View Full Version : My mom in law actually wanted to put her dog down for no reason...

04-04-2004, 11:37 AM
I'm having a really hard time understanding this. Maybe you all can help me. My mother in law (not to be mistaken with the evil animal hating step mother in law), lives in Missouri. She loves animals and is a wonderful pet owner. She has an 8 year old chi named Speedy. Speedy is diabetic and has to get insulin shots 2-3 times a day.

Anyways, since Mike's grandmother is ill, Mike's mom is moving back to California in June. For the first year or two out here, she won't be able to have Speedy because she can only afford to rent a room or small apartment.

Here's the part that I don't understand. I asked her what she was going to do with Speedy, and she sadly replied "Put him down."

She says that she can't bear to chance someone else not taking good care of Speedy so she is going to just put him to sleep. She's afraid someone will let his diabetes get out of control.

I couldn't believe that she'd actually think of such a thing! Speedy has plenty of years left as long as he gets his insulin. I told her that is ridiculous and cruel and that I will take Speedy. She's protesting that this is to long of a trip and she doesn't want to inconvenience us. WTF? So kill you beloved dog instead?!

I've told her that there's no arguing about it. Speedy is coming here. I just can't seem to understand her way of thinking. I'm trying to put myself in her shoes, but I can't.

04-04-2004, 11:42 AM
I understand that she really cares for Speedy and couldn't bear the thought of him being neglected, but I just couldn't ever ever have one of mine PTS like that. I have to admit I would much rather worry about inconveniencing family than the other.. in fact I did once. When I first moved to MN we had to live with my mother-in-law for awhile till we got on our feet. I had the two collies, but mother-in-law also had a sheltie. There was a two-dog ordinance in her town at the time (now changed to three), so I could only have one of them with me. I imposed on my brother-in-law who was renting a house that allowed dogs to keep Cody for me for awhile.

He did way overfeed him and Cody got to 106 pounds at one time and that upset me, but he finally cut back, and when I got him back he lost all that extra weight. The thought of having him PTS never even crossed my mind.

04-04-2004, 12:13 PM
I am very greatful that I have never been in a situation like that before. If I ever am, I would definetly ask my family to take care of Drake until he could be with me again. PTS would never ever be an option or even cross my mind.

Couldn't she find a small apartment that allowed pets? And if you are willing to take him while she takes care of grandma, problem solved!

04-04-2004, 12:17 PM
I agree with Souraya - convince her to let you take him for you while she's getting settled and until she can find a "epts allowed" place. She could visit and everything!

04-04-2004, 01:19 PM
She might really think you're going to be inconvenienced and truly doesn't want to impose upon you. Perhaps if she hears from her son that Speedy won't be an imposition she might feel more comfortable.

My sister-in-law might move here for a year while her husband is in Egypt... it has taken me a few weeks to convince her that she CAN bring both her dog and cat and not worry about imposing. She thinks just having her here will bother us. Why should it? After constant "noooo problem" and "we insist on it" she is finally convinced we mean it when we say that the dog and cat are no problem (she wanted to give the cat to a friend, the dog would come along.)

Keep up trying to convince her and she'll eventually agree.

04-04-2004, 01:23 PM
I agree with Souraya and Karen.

Tell her that it would not be an inconvience for you to take Speedy, and that you would care for him while she was getting settled in and finding a home that allows pets. That would be much better than having poor Speedy put to sleep. :(

Please keep us updated, Tonya. Good luck.

04-05-2004, 12:47 PM
If you can't find a temporary home for Speedy, please go to the EZboard canine diabetes site. They have a place to put your diabetic dog up for adoption. These are people who understand diabetes and are the most caring bunch I have ever 'met'.
(Pets with [email protected])

This is a much better solution than putting Speedy down. He has a lot of years left.

A chihuahua should be easy to rehome. And a lot of apartments don't mind the really small dogs. Sometimes you just have to ask, even if they don't generally allow animals. Even government housing now allows pets.

It would be best for all if you could keep Speedy until she can find an apartment that would accept him.


guster girl
04-05-2004, 01:42 PM
My RB cat, Dusty, was diabetic. It wasn't that big of an inconvenience. Of course, we switched him to a more holistic approach, and, he didn't need insulin after that. But, I hope you can either take Speedy or find someone who can. I can't believe someone would just put their pet to sleep. At least take him to the vet's or something. Wow. Let us know what happens. And, send pics if you get Speedy. Maybe you could get a group of people to transport him from her place to yours. I know I'd be willing to help if I can. I don't know where he's coming from and going to, though. I forgot! :) Ok, I just looked, never mind. But, I'm sure people here would be willing to help with a transport. It would be worth asking.