View Full Version : Well i found out who that guy was..

Rio and Me
03-30-2004, 04:00 PM
After lots of questions to my friends and my old work I found out that that man Rio attacted was the guy who owned her before i rescued her.
This was an guy who does life 10mins down the road and brought rio as a puppy tied her up outside 24/7 (i know this as she came in to the shelter with a thick chain tie on her neck, cover in mange etc), she knew but i didnt.
He contacted my old work (under new ownership) and said they had rehomed his dog illegally (i had Rio on her first day into the shelter yet willing to give her up if claimed before her 7th day)she was not claimed in that 7th day so she was legally mine.
he wants his dog back after 2yrs, after i have loved/nursed/cared for her back to health got many prizes in shows ( fun shows/working show)(my uncles trained her as a gundog for fun).
he told my work (old work that i left ages ago) that he wants her back and is willing to go to court ova this, this is Rio my dog, my best friend, my protector, the one who is there to great me as soon as i walk in the door.
I tell you i will go to court and will fight for Rio sake more than mine.
He will NOT get Rio back and I will so make sure of this.
Rio knew he was bad news more than i ever could have and made sure her came no-where near me that day.
KY and Rio
PS please prayer for Rio and Me on our day of court.
PPSm dogs are not allowed in court rooms yet i have bin allowed rio in this room as she is part os the fight

03-30-2004, 04:56 PM
Good luck, I'm sure everything will work out in your favor. Since dogs are considered property, she is legally your property. You adopted her and since you said he never claimed her within the 7 days you should be fine. Seeing as how he didn't take good care of her to begin with maybe he's just all talk. Hopefully he'll just back off before it's actually time to go to court.

03-30-2004, 05:01 PM
No wonder she attacked him - he was her abuser. I woulda attacked, too. Good Rio! Good luck, and if there is anything we can all do about this, let us know.

03-30-2004, 05:42 PM
I hope that you have good luck in keeping her. That horrible man has no right to claim her. Did you take any pics of her when she came into she shelter? If so, bring them to court. That will be a good testimony of how Rio was mistreated.

03-30-2004, 06:05 PM
OMG this is such a horrible situation, what a complete moron, why on earth would he want Rio back, he never looked after Rio in the first place, maybe its a power control issue or money, I cannot believe the cheek of some people.

I wish you all the best in court and have no doubts you will win, there is no way in hell that moron will get her back, GOOD LUCK and fingers and paws crossed here for ya, TAKE CARE AND HUGS to you and RIO.

03-30-2004, 06:06 PM
After 2 years he wants his dog back that he abused!!!
Thankgoodness you adopted her legally.

Sending lots of good thoughts, and I hope this guy
has to pay for your court fees too.

03-30-2004, 06:12 PM
Oh man, if it isn't one thing, its another! What kind of beast is this man? My god, does he not see that Rio don't even like him. Maybe he thinks you will back down and just give Rio back. Like Karen said, we are here, there or whatever for you!!

Wow I just can't get over Rio's reaction to him in the first place, she knew, she knew! I am so amazed. What a good girl she is!

My prayers are with you and Rio, that guy don't know it but Rio has a lot of owners, we at pet talk love Rio!

Good Luck and all the best for you and Rio, you keep us posted on this.


03-30-2004, 08:13 PM
Sending good luck and prayer you and Rios way, you are a great person to have him. I wish you the best.

Rio and Me
03-31-2004, 02:50 AM
Thansk for the support, it takes quiet awhile for court dates so in that time Rio is to stay with me.
I can get hold of 1 photo of the day she was brought in (they took one of every dog that came in as a stray).
I think he wants he back because of her potentionals as a gundog/agility/gaurd dog, she isnt trained profesionally but partially trained the way my uncles have done.
Eventhough i had her on her first day (this was because she was a puppy) i didnt sign any adoption papers till the 7th day, this means she is leglly mine.
I am going to go to his place and try and settle this out of court (i cant afford it).
Keep you updated
Remember that poem i did (where the people came and wanted her back), they were the people that found her waundering, but didnt want to pay the adoption fee so tryed to claim her as there own.
Ky and Rio

03-31-2004, 07:12 AM
Any judge worth a grain of salt will take one look at the 'before' picture and then look at her now and toss it out of court! Not only that, but if the judge thinks for two seconds that it has been two YEARS since you've had her, he would have to tell the jerk to take a hike.

Please keep us updated!

03-31-2004, 01:25 PM
Wow, Rio had good reason to attack that guy! Don't worry, I'm sure you'll have no trouble keeping her.

