View Full Version : Phobias!

03-31-2004, 08:20 PM
I am terrified of stairs that have holes underneath them. You know, where there is a space between each stair.... I can't handle it... I have a panic attack and get really freaked out.... If I absolutely have to go up or down them, I hold on to the railing as tight as I can and go as slow as possible.

I'm also afraid of wooden bridges that are up kinda high that you have to walk over.... When I bring the dogs to the park, there is this bridge that you can go over to go on the trails that are kind of in the woods and I have not went back there at all because I'm scared of the bridge.... Also, on the other side of the bridge, their are stairs with spaces between them.... Thats like the bridge from hell for me! :o

I am also scared of escalators.... Can't handle going on those either.... I don't know why, because when I was younger, I would play on them at the mall or wherever... But now I just can't go on them... :rolleyes:

Well, there are mine.... What are yours?

03-31-2004, 08:27 PM
I have a few wierd phobias that come from when I was attacked a while back....I freak out when someone turns the lights off. Especially if it's in the bathroom. Like if I'm taking a shower, and someone accidently turns the bathroom light off, I have a panic attack. Also, I don't like it if anyone pulls my hair, that makes me flip out, even if they are playing.

Now, my somewhat normal phobias...dead spiders...I hate dead spiders more so then live spiders. And I never walk under ladders.

Desert Arabian
03-31-2004, 08:33 PM
Most open heights, I can't stand it. I mean, I have to be WAYYY up there. I can handle 100 feet or so, but like 6 stories or higher, I start to get a little shakey.

Spiders. I can't stand them. I see those little ones on the wall and I freak out and have my dad kill them for me. The huge wolf spiders I have to share the bathroom with at camp are not fun either, especially when you are showering and have a huge hairy spider right next to you. Last year I pratically streaked across camp when "Fred" the resident of the bathroom paid a visit to me in the shower. Fred is huge, he is about the size of an orange, diameter wise. S-I-C-K. Bugs in general freak me out, I can't handle insects at all.

Dark basements. OMG, I HATE OUR BASEMENT! Our stairway has no door. In order to get from the family room into the kitchen and the rest of the house you have to walk past the pitch black stairwell, I am always afraid something is going to jump out at me. When I am "walking' back up the stairs, I have to run, because I think that something will come out of the basement and chace me up the stairs. HATE IT!!

03-31-2004, 08:48 PM
Spiders!:eek: :eek: :eek:

And any dark place that may house spiders, like our shed. :eek: I hate that shed!!

And ladders. I get dizzy on a ladder.

03-31-2004, 09:00 PM
People puking. :eek: Even someone telling me they have a stomach ache. I totally freak out. It's HORRIBLE, and very embarrassing. :eek: I don't use puplic transportation, go on airplanes, go to theme parks, etc, just because I'm afraid someone might get sick. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

guster girl
03-31-2004, 09:09 PM
Public speaking. Spiders. Flying, stinging, buzzing insects. Heights (although I love skydiving). Swimming in oceans/lakes, although I love scuba diving. :) Being alone outside in the dark.

Felicia's Mom
03-31-2004, 09:10 PM
I can't go down a stairway without holding on to the banister. When carrying a big load, everything is held in one hand/arm.

I can't go down an open stairway at all. Escalators, have to be narrow so I can hold on to both sides. In each of these, it is just going down. Going up doesn't bother me.

03-31-2004, 09:16 PM
The dogs have to be in the room with me if I watch a 'scary movie'. If they're not, I'll start to freak out and have to turn on the lights. :o

Flying. I hate going on planes. I've always hated it.

I'm sure I'll think of more. :p

03-31-2004, 09:24 PM
I am not good in crowds at all. I refuse to go to concerts, sporting events, or anything with a lot of people. I also get the same paniky feeling in heavy traffic. I ahve a real big problem with tunnels... especially ones like the Lincoln tunnel into New York.

My husband is absoutely terrified of bridges. Whenever we travel, he has to map out the best way to get there without a bridge. And if we need to cross a river, which bridge is the shortest? So when he has a choice, he takes tunnels... which has me white knuckled the entire way. He's gone HOURS out of his way just to avoid a certain bridge.

03-31-2004, 09:28 PM
I have the same stair fear Its kind nice to hear someone else has it too. I make hubby hold my hands and I close my eyes. the only way i can get on then same for escaltors I would rather climb 6 flights of stairs.

03-31-2004, 09:31 PM
One more, silly one...

Knees. I freak out if anyone even talks about touching my knees, let alone brushing close to them. Today, a guy was describing his knee injury to me, and it was making me sick just hearing about it. It stems from a knee injury I had a few years ago.

