View Full Version : Cincy

03-31-2004, 09:51 PM
Please pray for our Cincy girl. She has been vomitting off and on today and about 10 pm it looked like there may be some blood in it. Ralph took her over to the Vet ER, and then said she looks okay, but her eyes seemed a little yellowish to them. They are doing blood work and taking X-rays now. I am headed over there and will update when I can.


03-31-2004, 10:07 PM
Sweetiepie Cincy,
shiny girl with deepest eyes,
you'll be in my prayers tonight,
and still will in my heart
until Mom or Dad gives the okay sign.

Feel better soon!

03-31-2004, 10:18 PM
Amy I'm sure she'll be fine, but I'll be thinking of y'all all night. Update when you can.

03-31-2004, 10:19 PM
{{{{{{{Amy and Cincy}}}}}}}}}}

Let us know when you can. Hope you feel better Cincy darlin'.

03-31-2004, 10:44 PM
Sweet Cincy Girl!!
I hope everything is alright...I'll be praying for all of you until everything checks out ok.

Big hugs for Cincy.

03-31-2004, 11:16 PM
HUGS on the way for sweet Cincy!!! I know the vet will take good care of her at the vet overnite!!

03-31-2004, 11:21 PM
Thanks everybody.

Cincy is staying at the ER tonight on IV fluids. Her Xrays showed no blockage, but a little bloat from gas in the intestines.

Her pancrease levels are elevated (1500 instead of normal 1200) and he White blood cell count is up slightly. Liver and kidneys look good. Vet thinks it is a mild case of pancreatitis. I will pick her up around 7:30am and then cotact our vet as soon as they open at 9am.

It was so hard to leave her there, but I kow she is better off on fluids and be watched all night.

03-31-2004, 11:31 PM

Thanks for letting us know ............. sleep tight Cincy girl, and get better!!!! :)

04-01-2004, 06:51 AM
Cincy is home for an hour or so, until our vet opens. They said she vomitted once more overnight and needs to continue on the IV at least during the day today.

Sadie and Spot are glad to see her and are keeping careful watch while she sleeps on the couch.

04-01-2004, 07:11 AM
Oh sweet Cincy girl,

I'm glad you're home now, but sorry that you're not feeling
well. Please do what the Dr. says & get better soon, o.k.?
Love Ya sweetie. :) Liz & Smokey.

04-01-2004, 07:21 AM
Oh, sweet Cincy, I'm so sad to hear how awful you're feeling. Y. We're praying for a quick and complete recovery for you sweetheart. Love and hugs to you Cincy.

04-01-2004, 07:54 AM
Oh no, poor Cincy!!!! Hope you get all better quickly! Please keep us updated!! Hugs!

04-01-2004, 08:12 AM
Oh Cincy I am so sorry to read that you are not feeling well. I hope and pray that you will respond quickly to the treatment that the vet has for you. (((hugs))) to you and your mom as well.

04-01-2004, 08:24 AM
Oh, Amy, I'm so sorry to hear that Cincy is not feeling well. I will be thinking about you all and keeping Cincy in my prayers. Please hurry up and get well, Cincy. We all love you here.


04-01-2004, 08:36 AM
Oh Dear, I hope Cincy is doing better.
Sending lots of get well wishes.

4 Dog Mother
04-01-2004, 08:47 AM
Amy just called me on her cell phone on her way to work. The vet is keeping Cincy today to keep her on IVs. Of course, Amy is very worried about her baby.

I told her I felt it was my fault that they chose such a sick baby because I am the one who found the ad in the paper for her. And she said "Yeah, and who would have cared for her if we had not chosen her." She is right and that is a very sweet way of seeing that God chose them for Cincy because He knew they would make sure she got the help she needed and not chose to get rid of her and her problems (and you know there are those out there like that).

So continue to keep poor Cincy in prayer. We all love her very much!

04-01-2004, 09:05 AM
Dearest Cincy, please get well soon. *Hugs and Tail Wags*

We'll be thinking of you and sending healing thoughts your way.

04-01-2004, 09:39 AM
Dear, sweet Cincy,
I hope you get over whatever is making you sick very soon. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

04-01-2004, 09:52 AM
Get well soon Cincy i will keep you in my thoughts and prayers dear girl.

04-01-2004, 10:24 AM
Precious, Cincy, you are in our prayers, sweetheart. We hope that you will be much better, and soon! :) Amy, please know that we are thinking of all of you. Report in when you can.


04-01-2004, 11:05 AM
Get well soon, Cincy! Duke's had a very bad case of pancreaitis and knows it's no fun. Hope your's isn't near as bad.

04-01-2004, 01:06 PM
Prayers on the way for sweet Cincy!!!

04-01-2004, 03:42 PM
Thank you for the continued thoughts everyone.

