View Full Version : I am SO bummed!!!

04-03-2004, 08:55 AM
I went to a job fair this morning at the buttcrack of dawn at Henry Ford Greenfield Village. After getting only 4 hours sleep (I'm house sitting for my SIL and had trouble sleeping last night) I got all dressed up and got there at exactly 8 a.m. After filling out TONS of paperwork and answering a 100 piece questionnaire, I made it to the application portion of it. There were TONS of people there!! I filled out the application. When my name was called, the guy took one look at me and my paperwork and said "After looking at your application, we have nothing available for you and will keep your resume on file!"

:( :( Yeah right!! All the way home I kept thinking about what I did wrong. Did I answer all the questions right?? Am I too old???I told them I was available ANYTIME, nights, weekends, you name it!! One of the papers asked for my age and date of birth, which I felt VERY uncomfortable answering. It SAID that it would be used for research purposes only and would not be included in my application.

The other people there were of less impressiveness, wearing jeans, torn shirts, hats backwards, tattoos, piercings, etc. ALOT of minorities.

:( :( I just don't get it.

04-03-2004, 09:02 AM
That really sucks. :( I hope you find something soon. That guy sounds like a jerk to me!

04-03-2004, 09:45 AM
I'm sorry Donna.
I would be confused if I were you too.
It really sounds like you did everything right, yet they dismissed you anyway.
As far as the birthdate thing--maybe I'm wrong, but I didn't think employers were allowed to ask your age:confused:

I know they told you it was for research, but they still know how old you are--seems a little fishy to me.

04-03-2004, 11:28 AM

I know, it sounded fishy to me too. I was tempted to only put the month and day down and leave out the year and my age. But I didn't.

I am SO trying not to let this get to me, but it's getting more difficult all the time.

04-03-2004, 11:34 AM
By law, employers are not allowed to ask age. It's a discrimination thing. I would contect these folks again, and ask them if they know other places you might apply. Being that they are industry professionals, et al. You never know, those other folks may not have had much better luck than you.

What kind of work are you looking for?

04-03-2004, 03:10 PM
I'm sorry, Donna. That sure is a let down. :(

It took my step-dad about 6 months to find work...he has a masters degree in Accounting and worked as a manager at the L.A. Times for 30 years and still had a hard time. We really think it was due to his age (55). Its sad...with "older" people comes more experience. If I were hiring, I think I'd prefer more experienced people.

I hope something good comes up soon. :)

04-03-2004, 03:25 PM
I'm with Karen...they broke some serious laws there. I would contact them again and demand a reason why they wouldn't even talk to you and see what happens. If they can't come up with something good, then something's fishy.

04-03-2004, 08:30 PM
That is so unfair. I'd be bummed too. I just don't know anymore. They seem to have to discriminate against the "normal" people in order to fill their qotient of XYZ so they won't get sued for discrimination... did that make sense? Who on Earth would go to a job fair in jeans and backwards hats? I'd go in my best suit, pefect hair and makeup. I'd polish my shoes the night before too. Guess its a different world out there now.

04-03-2004, 10:24 PM
That sucks Donna!!

Keeping you in my thoughts.,

04-04-2004, 02:31 PM

I'm with Karen and Molly, I'd definately contact them.