View Full Version : My aunts siberian.....

03-28-2004, 02:59 PM
My aunt has a siberian named Desiree(sp?). Anyway my aunt has been divorced for as long as I can remember, and she had met a guy she liked, when he went over there one day Desiree growled at the guy and acted very strange and terrible towards him, and she's never acted that way before.

Anyway she dated him for a few months, Desiree still didn't like him and would growl and snarl everytime he was near.

To make the story shorter, the guy ended up hitting :eek: my aunt, not sure why or what happened, and they also found out that he's been charged with domestic violence alot :eek:
My aunt is not with him anymore....

Did Desiree know this?

It reminds me of the quote "If your dog doesn't like someone, you probably shouldn't either"

**Also sorry if you guys were expecting pictures when you seen the thread title :p maybe in May**

03-28-2004, 03:26 PM
Possible. Dogs, can sense things when things are bad.

03-28-2004, 03:38 PM
Yep. My uncle does bad things, and.. He's a great person, but bad things.. Anyway, Cami won't go near him, and also growls. So yes, dogs do suspect things. My mom had something wrong with her, an infection or something, and cami would always push her nose into my mom and it turned out she did have that infection, and cami just helped out a little..

03-28-2004, 03:53 PM
They know > Many of you know that my Merlin is my alert dog he was not trained for it it just happened one day when my blood sugars were way to high . He kept making me sit down , When I finally decided I needed to test my self it dawned on me what he was doing so I watched my sugars and his behavior and but 2and2 together. Smart animals those pets of ours.

03-28-2004, 04:06 PM
I believe it! Roxy is a sweet gentle dog. But there are a handful of people that she growls at and I don't reprimand her for it. She has good choice, I can't stand any of the people she dislikes either. lol.

For instance, we never had a problem with our pest control guys coming and spraying. Then we got a new guy. He left me notes twice saying that Roxy tried to attack him and that I need to be home next time he came out. So last week, I was home when the guy showed up. You can just tell that he was a trashy druggy. Roxy knew!

03-28-2004, 04:10 PM
I never scold Duke for barking at people. They don't need to get so familiar with them that they let their guard down. Our spray guy is terrified of Duke :D Glad your aunt got away from that hateful man before it was too late. I know how she feels.

03-28-2004, 08:19 PM
i wouldn't be surprised if she knew. Dogs have a sixth sense for things

03-28-2004, 10:07 PM
I'm sure she knew.

Abbey barks at everything, that's just her nature, but I really pay attention if Jada barks at someone or something. She's not much of a barker, so when she does it usually means something is wrong.

03-28-2004, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I never scold Duke for barking at people. They don't need to get so familiar with them that they let their guard down. Our spray guy is terrified of Duke :D Glad your aunt got away from that hateful man before it was too late. I know how she feels.

I don't either. Later when I told Mike about how Roxy wanted to eat the pest control guy, he asked me if I scolded her. I said "No, I called the business and requested a new guy." I trust her judgement more then my own. She has a special characteristic to her, I can't really explain it, but she picks up on things. Sarah on the other hand, if I banished every person that she ever barked at, I'd be all alone. lol.

03-29-2004, 12:25 AM
I agree, dogs are very good character judges.

My aunt didn't think anything of it though, just thought that dogs liked some people and didn't like others, from now on she tends to stay away from the people Desiree doesn't like ;)

03-29-2004, 11:06 AM
I believe they know and sense all sorts of things we miss. Dogs still trust their intutition, whereas most people have been taught to ignore theirs.

Preacher is my most protective dog. When I am home alone, if someone comes to the house, he follows me everywhere I go--even if the person is doing something in the yard, like checking the electicity meter. Preacher has bitten twice (not major attacks, just nailed their hands.) . Both times he bit "friends" of my husband who I think are both scummy. He's a good judge of character. He didn't get punished either time!

03-29-2004, 11:13 AM
"If your dog doesn't like someone, you probably shouldn't either"

Well, my Honey is an exception to that rule. She is just leary of all new people, male or female, but I tend to agree, in general, with this theory. I've heard the same thing about cats too!!!

03-29-2004, 01:08 PM
I think dogs have a sixth sense for that sort of thing.

Kia has only gone 'ballistic' once. At my old apartment, my sliding door faced out to the parking lot and the walkway into the building. Some guy was coming up the walk and Kia was barking, snarling, and growling. The guy turned around and walked off. (I didn't recognize him as a tenant)

Kia's never done that since.

03-29-2004, 01:46 PM
My RB collies, Cody and Willie, were very people-friendly dogs. I even took them into nursing homes as part of a pet therapy program before, but both of them had one incident where they 'went ballistic.'

Cody's incident was when he was really still pretty young, around a year or so old. I was fishing off my grandma's boat dock on the lake, in a private cove area, when a man came cruising in on a boat. He slowly edged the boat up to the dock, and was staring at me the whole time. Cody went crazy suddenly, snarling and barking for all he was worth, and I could not calm him down, nor did I really want to. The man suddenly gunned the motor to his boat and sped off. That was the only time in Cody's 12 years that he ever showed aggression.

Willie's was when he was around 5 I believe. I used to take the dogs out for nighttime walks in the summer, because it was so hot during the day in southern Missouri. Well one night a man was coming from the other way, and Willie went berserk, lunging and snarling and barking at the top of his lungs. The guy hastily walked by, keeping to the other side of the road. Willie never again showed aggression either.

Tasha barks/growls at all new people who come around the house, especially men. She did one time take a lunge at someone walking by me on a walk, totally shocked me and seemed to come from no where. Several people had walked by her and she had even let some kids pet her without batting an eyebrow. I was walking her down the sidewalk and a lady with a stroller came from the other way. I held Tasha close, was afraid the stroller might freak her out, but she totally ignored it. But then another lady came walking up, she was alone, and Tasha suddenly snapped and lunged at her. She's never done that before or since... I really was shocked, and still have no idea what was wrong. I have always kept a closer eye on her around men, because she is much more distrustful of them, but she's always been really good with women, often coming right up to greet them when she sees them.

Tommy loves people though is very shy with new people. He wants to come see them but will stand just out of reach wagging like crazy for awhile. One night my husband came home late after being out with his brothers doing something. He was dropped off by one of them, so he didn't drive and the garage door didn't open, he just came in the door. Tommy freaked and did a pretty impressive growling/barking episode until he realized it was just Daddy. David praised him for 'protecting Mommy' hehe.