03-31-2004, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
People puking. :eek: Even someone telling me they have a stomach ache. I totally freak out. It's HORRIBLE, and very embarrassing. :eek: I don't use puplic transportation, go on airplanes, go to theme parks, etc, just because I'm afraid someone might get sick. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

OOOOOOOH! I know! I have a terrible fear of puking... it's the grossest thing in the world, and if my brother has a stomach ache, I get really bad butterflies and I can't be near him.

I'm just a baby... lol

04-01-2004, 01:21 AM

I guess my greatest phobia is the fear of snakes. Just seeing one makes my blood freeze out of fear. :o

Spiders/roaches/bugs...............I may have a mild phobia from them, but really, I think its more a phobia from their looks than a phobia in actually *fearing* them. I can't stand creepy crawlies near me.

Certain large breeds of dogs also frighten me, but only when they get too close. I didn't have this phobia until I got attacked by a rottie when I was 4 or 5 years old. Thankfully, this fear seems to have gotten a little better recently, but I never fully gotten over the fear. *sigh* I am trying.

I guess I can say seeing things move in the dark, or hearing things in the dark, also freaks me out. I have the habit of sleeping with the covers over my head, or while facing the wall. It just kinda makes me feel *secure*. I'm not really afraid of the dark..............I used to be, but I freak out if I hear sounds in the dark, or if I *think* I saw something move. :rolleyes:

Why am I typing this at night? Shudders while staring at moving object in the dark corner *Switches lights back on*
Oh it was just my shadow..........duh....


He he he

04-01-2004, 02:54 AM
Originally posted by ILoveMyAbbyGirl
OOOOOOOH! I know! I have a terrible fear of puking... it's the grossest thing in the world, and if my brother has a stomach ache, I get really bad butterflies and I can't be near him.

I'm just a baby... lol

Same here....I WILL NOT be somewhere where people are drinking for jsut this reason. Last time I decided to stick it out because we were a 1/2 hour drive from home....Let's just say I wound up trying to RUN home.

I'm somewhat claustrophobic. I can deal with it for certain reasons, but it's HARD.

My other one is Dalmatians.

04-01-2004, 05:53 AM
Originally posted by WolfChan
Same here....I WILL NOT be somewhere where people are drinking for jsut this reason. Last time I decided to stick it out because we were a 1/2 hour drive from home....Let's just say I wound up trying to RUN home.

Ditto on all points! That is my instant reaction, too -- running. And if I can't run for some reason, I break out in sweats and shakes, and my brain goes black. :o Methinks I need professional help. :rolleyes:

04-01-2004, 06:07 AM
Dark basements. OMG, I HATE OUR BASEMENT! Our stairway has no door. In order to get from the family room into the kitchen and the rest of the house you have to walk past the pitch black stairwell, I am always afraid something is going to jump out at me. When I am "walking' back up the stairs, I have to run, because I think that something will come out of the basement and chace me up the stairs. HATE IT!! [/B][/QUOTE]

This brings back childhood memories.
I used to have nightmares about our basement and even worse the Attic, which didn’t have any lights. My mom used to hang our laundry up to dry in the attic during winter and I had to hold a candle. Picture a flickering candle, shadows in every corner. Very creepy!
I’m afraid of heights and avoid driving over bridges at all cost. I hate glass elevators or chairlifts going up a mountain. Strangely I feel secure inside an airplane.

04-01-2004, 06:58 AM
Originally posted by WolfChan

My other one is Dalmatians.

Just curious as to why Dalmatians? Did you have a bad experience with one?

04-01-2004, 07:08 AM
I HATE spiders.. I am so afriad of them. I know they are smaller then us but they still really scare me.

I used to be afraid of escalators...because when I was at the mall I saw a little girl holding her brothers stroller... with her brother inside and she let go of the stroller... I remember hearing the little boy screaming and crying and his mother ran down to get him.. and there was an ambulance and everything... he was bleeding so much.. he only looked about 3 years old. That would have been so scary. He had to be rushed to the hospital.. probably to get stitches. And ever since that I have been afraid of escalators... Well one day I went to the mall and my cousin knew I wouldnt go on an escalator. She told me a BILLION times that she wasnt walking up stairs, or taking the elavator... so I said I would meet her at the food court (its upstairs in the mall) and when I was walking by the escalator she pushed me onto it... I was so freaked out. lol she made me spend 20 minutes practicing going up and down them. Now I have no problem with them.

04-01-2004, 08:05 AM
I thought of some more... :rolleyes:

People... and crowded spaces with lots of people. And you know how when too many people talk to you all at once? Yeah... that's a panic attack right there. People touching me? Makes me ill and want to run away screaming. Nevermind if someone tries to hug me *shudders*. Not all people... but the amount of people who can touch me, let alone hug me without me withdrawing I can count on a single hand. Though I don't know if that's a real "phobia"...

Someone on the other forum I frequent said that, and thats me, exactly, right there..

