View Full Version : Happy Gotcha Day Tasha

03-29-2004, 08:03 AM
Dear Tasha,

On March 29, 1999, something incredibly special happened to me. You came into my life. Let me tell you a bit about what prompted me to go to the shelter that day, and "just look around." I had just lost my beloved boy, Cody, my first dog. Willie was 10 years old. The day I lost Cody, not only was I in shock from his loss and absence, but the realization hit me like a ton of bricks, that I would be going through it again with my dear Willie. In my mind, my thoughts were never replacing Cody, or finding someone to replace Willie. I thought that day to myself, "I must at least start looking, and thinking about a new pup to begin a new bond with. What more could help ease the inevitable pains of life, and loss thereof?"

And so, Tasha, I stopped rather impulsively just to look that day, and I did so. I looked at them all, and of course, I wished I could take them all. But I knew that none really connected with me. I figured, it was too soon after Cody's passing, and it would take time before I could connect with one again. As I was heading out of the kennel to go back home, I noticed a door with a sign "play area" on it. I peeked out the window... and I saw two of the cutest pups imaginable with a shelter volunteer outside. Unable to resist, I went out to meet you and your sister. At first, I was drawn to your sister. She was a bit more bouncy and playful, grabbing my attention first. But then, after she got distracted by some toys, I noticed one pup stayed at my side, raining kisses on me, and I really looked into your eyes then. This is what I saw:


Could I hear the click? No, but I certainly felt it. I knew I could not leave you there then. I knew, just knew, you would be coming home with me, and that I would never, ever let you go. I picked you up, and held you. I took note of the number on your collar, to tell them I was taking you home. It was like a dream, all of it. You laid so still and trusting in my arms, just looking at me, and giving me those puppy kisses when I looked down at you. You never struggled for me to let you down, you were totally content in my arms. I filled out the papers, and then you came home with me, laying in my lap all the way home, as I watched you wonderingly at every stoplight.

As I pulled into the driveway, you suddenly lost your dinner all over me. I didn't care. I cooed and praised you. I know the car ride was traumatic for you, but once home, oh how happy you were. Can anyone doubt it?




Poor old Willie, was not sure what to make of you. He was such a gentle soul, I had to step in when you began gnawing and tugging on his tail, he wasn't sure what to do. But being the sweet and gentle-hearted boy he was, he accepted you.



You were a happy, playful, and funny girl. Bringing so many laughs and smiles.



And you took on every challenge with gusto and confidence.


Continued in next post..

03-29-2004, 08:04 AM
You seemed to know, no one could resist you. As you grew, you simply became ever more irresistible.


Today, my girl, no matter what you are doing, whether it be sleeping,






or just giving me that look, that you give to no one else,


know that you bring immeasurable joy and love into my life, and I thank God every day, for bringing you to my heart and my home.



03-29-2004, 08:33 AM
Awww great story!! And adorable pictures.

You are very lucky to have Tasha, and she is very lucky to have you ;)

Happy Gotcha Day Tasha!!!

03-29-2004, 08:40 AM
Tasha, your dedication brought me to tears. And I'm at work :) I know that your mom is so happy to have you in her life. All your pics are so special and you sure were cute when you were a puppy. You have grown into quite a beautiful dog. You have become a special dog here, too. If you were closer to me, I'd let Duke have a girlfriend because you would surely come up missing at your house. I hope you get even more loving than you usually do today on your very special gotcha day. Love Val and Duke

03-29-2004, 12:48 PM
Thanks Val and Robyn.

Kind of a bummer to see this nearly on page 2 already.

She means the world to me, glad you enjoyed her story.

03-29-2004, 12:51 PM
That was so sweet Jessica. :) Happy Gotcha day Tasha! :D I'm so happy you came into her life!

