View Full Version : Are cats the choice of pet for the intellectual person?

04-07-2004, 12:49 AM

Do you think people who own cats as their sole choice of pet, are mainly intellectual types? Do cat owners, known as "cat people" tend to be deep thinkers, like artists, writers, music lovers. What do you think? Are people who own cats as their exclusive choice of pet, tend to be more quiet and deep thinking? Yes or no, maybe or no opinion.

04-07-2004, 01:04 AM
I voted no again :)

I've known some smart cat owners ... and some very stupid ones! Same goes for dog owners.

04-07-2004, 04:53 AM

I'm a deep thinker and quiet, and I've never owned a cat in my life.

04-07-2004, 08:52 AM
i don't it's 'peopel who own cats are intellectual' i think it's intellecual people own cats' usually. but i know plenty of people who are artistic and own dogs or something else

04-07-2004, 01:43 PM
For anyone's information the same poll is in the "Cat General" thread, and, of course, this is read by cat lovers. I think the general feeling is that cat people ARE different in someway. Anyway, this is just a fun poll and not really anything official. We are all pet lovers, and that makes us all wonderful people!! :) ;) ;)

04-07-2004, 10:58 PM
I tend to be one of the intellectual, deep thinking, artistic, writer, music lover type people.

I'm deathly allergic to cats.

I own eleven dogs.


I voted "no", obviously.

04-09-2004, 08:55 AM
my english teacher has a rottie/shepard mix and he's always talking about her, sometimes he brings her in to class too. and she's really sweet, but she get really scaredin the class and she just follws my teacher around

04-09-2004, 03:04 PM
OK, just to show you we cat lovers are not snobs, please look at this picture(see attachment) This is either a brave cat, or she has a suicide wish. Such wonderful control from these beautiful German Sheppards. Hope all enjoy this picture.......

04-09-2004, 04:12 PM
That is a funny picture! I love it!


04-09-2004, 04:19 PM
Now train a CAT to do that with a mouse running infront of them!

04-09-2004, 04:31 PM
Well at least that prove the cat lovers aren't snobs! I think it is a very good picture and very funny! What a brave cat!


04-09-2004, 05:10 PM
I'm a writer and a *bad, trust me* artist and I own a rat of all things. The rat isn't a very insperational critter although she is good for getting me in a better mood! I wuv my ratty!

04-09-2004, 05:17 PM
As you can see, DJFyrewolf36 I have a wide assortment of pets! I love them all. Or as you say I wuv my babies! All my babies!

Besides, this is Pet Talk where we all have something in common, and that is the love of animals of all kinds. So I think that makes us all special! Don't you? I love hearing about all the pets, everybodys pets. Sometimes I just like reading about them. It is always so interesting and sometime it is funny, and sometimes it brings tears to your eyes. Thats what I love about Pet Talk, thanks to Karen and Paul, it is for pet lovers of all kinds. Who can argue with that?


04-09-2004, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
Well at least that prove the cat lovers aren't snobs! I think it is a very good picture and very funny! What a brave cat!


LOL:D No, we cat lovers are not snobs. I happen to love German Sheppards, but I just cannot care for one now. What I have is a 19 pound Tabby cat who thinks he is a dog. I love the line KFAMR wrote about the cat staying at attention if a mouse went by. The last time a mouse was chased by my cat, he broke 2 lamps and pulled down a window shade. By the way, my nephew, who is a Sgt. in the Army, sent me this picture, so I assume these dogs are to be used in the army. I still laugh when I see it.:) :)

04-10-2004, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
I tend to be one of the intellectual, deep thinking, artistic, writer, music lover type people.

I'm deathly allergic to cats.

I own eleven dogs.


I voted "no", obviously.

I was going to say pretty much the same thing.

Except I'm not a writer. ::wink::

And I have 6 chinchillas instead of 11 dogs.