View Full Version : CCL - Shelter Stories?

04-02-2004, 01:18 AM
CCL- are you too busy for some shelter stories and/or pics? I have been wondering how things were going there and miss hearing from you!!:D :D :D

04-02-2004, 06:11 AM
I'm sorry it took me so long to see this!!! I have been really busy at work and I was at the shelter until late last night.

I don't have any new pictures since I posted the new blanket pictures for Laura. I will have to get some more but I do have a story.

Do you guys remember Cantaloupe? She was that really pretty orange and white female that I fell in love with before I ever went to the shelter. I have been spending a lot of time with her because she just broke my heart sitting alone in her cage day after day. Monday when I was at the shelter I called the Director over and asked why Cantaloupe was still there. She said she thought she was sick and a little on the nasty side (you see she has to go by what the workers tell her). I said "watch this" and took Cantaloupe out of her cage and she immediately gave me kisses and started loving all over me! I sat on the floor, crossed my legs, flipped Cantaloupe belly up in my lap and rubbed her belly and just loved all over her. The director stood there with her mouth hanging open and said she had no idea that she was that docile. She ran and got the stethascope (sp) checked her lungs and throat and gave her the all clear!! Barb (director) said this little girl needs out of here!! I was so excited but sad too because I knew I would miss her. When I put her back in her cage I snuggled her one last time and told her that I was praying for her to get the wonderful home she deserved and I promised her God would look after her.
I have to tell you that I'm crying as I type this. I went to the shelter last night and Cantaloupe was gone. I went running to Barb and screamed "Where's Cantaloupe!?" Barb hugged me and said that a wonderful couple just walked in on Tuesday and said that they wanted to see Cantaloupe. She said they had seen her online and they were not interested in seeing any other cat either. They said they wanted Cantaloupe when they walked in the door and were determined not to leave without her when they met her!!
I'm crying because of the overwhelming feeling I get when I think how my prayers and my promise to her were answered. I'm crying because I miss her but I'm so happy for her too. I just cant forget holding that furry little face next to mine and whispering those promises in her ear.
Ok! I'm crying too hard to type now! This must be the roller coaster that everyone warned me about! Mascara all over my face! Got to go clean up.

04-02-2004, 09:14 AM
The Found Cats are Happy , that one, of thier own , now has A Furr Ever Home , and you , are responsinle , for dispelling the myth , that Canteloupe was hostile. And The Cat Angels have MMMMEEEOWED For YOU!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-02-2004, 09:16 AM
Awww...CCL, that's so wonderful for Cantaloupe! I know it's hard on you, but it also has to be a good feeling that you helped a kitty that everyone basically saw as "difficult" get a real good loving home. I can't believe the people saw her, wanted her, and only her and weren't going to leave without her. You know she will be spoiled rotten the minute she gets through their door.

And it's funny, it's almost as if God heard your prayers and said "Here you go, how's this for service?" ;) :D

I'm so happy for sweet Cantaloupe. :D

04-02-2004, 09:31 AM
CCL - Now I know that there are really angels on earth. You are definitely Cantaloupes guardian angel. Your love and attention changed Cantaloupes life. I hope she has a long, wonderful life in her forever home.

04-02-2004, 09:35 AM
And it's funny, it's almost as if God heard your prayers and said "Here you go, how's this for service?"

I think that is what got me the most. Everytime I hold a cat, especially the ones that are so alone, I hold them close and ask God to Bless them and to let them feel the love in my heart for them. Sometimes I almost cry when I do this because I feel so deeply sorry for them. With Cantaloupe I actually whispered my prayer in her ear. The fact that it came true for her so quickly and just out of nowhere just proved that my prayers for these precious babies are not going unheard. She didn't have to endure the stress of going to the store and possibly getting sick again. It was a blessing and I'm grateful to God for it.http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif
I really do miss her and I had no idea just how attached I had become.

I know this is really mushy and gushy but I'm overwhelmed with how this all happened.

04-02-2004, 09:56 AM

Pat yourself on the back!! If it hadn't been for you bringing Cantaloupe's sweet disposition to the attention of the shelter's Director, Cantaloupe would still be alone in the cage being passed over! Cry tears of joy for her, as she is in a furrrever home she truly deserves!

On to the next one! ;)

((((hugs)))) to you CCL!

04-02-2004, 11:27 AM
CCL - that is wonderful! I'm sitting here crying tears of joy with you. You can truly see the difference you are making in these cats' lives.

04-02-2004, 12:42 PM
Nothing too mushy about praising GOD for his countless blessings!!!! Congratulations and be happy, sweet Canteloupe!


04-02-2004, 01:02 PM
{{{{{LISA}}}}}}} Thank you for this wonderful story!!! How happy for Cantaloupe - I bet she is being adored and spoiled this very moment!! God answers prayers - of course!! Why are we so surprised?? Cuz we are just humans :D Great story!!