03-29-2004, 01:04 PM
Ohhhh! That made me cry. :)

Happy Gotcha Day Tasha!!! :D (Kia wants to run in the snow with you)

03-29-2004, 01:05 PM
Jessica, I can't imagine a more perfect match than you and your beautiful Tasha girl. Oh, the pictures!:)I'm sure that visit to the shelter was very difficult for you. But just when you felt most discouraged, there she was, that precious little face kissing, furry bundle of love:D What a blessing she was to you during those very sad days when you thought your heart would never mend. I'm sure Cody was looking down from the Rainbow Bridge that day, so happy to see his mom smiling through the tears. And dear, beautiful Willie. What a sweet and patient boy you were, welcoming into your home this little scamp:) Your touching tribute to your cherished Tasha brought tears to my eyes Jess. You and Tasha are truly a match made in heaven and so blessed to have one another. This is indeed a day to celebrate and give thanks for the unconditional love, the great joy Tasha brings to your life and now, to ours as well! Congratulations to dear, sweet Tasha, a much loved member of the Pet family:) Hugs, kisses and happy tail wags to you on your very special day from Sandra, Cody and Star!:)

03-29-2004, 01:06 PM
happy gotcha day tasha :D.. we all love you here at pet talk. :D

03-29-2004, 01:14 PM
Aww thank you all :)

Sandra, just your reply made me all teary-eyed again, thinking about Cody looking down from RB, and how sweet and gentle and trusting Willie was with the whole situation. You described so well how I felt, and how Tasha made me feel :)

03-29-2004, 04:04 PM
I can't read this without tearing up. What a nice story :-)

03-29-2004, 05:32 PM
What a great tribute k9soul! I just love those pics of tasha with Willie. Bet he was a great mentor for her. And I've no doubt Cody had a lil' hand in helping you find her too.


03-29-2004, 06:01 PM
That's so sweet, Happy Gotcha Day Tasha! :) :)

03-29-2004, 06:36 PM
That was so beautiful Jessica. You are certainly blessed to have Tasha in your life, and Tasha too, is blessed to have a mommy like you. May you and Tasha both have many many years of companionship, good health, and happiness together ahead of you.

03-29-2004, 07:42 PM
Jessica, that is so beautiful. I grew teary eyed reading your tribute, and that's because the feeling is so familar, and REAL.

Tasha, you are such a beautiful pupper, and bring such joy to your family. Happy gotcha day to you and your special hooman, Jessica!!


Aspen and Misty
03-29-2004, 07:43 PM

Ash :D

Holly's mom
03-29-2004, 08:31 PM
Such a wonderful and sweet tribute!! I am so glad you and Tasha found each other, it was just meant to be! Happy gotcha day, Tasha!!:D

03-29-2004, 09:11 PM
This has to be one of the sweetest things I have ever read. Gosh I wish Tasha could read so that she could see just how much her mommy loves her. But then again, I know she knows! ;) Don't you wish every shelter dog could find that special person to "connect" with and live happily ever after just like Tasha. Thank you for a most heartwarming tribute to your special girl. :)

03-29-2004, 09:32 PM
Awww, Jessica, that was so sweet and touching. What a lovely tribute for a lovely girl. I loved being able to see her puppy pics what a super cutie. Now she has grown into such a beautiful lady. Her facial expressions make your heart melt. My favorite is when she is running. She always looks so full of joy then. I'm so glad that you two found each other and bonded right away. It sounds like it was meant to be.

Happy Gotcha Day, Tasha!!!

Hugs and Tailwags....Robin and Katie :)

03-30-2004, 01:35 AM
I haven't time to read the posts rigth now, and the pictures aren't showing, so I'll come and look again tomorrow.

I just wanted to say Happy Gotcha Day to you sweet Tasha, one of my most favorite girls here on PT! :D

03-30-2004, 08:15 AM
Thank you so much all for the heartfelt words. It really touches me so much to see them.

My domain has been acting up the past few days.. sometimes I can't get my site to load and sometimes it loads fine, or sometimes just seems delayed. Hopefully it will get straightened out :o.

03-30-2004, 08:23 AM
So sorry I'm late, Jess. I wasn't really online yesterday, so I just saw this now. :o

Happy Gotcha Day, Tasha! :D That was a beautiful tribute.

Me thinks this calls for more pictures! ;)

03-30-2004, 12:46 PM
Another beautiful tribute for another fabulous dog!!!

Sorry I'm late, but Happy Gotcha Day to you Tasha!!!

03-30-2004, 01:53 PM
Tasha, you are "God sent", for sure!! You story is beautiful and i know you mother means every single word of it. After reading Tommy's story and yours, I am teary eyed, but I went and hugged and kissed every single one of my own. :)

03-30-2004, 02:43 PM
What a wonderful dedication to your sweet girl. :)

Happy Gotcha Day Beautiful Tasha! :D