View Full Version : Pet tricks...

04-03-2004, 09:12 AM
when my friend and i went to SeaWorld we saw the PetsRule show.. the dogs and catswere so well trained and could do amazing things... it inspired us to come home and teach our 3 seven year old dogs to do some tricks.. and with about a half hour sandy could rollover with the hand signal of circling.. sugar could jump over a 3 foot high pole jump thing we made.. and her dog, lady, could weave her way through an obstacle course! so i encourage you all to do two things 1) go see PetsRule at seaworld (in san diego and florida) and 2) teach your dogs to do some tricks.. theyre NOT tooo old!:)

04-03-2004, 02:20 PM
Ohh, I've seen that. I love the pig! :p I have a picture with one of the trainers, and one of the dogs somewhere..I'll have to find it.