View Full Version : Updates about Jasp's vet app. and about our day....

04-03-2004, 06:05 PM
Well Jasper's vet appointment was on Friday, they treated him for scabies, even though I don't think thats what he has, because the other dogs aren't scratching, and because he broke out in hives before, like an alergic reaction so I still think it's alergies. Anyway 2 weeks ago he was almost 40 pounds and on Friday he weighed in at 43!!

Anyway.....This may seem pointless :p but I wanted to share our day, we had alot of fun!

Today it was really sunny out, most of the snow is gone, so my mom and I decided to do something fun with the dogs.

First we got a lunch at the store, for us and the dogs, Piddle and Wiggles had some pepperoni sticks/hot rods, and Jasper had some of my chips :p and his treats.

My uncle is a baseball coach, and let us use the big fenced in feild, and 3 of them just ran around, I have never seen Jasper run so fast :eek:

I wish we had a dog park or something, since we don't have our fence yet, but we will in summer.

They had tons of fun, well Jasper did lol Wiggles didn't know what was going on and Piddle was just going around the edge looking for a way out :o
Jasper's eyes looked big and happy and he slept for the rest of the evening!!

04-03-2004, 10:34 PM
Sounds like a fun day for all! It's so nice to get back outside with the dogs isn't it?

Still keeping my fingers crossed on Jasper's skin problems. I know that has to be worrisome for you!

Thanks for sharing about your day with the pups :)