View Full Version : I really need some advice right now

03-31-2004, 09:04 AM
I am very UPSET with my brother right now. He called me from school about half hour ago see if I could come and get him out. Why?

Because he took my dad's truck out sometime, I don't even know when he done it. He took it up on a mountain road and it ran out of gas on him. I have no idea how in the world he got to school or anything. He hasn't told me everything.

The worst part of it all the truck Does Not even have any insurance on it or a new sticker or anything. I have no idea how he could had drove it like that! It has a old sticker on it I know. But still!

He wants me to come and get him so he can put gas in the truck, so that he can get it home before my mom and dad knows. They are going know it has been moved. He just doesn't want to get into trouble. But I know he will, and he should.

I called my husband and see what he thought I should do. But he was no help. He said he would leave work and go get it himself, but he has no clue as to where it is on the mountain. He said he would go but he does not really want to loose any hours at work.

My dad is on a plane right now as we speak heading to Texas. My mom is at work right now. I'm not sure if I should call her or not?? I don't really want my brother get into trouble but he done this to himself.:mad:

The other thing is I doubt if his school would let me get him anyways without a parents permission. Even thought that he is 18 now.

I really,really need some suggestions right now. I'm so lost on what to do?:confused:

03-31-2004, 09:21 AM
I would say the truck needs to be moved because of it not being insured, but I think your brother needs to be punished and your parents should know. I think you should call your mom at work and tell her. Then if you can, have someone take you there so you put gas in it and drive it home. Then tell your brother he needs to tell your parents what he did (he doesn't need to know that you already told them). If he chooses not to tell them on his own then take him into the kitchen set him in a chair and in front of your mom say "do you know what I had to do today... Johnny (whatever is name is), why don't you tell her." (tell your mom not to let on that she already knew). I would make him confess.

03-31-2004, 09:27 AM
I'd do it. We've all done stupid things as a teen. Unless something is particularly dangerous like he's drinking and driving or doing hard drugs or something, I think we gotta cover for each other now and then. Who buys us beer or gets us fake id's if not our older siblings.
I know I sound awful to some of you- especially those who are parents. But the thing is you aren't the parent. You're the sister. It's how it is in real life, not the Dr. Phil show..
In My Humble Opinion, it's in the Sister's Code to help him out.

03-31-2004, 09:30 AM
The only thing is that I'm sure that he has the keys to the truck with him.

So there is no way my mom and I could go get it ourselves. Ugh,I wish my dad was off on a trip right now. He could have dealt with this alot better. I know my mom she'll just yell at him and that is about it. To think of it my dad probably wouldn't do anything either.

03-31-2004, 09:33 AM
I'm really tempted to try and get him out of school, but I'm not sure if they'd let me. Maybe if I can explain to them what happened or something?

I want to help and I don't want to tell on him. But he is making this really hard on me. Since I have 2 kids of my own, but yeah I know I can just put them in their car seats and go.

And I really don't want to upset my mom when she is at work.

03-31-2004, 09:41 AM
I would get him out of school, get the truck, and then let your mom know what happened. Help him avoid even more trouble (getting the truck towed or ticketed), but don't keep what he's done from your parents. :)

03-31-2004, 09:56 AM
I did some really stupid things in high school (much worse than this, unless drugs are involved - I didn't touch those). Anyway, I finally got caught by my parents and was grounded and watched like a hawk, it was the best thing that could have happened to me because the more I got away with the worse I got.

On that note, I think your Mom should know but if you are able, try to help him out as much as you can so you will still have his trust, hopefully. If you could help him take care of the problem and then tell your parents afterwards would probably be the best.

03-31-2004, 10:33 AM
I agree get the truck home give him till after dinner to tell on himself then if not you tell about the day.

03-31-2004, 11:27 AM
Well after talking more with my husband and my mom. We decided that it would be best if we wait until this evening to get the truck. After my husband gets off work to get the truck and haul it back home.

We just don't think it is worth the chance to get pulled over and get a big fine for not having insurance, and get points taken off our licence. They can even impound the truck, so it is not worth it.

