to you and your family.
Love Tebaldi

12-03-2000, 10:10 PM
Hi Jasper! What a handsome young kitty you are! You look as white as snow. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif It's wonderful to hear about cats "choosing" the people who will adopt them. It makes me think it really is fate that brings people and pets together! It was meant to be! I hope Jasper and his owners will have a long and loving relationship. Good boy, Jasper! You're CAT OF THE DAY!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by margaret (edited December 03, 2000).]