View Full Version : 2 Puppies!!!

04-02-2004, 02:41 PM
Hey everyone!!! I am at school right now. Today I saw one of the kid's mom's with 2 two week old puppies!!! They were SO CUTE. They just opened their eyes yesterday and I got to hold one!!! There were originally 4 but two of them died :( They are Border Collie/ German Shepherd I THINK. They look like purebred border collie puppies right now though. One is mostly black with some white and the other is light tan with white. They are SOOO CUTE!!!! I want one so much! They live in my little village here, so I am going to try and go see them after school! I will try to take pictures for y'all if I go!!! :D :D

04-02-2004, 03:13 PM
awww! i love puppies! i was at the shelter on thursday and a guy brought in 4 border colie german shepherd puppies.they were in a basket and were fast asleep. they were soooo cute!

cant wait to see pics!:)

04-02-2004, 03:51 PM
Aww I know puppies are so cute! The pics will hopefully come tomorrow, there is a TINY chance later today but I think most likely tomorrow. =) They are pretty! I think if I got one (oh I WANT ONE SO MUCH) I'd get the tan one because my mom still won't let us get a dog but I know she likes tan a lot better than black. It doesn't really matter to me. =)

04-02-2004, 04:17 PM
As cute as it is, why were they away from their mom at 2 weeks?! That's *way* to young for them to be away, even for a short period of time.

04-02-2004, 06:08 PM
Well I don't think they were gone more than an hour, at MOST. I'm guessing 10-45 minutes. I really don't know though =/ I think the mom wanted to show her daughter's class the puppies.

04-02-2004, 06:23 PM
Did she breed these mixed dogs? Do you know why?
I agree with Amber. Puppies that young should NOT be taken to strange places, or away from their mother. They need all of their shots or they can contract diseases.

As much as you want a dog, I don't think you should get one from this person. If she is breeding mixed dogs, she's obviously not a responsible breeder.

04-02-2004, 07:02 PM
Im gonna have to agree with Amber and Julie.

2, 2wk puppies in a class room full with kids and germs is a no no.
Yeah, Im sure they were adorable but, we should focus on there health. This person shouldnt have brought them in. She should have at least waited for awhile until they got there vacinations.

tsk, tsk, tsk : /

04-02-2004, 10:19 PM
Well.... :( I am sorry. I don't know the answers to your questions. I don't think I will actually be able to get a puppy, from anyone or anywhere, because my mom just doesn't want one. But you know, I can't help imagining. When I grow up I picture myself with rescued dogs (preferably at least one Irish Wolfhound) lol. I met the guy who did the make-up for Chicago and he had a big Irish Wolfhound named Roofus and he was so cute and friendly! lol =) But... I'll have to wait till I'm older. :p