I talkd to the vet around 2 pm and Cincy was doing well. She had not vomitted anymore so they were going to try a little food. I haven't heard anymore yet, but she maybe be able to come home tonight (even if she has to go back in for more fluids tomrrow). Hopefully I'll hear more soon!

04-01-2004, 04:00 PM
Thanks for the encouraging update Amy. I'll bet Cincy would be so happy to come home tonight:) Hopefully she will be able to keep down a little food. Sweet Cincy remains in my prayers...please give her a kiss and hug for me when you see her:) Love to you Cincy. Please get well soon.

04-01-2004, 04:12 PM
Poor sweet Cincy. Hope she is all better soon. She is in my prayers tonight.

Cinder & Smoke
04-01-2004, 04:49 PM
{{{HUGS}}} to Cincy, Amy & Ralph!!

Here's some *links* to "Pancreatitis in Dogs" >>>

About.com article #1 (http://vetmedicine.about.com/cs/dogdiseasesp/a/pancreatitis.htm)
"Treatment for this disease is supportive, meaning that there isn't usually a direct cause and cure, but supporting the animal while allowing healing. The veterinary team will take care of the animal's nutritional and fluid needs, pain management, and addressing any other disease processes (infection, diabetes, etc.) while letting the pancreas heal on its own. Resting the pancreas and gastrointestinal system is key, and this means no food or water by mouth for 1 to 5 or more days. This is dependent on the severity of each case, and the animal must be on fluids and other support to survive and heal the pancreas while off of oral food and water."

About.com article #2 (http://clk.about.com/?zi=1/XJ&sdn=vetmedicine&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mscc.ca%2Fpancreatitis.html)

About.com article #3 (http://clk.about.com/?zi=1/XJ&sdn=vetmedicine&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fvetinfo.com%2Fdpancrea.html%23Panc reatitis)

Vetinfo.com article (http://www.vetinfo.com/dencyclopedia/depancrea.html)

Vetcentric.com article (http://www.vetcentric.com/reference/encycEntry.cfm?ENTRY=23&COLLECTION=EncycIllness&MODE=full)

Sadly, they all seem to say it can be a serious problem;
but also say it can be managed.

Get Well Quick, Cincy - it's almost Dawg Park Tyme!!

04-01-2004, 05:39 PM
Oh I'm so sorry to hear about poor Cincy girl! I'm glad she is improving though! Hope she's feeling all the way better soon!

04-01-2004, 05:51 PM

Thanks for posting info on it ......... had no idea!

Amy and Cincy-baby
HUGS and get well soon sweetheart!

Kona & Oreo's mom
04-01-2004, 07:53 PM
Poor Cincy! I hope you feel better soon, sweet girl.

04-01-2004, 07:57 PM
Thanks everyone!

Cincy is doing well. She came home fromthe vet around 5:45 tonight, and although she is still not real interest in eating, she has not gotten sick anymore! The vet gave her the okay to go to the library tonight when kids read to her, and she did great there, even ate a handful of food. I tried to get her to eat a little more now that we are home, but she said no thanks. I'll try again in an hour or two.

We are going to take her in to the vet again tomorrow. They gave us the option of giving her oral meds at home or there, but since we both work, we decided it would be better is she was under the watchful eye of the vet for one more day. No more IV's, and no more sleeping over though!!!

Cinder & Smoke
04-01-2004, 08:03 PM
Glad you're Feelin Better, Cincy!!


04-01-2004, 08:06 PM
So glad to hear it Amy!

Keep on getting better sweetheart!

Miss Meow
04-01-2004, 08:26 PM
I'm sorry I missed this thread.

I'm glad Cincy is improving and hope she's back to normal soon, the poor girl!

04-02-2004, 05:12 AM
Amy, I hope Cincy will have a good day today. I know you were glad to have her home with you last night. Makes me feel better that she felt like going to the library with you. :) Hugs and kisses to Cincy from me, please! :)

04-02-2004, 06:02 AM
Good news! Keep on feeling better Cincy girl! :)

04-02-2004, 08:56 AM
I'm glad to hear that sweet Cincy was able to come home, and go to the library with the kids--what a sweetie she is, and a good sport.

She is very polite too--you said you offered her food and she said no thank you--I loved that!!!

I hope everything continues to get better from here on out!!!

Gentle hugs to beautiful Cincy!!

04-02-2004, 03:43 PM
Cincy's home!!! For good (paws and fingers crossed!) this time!! She did very well at the vet. Ate a little and did not get sick. She will be on oral anti-vomitting meds and a bland diet for 2-3 days, and on oral anitbiotics for a week, but otherwise, things are good!She is playing with the other dogs for the first time in two or three days, but seems to be tiring out a litter quicker then she used to (who wouldn't after not eating for 3 days!!)

