View Full Version : Dogs running wild in the cemetary PLEASE HELP!!

03-26-2004, 11:08 AM
PLEASE HELP!! Does anyone know of anything that is non-toxic that will keep dogs away from an area and wont kill the grass? There are 2 big dogs that live next door to the cemetary where my son is buried. It's out in the country so I guess their owner thinks it's okay to let them run free. We have been having problems with the dogs coming over and taking things off of his stone and pooping around it and on decorations I put out there. :mad: We have asked the owners to please keep them out of there, they said they will but they dont. The caretaker of the cemetary has talked to them too, several times. I'm not the only one having problems with them, several other people have complained too. I dont blame the dogs at all. I just have to do something to keep them away from my son's grave. Any advice would really be appreciated. This has been going on for over a year.

Thanks, Jessica

03-26-2004, 12:11 PM
Any animal enforcement in your area? If so you might want to contact them.

Good luck, I hope you find a way to fix this.

03-26-2004, 12:13 PM
Why not fence the cemetary? That is the most obvious solution to me ...

03-26-2004, 12:33 PM
There are dog repellents, but you would have to spray every day, or just about. :(

03-26-2004, 06:39 PM
We've had animal control out. They removed the dogs for being off a leash but the owner paid a fine and got them back. I might look for the repellant. I would go out and spray every day if it would keep them away. Thanks, Jessica