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04-01-2004, 08:54 PM
Well....after almost a week of not working and trying real hard to get better, I have lots of good news!

(Just in case anyone didn't know what's been going on)

Anyway. My arm has still been hurting, so I went to my new rheumatologist (specializes in chronic diseases/pain) yesturday and I really like him. He knew SO MUCH about Crohn's and all its symptoms. I learned that my Crohn's causes joint problems and arthritis. Fun huh? Anyway, he did a thorough exam and sent me to get x-rays in my elbows and pelvic area (SI joints, is what the x-ray tech kept calling those ones) to check for that. He gave me lots of information on new drugs for Crohn's and is sending me for 6 more blood tests tomorrow. (Do I have ANY left??) He also referred me to a really good eye doctor, because that is also a concern with this disease. I normally go to LensCrafters to get exams. I guess that wasn't a good idea.

The good part? He knows what he's doing and I trust him. That is a big thing for me. After going to a billion STUPID doctors who told me I had IBS, trust is a hard thing for me to do with doctors.

The even BETTER news?? That program at school is amazing. I registered and they are going to do the following for me:
*Give me a special sticker to put on my car that entitles me to park in up front spots (handicapped) on campus! YAY!!!!!!!!!
*I can take tests in their facility so I can be sure that I'm close to a restroom at all times
*I get a note taker for when I'm sick and unable to make it to class
*My teachers are notified that if I'm not there, its not because I'm lazy or out partying. This will make sure they know I'm serious about school.
*I get to register way before priority registration. They will even MOVE a class location for ME if they see I'm taking two close together time-wise, but requres a HIKE up a hill to get to. Can you believe that???

I'm so happy. My transcript will even be better because wherever I transfer to will know I've dropped all those classes because I've been sick, NOT lazy. That is so wonderful!!!!!!!

The other exciting part? After all this hospital stuff, I've decided I want to be an RN. I talked briefly to the head of Nursing Science on campus and he told me to schedule an appointment with him and we'll chat. He's also high up in the Psychology department, so he'll be able to help me with my ultimate goal of earning my PhD in psychology too! I'm so happy, I feel so much better about my goals and see them working out, more perfect that I imagined. I know I can do it...I know I can and its amazing to know that with all the limitations (physically) out of the way, its attainable and will happen. Yay!!! :D :D :D

Oh wait....the OTHER great part??? (Gosh, I feel so wonderfully blessed) David and I are going to work it out where by June, I wont have to work anymore! I can focus completely on school and get it done. I may work part-time (so I can at least support the cats on my own) a few days a week at my current job.

Isn't all that great? I'm so happy...happier than I've ever been, I think.

I just wanted to share. :)

04-01-2004, 09:01 PM
That's wonderful! I'm very happy for you!! :D

04-01-2004, 10:47 PM
Thank you! :)

04-01-2004, 10:52 PM
I am very happy for you! Everything always has a way of working out.

04-01-2004, 11:23 PM
you go girl. just don't over do it and wear your self out. prayers for you and that terrific guy you have.

04-01-2004, 11:46 PM
YEA! For you Kelly!!!
That sounds like AWESOME NEWS!! :)

04-01-2004, 11:53 PM
WONDERFUL NEWS! I've been worried about you and am so glad things are looking up. :D
I think you'd make a great RN! That background would also be so useful if you end up pursuing your dream of getting your PhD in Psychology. I fully believe that you can do whatever you set your mind to!
I'm very excited for you! Your school rocks!

04-02-2004, 12:19 AM
That is great news! Having a dr. you trust is so important and the way your school is helping is wonderful.

Glad to hear such a positive update!

04-02-2004, 12:31 AM
Wow! Great new, I'm THRILLED for you!

HaPpY DaNcInG FoR KeLlY!!!

04-02-2004, 02:02 AM
Gorgeous news! I wish you all the best with all your new plans:D :) :D

04-02-2004, 09:13 AM
Great news Kelly!!!!
You are truly blessed--a good doctor, an amazing school, a loving husband, wonderful furkids, and your health is improving!!

Thanks for sharing this wonderful news with us!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-02-2004, 09:59 AM
Yeah, wonderful news, Kelly!!!

It's so great of the school to be so accomodating and to even put it on your transcripts and let you teachers know. I think that's very important because, like you say, then they know it's not because you're just being a slacker but have a good legitimate reason for missing class.

And I know nothing about classes for being an RN, but I would think it would be like most other career choices where as you get closer to the end you can pick a "specialty" and yours could focus more on the psychology part to help you towards that goal.

Now, if we could just find Olivia a good home all would be right in Kelly land. ;) :D :D

04-02-2004, 10:04 AM

After what you've been through, you deserve a break! I am SO happy that everything is working out for you! You are going to be an awesome RN and psychologist. Any way for a PT discount on counseling sessions?? ;)

Good luck honey! I know you'll do well!

04-02-2004, 10:20 AM
Kelly, what great news all the way around.

I don't know of anyone that deserves all of the considerations more than you do.

"The cute one" - that's what my neighbor's still call you.........they are so right!

04-02-2004, 11:28 AM
I think this is marvelous news, Kelly!!!!!!! :D Thank you so much for the update. You remain in our prayers.

04-02-2004, 12:13 PM
Yay! Thanks for being excited for me. :)

I have to keep telling myself that I "deserve" the extra stuff they are doing for me. I've always wanted to do everything on my own...I guess its a pride thing. I don't know.

The program coordinator said its the same thing as people wearing glasses in class or sitting up front. Basically, its evening out the playing field for me physically. I guess that's true.

Anyway, thanks again for your kindness. :)