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers!!

Kona & Oreo's mom
04-02-2004, 04:26 PM
Yay! I'm so glad Cincy is feeling better and was well enough for her very important work at the library last night. :) Keep getting better, Cincy!

04-02-2004, 04:45 PM
I just now saw this thread!

Sorry I couldn't give you my well wishes earlier, but i'm soooo glad you're home and doing better now Cincy! :D

Keep it up girl, we love ya! ;) :)

Dakota's Mommy
04-02-2004, 08:09 PM
Sorry I haven't posted yet, but I have been reading the updates along the way and getting updates from mom! So glad to hear my Cincy is doing better. I was really worried about her when mom told me what was going on. I will continue to pray she keeps up the good work on getting healthier with each day that passes. Please give her hugs and kisses from her Aunt Christy for me and I can't wait to give them to her myself in a few months when our trip to Ohio hopefully works out!

04-03-2004, 01:00 PM
Cincy seems to be getting better and better. She still only plays for a few minutes and then goes to rest for a bit, and isn't eating wuite as much as normal, she's getting there. I took her to the monthly therapy dog meeting with me last night and she did very well. Several of the people sitting near us did not bring their dogs, so she was free to roam a bit and get all the loving!

Sadie and Spot have both been so great with her. She goes to lay on the couch and they take turns checking on her, licking her face and rubbing their face against hers. It is just to cute to see! This morning Sadie was laying next to Cincy on the couch with her "arm" wrapped around her. I wanted to get a picture, but I knew as soon as I moved for the camera, they would both move. I'll have to keep it with reach!

4 Dog Mother
04-03-2004, 01:41 PM
aww, such doggy love for each other! Your dogs are the sweetest. Hope Cincy keeps feelign better and better!

04-03-2004, 01:55 PM
What a happy update:) Keep up the good work sweet Cincy. Sadie, Spot, you're the best:D

04-03-2004, 04:53 PM
I'm so glad to hear things are going so well. I love hearing that Sadie and Spot are dong their best to help. I hope you are back to 100% real soon Cincy.


04-03-2004, 05:15 PM
Awww, I'm so happy Cincy's feeling better now.:) That is so
neat that Spot and Sadie are being so sweet to Cincy.:D
She's a special little soul & I'm glad she's able to continue with
her therapy visits.:) Good girl Cincy.

04-03-2004, 09:40 PM
Oh My Dog!!!!
Amy,Ralph & Dear,Sweet Cincy!!!!!!
I just saw this thread...(Truth is,I Rarely go to the Health threads)

I am SO sorry your Cincy Girl was so ill....But I am glad to read that she is on the road to recovery....and Sadie & Spot...Thank You for being such Caring SibPups!!!

Please Give Sweet Cincy a {{{{{{{ Big,Gentle,Hug!!}}}}}}}}
And a Bland Treat when She is Ready!!!!

04-05-2004, 03:57 PM
Cincy is doing very well now. Yesterday about 2pm, she was looking for more food. She will generally eat when offered, but she doesn't usually beg in the middle fo the day (she lets Sadie do that) I think she was telling me her tummy is all better!

Today is her last day of anti-vomitting meds. I am going to keep her on the bland chicken/rice diet, at least tomorrow to be sure she does okay without it, but I think we have our baby girl back to health!!

Thanks everyone for your kind words and positive thoughts!!

4 Dog Mother
04-05-2004, 04:18 PM
Yeah, Cincy, so glad you are feeling better. Hated to have my grand daughter dog feeling so poorly! Now no more getting sick, little girl!

04-05-2004, 05:54 PM
Woo hoo! Great news! Keep up the good work, sweet Cincy girl:) Looking forward to more encouraging updates!:)

04-05-2004, 06:41 PM
Oh Yeah Cincy!!!!!!!!
Glad you are doing better...You can relax now,Right Momma Amy???
Seriously,Glad the Cincy Girl is Almost There!!!!

04-05-2004, 07:47 PM
Great news!! Keep getting better, Cincy!

04-05-2004, 08:16 PM
Wonderful news Amy!!!

I'm glad you're feeling better Cincy!!!!!

04-06-2004, 03:12 PM
YAY!! I'm so happy to hear that Cincy is feeling better. :)

04-06-2004, 03:42 PM
Great news, indeed!:D

04-09-2004, 07:52 AM
Glad to hear she's feeling much better! Wouldn't want her to miss the big day at the park next week!!!!

04-10-2004, 06:59 AM
It is a real answer to our prayers to have Cincy recovering so well. You must feel so much relief that she has recouped in this manner, yet I know this experience will not be forgotten and leaves a bit of a scar in us. Also I think it makes us appreciate every minute we have with our babies.

Hannah and Tucker send Cincy a *high five*.