:rolleyes: Methinks I need professional help too... :p

04-01-2004, 08:28 AM
I am terrified of stairs that have holes underneath them. You know, where there is a space between each stair.... I can't handle it... I have a panic attack and get really freaked out.... If I absolutely have to go up or down them, I hold on to the railing as tight as I can and go as slow as possible.

I am exactly the same i hate those stairs and have had many nightmares where i have fallin right through those types of stairs, i also try to avoid them.

Another is stinging insects i cannot stand them, even though us humans are so much more bigger than they are.

There are more....But id rather not say ;) :) :( *mixed emotions*

04-01-2004, 09:32 AM
Spiders - big time...

I use to HATE the gab between stairs too..to be honest I don't remember if I still do. It's been a while since I've been down any like that haha.

I remember when I was away once, we were in this huge mall with a ton of floors. We were going down a looong high staircase and I serious though I was going to die :X I'm not sure if it was just the height (another of my phobias) or what..but I hated it..I went down very slowly and clinging to the rail...I must have looked like an idiot

04-01-2004, 09:48 AM
Ok well I am afraid of BUGS!!! ekkkkk cockroches and spiders are the worst!:( Living i florida we have palmeto(sp) bugs they are HUGE and ugly, I have hated them since i was a baby. my mom was trying to potty train me and one crawled in to the bathroom well she ran and left me in the bathroom crying and screaming. well i was traumatised (sp).

I am also scared of wooden stairs, bridges,heights(simetimes), spiders even daddy long legs cant stand them.

I USED to be scared of pitt bulls ----now i own 2 of them lmao

oh and clowns i hate them!!!!!!
my mom collects clowns. yukkkkk

we also have these bugs (not sure the name) that look like huge palmeto bugs but they have pincher on the fron of them and they fly around and hit walls and like knock them selves out then a few min. later they come bak to life and do it all over again. my bf thought it would be funny to pick one up and chace me with it. I had a panic attack!!!!!!

I think thats it but i will probably thing of more,

04-01-2004, 11:26 AM
I'm really afraid of being in those lifts. Because all the time I'm thinking they'll stop or fall down!:eek: :D

04-01-2004, 01:42 PM
The first thing that comes to my mind: COCKROACHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yuck!!!!!! I am sure there are other things, but that's one of the worst. :eek:

04-01-2004, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
Just curious as to why Dalmatians? Did you have a bad experience with one?

Actually, I had bad experiences with four! (Out of five that I've ever met in person) Unfortunately, I know most of them probably aren't like that, but I won't walk my dogs in the same park as a Dal, I start to get jittery and shaky. I'm afraid if the same thing happened again Wilbur would get seriously hurt, or worse.

Rio and Me
04-01-2004, 02:11 PM
The DARK I've allways been scared of it (but i have to sleep in the dark else i cant sleep), People walking behind me at anytime, Bugs,flying bugs (butterflys the lot), ANY stranger (no matter where or when), dieng a horride death (drowning being in pain etc), WAR, Diease, Dinasours.
Hieghts, like on a cliff etc ,
So practically anything that can harm me,lol
But the worst is the dark, I'm 18 and wont go out in the dark even with a torch.
I try not to drive in the dark, because i'm scared of some freak walking in the road or somting or hitting like a deer, because i know id have to get out to see if its alive or somthing ewww
I'm scared of everything,lol
Ky and Rio

04-01-2004, 04:30 PM
Mine are, hermit crabs.

Ever since I had my hermit crab, Krusty. Ive always had a HUGE fear of hermit crabs. dont know why too.

some others are speaking in front of class.

any type of insect / spiders

scary movies, and walking alone in the dark.

04-01-2004, 07:54 PM
Nothing comes to mind..I'm not a wussy, I love scary things and challenges. I LOOOOVEEE scary movies, I love being alone (especially outside in the dark), I love to do dare devil things, and oh...I love stairs. I love jumping off of them. :p

04-01-2004, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by Foam
Nothing comes to mind..I'm not a wussy, I love scary things and challenges. I LOOOOVEEE scary movies, I love being alone (especially outside in the dark), I love to do dare devil things, and oh...I love stairs. I love jumping off of them. :p

:eek: :eek: :eek: Are you serious??? You are brave! :D

10-21-2004, 04:13 PM
I know this is going to sound REALLY stupid, but I am TERRIFIED of wolves and coyotes. :rolleyes: When I was real little i was at my grandma's and I watched a movie there, one about people being attached by wolves (I know thats unrealistic, but I was little then :o ), and it scared me SO bad! I would have nightmares, and I would just lay in my bed ridgid thinking that there would be a wolf looking in my window, and that one was sneaking up on my bed, etc. I am still scared of them. :rolleyes: :o And every once in awhile I will have nightmares again about them too! :o