View Full Version : My cousin's pitbulls....

04-05-2004, 09:28 AM
My cousin has 2 pitbulls and they seem huge! Theyre short the way pitties are but theyre huge...round-wise, Targa(male) is probably 90 pounds or more, hes the biggest, and the female(Kody) is probably 75 or so which isn't too bad.

I was wondering the weight theyre suposed to be around, because Kody is getting bad hips/legs(she is 7 years old) and I suggested to them to put her on a diet(since they just free feed and fill their dishes whenever theyre empty).

Also whenever I get paid for babysitting, could be next year :p :p, Kidding lol should be in a week or so, I will buy another disposible and go up and take a bunch of pictures of the 2 pitties for you all :D

04-05-2004, 10:55 AM
i know pitties are suppost to be butchy but they are not suppost to be fat. You will know, pitties have muscle not fat :)

04-05-2004, 11:37 AM
Yeah Targa does have alot of muscle, but he also looks very fat lol, I guess you will all know when I get some pictures of them.

04-05-2004, 03:16 PM
Pit bulls and pit type dogs can be anywhere from 30 to over 100 pounds, and skinny or bulky, so it's hard to tell.

here's a site with pictures of different kinds of pitbulls (scroll down about half way to "TEST TIME!") http://www.workingpitbull.com/amstaffpit.htm

But if you said that Kody has bad hips, they probably could use a diet.

04-05-2004, 03:24 PM
The real working farm pittys from the 1920-40's were normally around 40 lbs. IMHO that's the perfect size. I don't really agree with these 100 lb pits. They must be mixing somthing else in there. :)

I can't imagine what a PITA Wilma would be inf she were any bigger than her 38 lbs!

04-05-2004, 03:50 PM
well as everyone knows i have 2 pitts one (sasha) is 65 lbs that is the weight she is supposed to be bc she is VERY muscular and sabeth is probably about 80-90 lbs and is not as muscular but pretty close and the vet says they are perfect for there body size and i know they are FULL pitts. there are different types and sizes.

04-05-2004, 04:08 PM
I see, yeah thats interesting. I knew there were different kinds of pitbulls because Targa and Kody are really different, Targa has a really big head with big jaws/cheek bones and alot of muscles, but Kody has a smaller head, smaller jaws/cheek bones and is sort of a different shape, but they are both pitbulls.


Anyway you will all see them as soon as I get paid for babysitting and get another disposible!

Gotta love those pitties! Also I would like to steal Targa :p