03-31-2004, 03:36 PM
From what I understand Rio attacked a person who turned out to be the original owner 2 years ago. The original owner now wants the dog back 2 years AFTER the adoption was finalized. The original owner is taking you to court or just claiming to do so??? Don't put the eggs Before the basket.
First this is to be handled 2 ways. First, the dog attack would be handled in the criminal court system. This is where proof of the dog is gentle and had no prior attack record. Evidence of previous abuse would need to be brought. Pictures or training records would be good. Signed Adoption papers may be needed to show ownership. Also any awards or newpaper articles on the dog should be brought as evidence.
The person attacked was it on your property? or in public? This determines if he was an "invitee" to your property. This then would be covered under your homeowner's policy for the dog bite and hospital cost. If it was in public then there are other factors involved such as adequate control measures etc...
The Second part is Civil. This is Small claims court. This is damages under $3000 depending on which state you live in. This is when determination of ownership should be resolved. You have the proof. Unless he has the parent dog I don't see where he has claim to this animal.
Please DO NOT try to do this OUT OF COURT!!! You could get hurt more than you should. Educate yourself to protect yourself. Good Luck and God Bless Rio!!!

My Peanuts
03-31-2004, 03:51 PM
I have often wondered what would happen if I was walking Harley or took him somwhere where his orginal family was. He was a stray and not given up. I'm pretty sure that he is my dog no matter what. Same with Rio. As far as this guy is concerned you were fostering Rio for the 7 days until the adoption was final. Rio is your dog. Plus, I would really play up the angle that Rio appeared to be abused/neglected when you got her. Why the heck would he want Rio if she doesn't like him and he neglected her!?! Doesn't make any sense. My prayers are with you and Rio. Good luck.

Rio and Me
04-01-2004, 01:53 PM
This man is stupid, as i live in a small area most people know each other (i live outside the village so dont know many) when a couple brund rio in they left there address in case they were chossen to adopt her, so i went to them a found out where he lived (insidently they are neighbors.. what does that say huh?) he has 1 dobie as a gaurd dog (i saw it tied up outside) and a Shiba inside (i saw it through the window), i showed him the "evidence" i had against him like a photo, adoption certificate etc and he scratched his neck and said "I didnt want the dumb thing anyway" so i'm guessing thats it????
I'm glad he backed down (i really couldnt afford that court bill), i didnt go down there along, i took my police friend (out of uniform) just in case if tried anything, so all's well that ends well :) :)
Ky and Rio

04-01-2004, 02:06 PM
Ky, that is good news! I'm glad you took somebody with you when you confronted him. You are one spunky little girl! I think you handled that really well! You go girl!!!


04-01-2004, 02:48 PM
WONDERFUL news to read, congratulations, what a jerk he was, I do feel sorry for those other two dogs he owns though!!!poor pups.

04-01-2004, 03:44 PM
Wonderful news!! Congratulations!

The weekend after I adopted Kia, my parents and I took her to a local park. One woman stopped us and asked, "Is that Kia?" It shocked me and my parents. I said yes and the woman introduced herself as a worker at the shelter where I got Kia from. The woman was so happy that Kia was adopted. :)

My parents thought it was the original owner wanting Kia back. The thought crossed my mind too.

04-01-2004, 08:48 PM
Glad that is resolved. Hope that man stays away forever.

04-01-2004, 09:36 PM
I love a story with a happy ending. :)

04-02-2004, 03:32 AM
Goodness, I'm so relieved!! *Hugs*

Rio and Me
04-02-2004, 10:54 AM
Apparently he is a real loner, doesnt go out at all etc, the dobie from what i saw was quiet youngish, not guard dog material thin yet no sign of mange/harsh abuse (ick did i just defend that freak) and the shiba i didnt really see much but he looked thin too, i never seen him before but he abvioulsy seen me around.
Eyes a open for people like him
Ky and Rio
PS thanks for the suport

04-02-2004, 11:23 AM
That's good news Ky. I have a feeling that guy was just being mean and hurtful, and didn't really ever want Rio back anyway.

I feel sorry for his dogs, but glad to hear at least they didn't look too neglected. You're not defending him, just stating the honest facts. Nothing wrong with that :)

04-02-2004, 12:05 PM
Thats great news!!
I hope the humane society & police keep an eye on him to make sure he trets his dobie & shiba well.

04-02-2004, 08:34 PM
I'm so glad that he's backing down. I guess he knows that instigating a court battle was going to be a waste of time.

give Rio an extra hug for me!