View Full Version : Just got back from our 2nd clicker training class...*advice needed also*

03-27-2004, 02:14 PM
Okay well we just got home from Jasper's second CT Class.

This time they took the tables away(last time a Jasper and another dog were blocked in by tables to help them concentrate better).

BUT Jasper is still finding it very hard to pay attention to one thing for more then 5 seconds, boxers have a VERY short attention span, especially that young.

But he did his "watch me" but I had to use a food lore, he also did sit and down, and paw and high five.

I was very frustrated because he didnt even want the treats, which are the only treats hes allowed to have, and he wouldnt look at me at all. I would put the treat by his nose and try to lore him to look at me and to turn around, but it just wouldnt work :(

Tonji(trainer) said he was 500% better than last week, but I didn't see it.

This week we have to work on paying attention to his name more, "watch me" and loose lead walking, which is going to be hardest ;)

Does anyone have any advice on how I can stay positive and not get tired of trying in classes? I feel like im not enjoying them and its something I should be enjoying and something I thought I would love.

Hope it gets better each week--Wish us luck!


03-27-2004, 02:25 PM
Practice, practice, practice! When you're at home, train for a few minutes, then let him play for a few minutes, then train for a few more minutes. Make a game out of it and set him up for success. After he's got it down really well, try training outside or at Petsmart where there are lots of distractions. Then he'll be better prepared to pay attention.

It generally helps to start with a lower value treat and raise the value until you find something he'll work for. But you said he was only allowed that one kind of treat. Does he have stomach issues or allergies or something similar?

If he has a favorite toy, you can try using that to get his attention. When he gives you his full attention, let him have the toy for a few minutes as a reward.

03-27-2004, 02:32 PM
Dear DogLover9501,

I went thru a little bit similar situation with my rescued American Eskimo. She and I repeated beginning obedience about 4 times last year because, although she learned all the commands, she just couldn't deal with the other dogs!

We also were behind a barracade forever - for at least 3 of those entire classes!! The trainer we worked with believed in setting the dogs up to succeed, and we worked on the dog's timetable; not ours. I could see how, very gradually, she was able to pay more attention to me and less on freaking out at the other dogs.

I also felt rather frustrated, because all the other dogs seemed to be doing so much better than my Sascha was - but we had to deal with her specific fear and aggression issues.

If you think Jasper would do better with the table barracade - talk with the trainer about it - maybe set it up for the first 1/2 of the hour, then removing it after he gets used to the environment?? Or use it for as long as he needs it - you're the paying customer of this class, right?? Also, do what your dog needs - if it's a walk around the room to work off some energy or even go outside and then come back - do what it takes for Jasper!!

Our trainer also talked about high value treats - sometimes you need to be offering them STEAK or something that they can't help but do what you want to get it. Than you can gradually back down to something else. We used cheddar CHEESE a lot, because Sascha loves it! (tiny pieces work great!) And I didn't feed her dinner before class so she'd be that much more motivated!

Also, the class should be fun - for both of you! Get silly to get Jasper's attention if you need to - "watch me" can start out being goofy; an invitation to play, etc. - then gradually, after weeks or months, make it more of a basic command. If he's a youngster, then even more so!!

After about 6 to 8 months of working with Sascha, she's now able (yeah!) to attend more advanced classes with lots of other dogs! And her problem behavior is onlyabout 10% of what it used to be.

Helpful??? Good luck!

03-27-2004, 03:26 PM
Thanks everyone!

Yes Jasper has alergies right now he is only allowed lamb and rice food and lamb and rice treats, I used cut up lamb and rice pupperoni treats, and he didn't like them much, I actually had to shove them in his mouth when he did something right :o

I will practice tons of times every day, for 3-5 mins at a time, so he doesnt get bored with it, the attention thing is going to take the most work, but I know we can do it, hes very bright!

I know I didn't practice last week as much as I should, only about 2 days the entire week I practiced with him, only because I knew how hard getting him to pay attention would be, but it will get easier and I have to keep practicing.

The trainer also told me to set him up to succeed, she told me to maybe go into the bathroom with him, put down the top on the toilet and sit on it and when hes done searching around, theres nothing at all to do and be distracted by in a bathroom and that he would eventually start looking at me and to click and treat each time he does, and then work our way out of the bathroom!

He got "touch" and "spin" in 2-3 days, but these are the tougher ones ;)

Thanks all, and I will keep you updated!