View Full Version : No bark systems?

03-26-2004, 12:27 PM
I have a min poodle, Candi, right now. For a temporary thing my roommate has to bring her doggy to live with us, its a small Min Pin, Luna. Candi doesn't really bark but Luna has seperation anxiety and tends to be yappy.

We live in an apartment and will be complained about if Luna barks too much so we were thinking about getting this http://www.petsafe.net/bark_control/ultrasonic.htm

it emits a sound that is supossed to keep them from barking.

does anyone have any experience with these and if they work or are harmful or mean to the animals??


03-26-2004, 10:45 PM
In my experience ... they are certainly not mean or harmful.

Nor do they work.

My dogs were startled into silence the first couple days ... and then they got used to it and ignored it.