My mom wasn't to upset about it,but bad enough. I doubt if he'll even get punished or anything. My mom will probably yell for a minute then it will be fine. She lets him get away with to much IMO. Heck she lets him stay the night with his girlfriend sometimes. My dad allows it also. So I know he is not going get into much trouble. But if I had done something like that, then well that is a different story. I would have never got by with doing some of the things he does.:mad:

Well just thought I would update, and let you all know what is going on.

03-31-2004, 01:08 PM
Your mom is a nicer person than I am! The way my husband and I see it is that he STOLE the truck. We've had this discussion in our house because we have one teen that is impulsive and has tried to slip out when we were sleeping. We have already agreed that if she took our car to go out and have fun, then the cops would be called. Sometimes getting into serious trouble is all you need to wake someone up.

Funny story: one time my youngest daughter and my son were outside raking the lawn. One was to rake, the other was supposed to bag. Apparently my son wasn't working & making my daughter do everything. She shoved him, he put her in a headlock. Just as they were wrestling on the front lawn, a cop rolled by and threatend to cite them for domestic assult with weapons (one had a saw they were using to cut down branches to fit into the trash bag, the other had a hard rake.;) ) I talked the cop out of the charges and the kids were basically ready to pee their pants. They used to fight terribly, but never again after that incident.:D

Good luck with your brother and ask him to never ever put you in an uncomfortable position again.

03-31-2004, 02:00 PM
Look at it this way...

He didn't call you and say that the truck was at the bottom of the ravine.

Yep, it was a stupid move...but you HAVE to look at the bright side, no accident, ticket or towing.

In CA you only get points on your record for moving violations. Car registrations do not count against your license.

Good luck and don't answer the phone next time-that is what caller ID is for.;)

03-31-2004, 02:24 PM
Well I think my mom has calmed down alot since I was living at home. Use to be if either one of us done something wrong didn't matter how big or small, she would blow a fuse lol. I think she has changed alot since that I moved out of the house. I have noticed that my brother gets away with lots of things that I would have never gotten away with.

He did wreck his truck last summer, he only had his license for about 2 months. He was out where he was not suppose to be. He was fighting a bee and ended up wrecking into a ditch. Did he get into trouble for it? Yeah for like maybe 2 weeks. 1- Because he lied about where he was going to be. 2- For having a young kid in the truck with him. I don't think that he stayed in trouble for the whole 2 weeks though. He was out with his girlfriend the next weekend.

No there was no damage done that we know of. But still he done a very dumb thing. But hey I probably would have done something just as dumb.

Well I know that I have done some really bad things growing up, probably alot worse things then my brother. And I don't like to see him getting into trouble for doing some dumb stuff.

We don't have caller ID, guess we need to get it:p

03-31-2004, 02:30 PM
Funny story: one time my youngest daughter and my son were outside raking the lawn. One was to rake, the other was supposed to bag. Apparently my son wasn't working & making my daughter do everything. She shoved him, he put her in a headlock. Just as they were wrestling on the front lawn, a cop rolled by and threatend to cite them for domestic assult with weapons (one had a saw they were using to cut down branches to fit into the trash bag, the other had a hard rake. ) I talked the cop out of the charges and the kids were basically ready to pee their pants. They used to fight terribly, but never again after that incident.

Well that would had more then likely scared me also.:eek:

My brother and me use to fight alot also. One time he cut up his hand trying to break through a window, because I locked him out of the house. We also use to knock the crap out each other.:p We were pretty bad.

But I do still love him and we were pretty close, and good friends whenever we were not fighting.

03-31-2004, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Tina
My brother and me use to fight alot also. One time he cut up his hand trying to break through a window, because I locked him out of the house. We also use to knock the crap out each other.:p We were pretty bad.

But I do still love him and we were pretty close, and good friends whenever we were not fighting.

You're right - out of the three, those two are the closest. They really rely on each other. But man, would they ever get into fights. Punching, kicking, biting... you name it. I remember time I had just finished painting the kitchen; they were fighting over who would make Kraft Mac-n-cheese. The fight quickly spiraled out of control and it ended up turning into a food fight. My freshly painted walls still bear the stains from the fight (cherry pie did not come off, and even though I've painted over it, the red food coloring in the cherries bled through! :D ) I was saying to my husband the other night that its time to paint again (this fight was about 2 years ago.)

I'm glad that everything's going to be ok... still, I would definately screen my calls with caller ID from now on;) ;)